Everything posted by Alfadog
15x13J wheels... anyone recognise?
Wow that is crazy... very weird looking. I see you've been having some fun on Yahoo Japan Eric
NEW GTR debut at the Tokyo Motor Show
Agree with Chris! And the Infiniti thing is no more than a rumour. No official word from Japan yet. Still waiting for that specs page......
NEW GTR debut at the Tokyo Motor Show
I was watching that site too for the last few days... waiting... You know, I like it. I don't quite understand the kink in the C pillar (looks like a Renault touch) and I don't think it is aggressive enough, but like you said I bet it looks different in person. Unfortunately there was no specs page. Though most people say it will have a bored out, turboed VG35, it's not certain and I want to know what kind of power it will make. Or if in fact they put a V8 in it, what sort of unit that is. I am also curious as to why there is no "GTR" badge on the rear. What's with all the car manufacturers having HUGE badges these days anyway.
My New 240K Parts Car
Thanks Ben and Miles for the positive comments Will definitely post the progress as it happens :rambo: Sorry Peter! I thought you meant splash pan - now I know and yes of course, the front is pretty good but I don't know how rusty the rear one is. Glad you're having a good (?) "experience" over in the States. Europe will be fantastic too, though mostly pretty cold this time of year !
New Radiator
You know what they say - nothing beats a clam experience!
New Radiator
Hey Tom, looks like your price IS good. I looked at the receipt last night and it was 300, not 200. Now I remember, the cheapest price I got when ringing around was 270, the most expensive 400 and something. I went to this mob because a) it was close and the guy was helpful, told me everything I wanted to know. Anyway, yeah if you don't have much time to fiddle around get them to do it - in retrospect I should have done that as it took me hours of lying underneath the car with coolant dripping on my face for what they could have done in 20 minutes. And then I had to get rid of the old coolant - can't just pour that crap down your drain.
My New 240K Parts Car
Panels? Yes, I think the front left fender is reasonably straight and without rust. The roof is also good. Like I said previously, the bonnet MIGHT be good too. Just need a lot of sandpaper. Hey Zman, I know it is sad, but these cars simply aren't worth enough for this to be used for anything but parts. Like Mr.Camo said, if this was a Z, it would be a restoration project. Hi Peter! I will make sure to reserve those things for you if it gets parted out - but it doesn't have a stone tray. What is a beaver tray? The glass is good actually, just the seals on the rears that are dodgy. I certainly hope to have done the conversion by January but thankyou for your gracious offer nonetheless!! You never know, I had planned on having it converted by the beginning of this year. Are you in America now? Hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for the tip Bruce, I think it's just the disconnected pipe on the headers that's making a stink, and the car is probably running very rich. Will have a look at the tank too though. Hey Mikey, yep I wouldn't dare give anyone the glass before you! I did get your email, I will reply soon!
New Radiator
Hi Tom, I took the radiator out myself and just dropped it in for them. I bought all the other stuff afterwards (Supercheap had the right hoses) and fitted it back in myself. It takes a little bit of time to get out (or a lot, if you find things don't go smoothly like I did) but it's worth it IMO - the fewer bozos who go messing with your car the better.
New Radiator
Hi Tom. I went with the most basic option in the end - just to have it recored. It cost $200 IIRC, I'll check the receipt later. I really wanted to upgrade as the car often rises above normal operating temperature waiting in traffic in the summers we have over here... but I think it was another hundred for an extra row. Didn't end up looking at aluminium radiators as I was scared of the cost. Bought all new hoses and clamps etc. so now at least that part of the engine looks clean and fresh
240Z in movies
One more for this thread - in the recent "Devil's Rejects", there is a nice silver S30Z parked outside the big black guy's strip joint, which you can see when the family arrives at night. Though, don't watch the movie if all you want to see is the Z. It's pretty messed up.
Dashboard stuff on 2Fast/2Furious cars
Swordfish was brilliant! One of the best comedy flicks I've seen. The Tuscan was to die for too
Anyone in need of Datsun 260C parts (Australia)
Hi, just writing this message for a friend who has two complete, but very sad 260C sedans that he's parting out (or selling whole if you want probably). Let me know here or by PM if you are interested Thanks
77 240K Sedan
Lovin' the hubcaps... haha One thing to note though - dont think those are the original seats.. the back part yes but the bottom part looks as though it has been tastefully recovered at some stage. In any case, that's a good deal! I see it has the indicator repeaters on backwards like my parts car, and another car we recently saw. Weird. One thing though, how straight is that chrome on the front
My New 240K Parts Car
Engine bay shots! Yes under all that dust, mud and oil is a fire breathing monster. Actually the car doesn't run all that badly. It just makes you cry from the fumes. It is bodied KHGC110-015654, which is about 12,000 cars after the other one. Just goes to show what a bit of continuous care can achieve. It's four years newer. I included a picture of the fuel pump just to show the amount of crud in the engine. I'm not sure but I think there may be a stalegtite forming there. Oh and make sure to click on the second last picture - that's the exhaust system there and a clue as to why the text looks blurry right now. Later models have all this pollution control stuff you see including a tube from the exhaust coming back into the inlet. I have a feeling the guy who had the snot idea came up with the idea of disconnecting that. Oh yeah and the radiator... hey, what radiator?? OK that's all for now. It's probably not as bad as I'm making it out to be, but it's pretty bad. I'll be hopefully swapping the transmissions, and then trying to sell it to someone with a better tolerance of petrol fumes than me. If I can't do that for a decent price, I'll part it out (oh boo hoo) then give it to a wreckers. So, anyone collect beer bottle caps?
My New 240K Parts Car
The interior stinks like petrol. The cause of this I took a picture of and will explain in a moment, but basically after taking these pictures my eyes really sting and are starting to go red. If you hit the seat, it will expel a cloud of dusty smoke that has an odour not dissimilar to my grandma's (rest her soul) closet, except about 50 times as concentrated. When I got the car, there were floor mats (3 of them on each side) and a small collection of shells. Also a rather large collection of beer bottle caps. I have since thrown this all in the bin. The mats made an odd squelching sound when I peeled them off the surprisingly decent condition floors. The dash looks as though it may have been an attempt to model the Grand Canyon. Luckily it has a blue mat to cover it. Yes and the seats you may have noticed... well yes I can now confirm that the seats from a Clown Car do fit the seat rails of a 240K. No but seriously, they're just recovered originals. The seats had 2 seat covers on each. I also took these off and into the bin, as they felt like you were sitting on a stray cat while driving. The bits of broken shell underneath the covers acted as the cat's claws! I have not been so brave as to take the second cover off the rear seat yet, because frankly I am scared. The seal between the side windows has deteriorated and some Einstien decided to seal it with silicone. Or snot maybe. Oh yeah, and it's manual! Haha! If you hadn't guessed already, that's the reason I bought it.
My New 240K Parts Car
See in the first picture from that lot all the cracked paint, and spray paint down near the bottom? That's all bondo under there I guess. Has the original stylish (cough) steel wheels though. The spot just behind the side glass on the right was no more than a bubble when I first attacked it with a screwdriver. 3 minutes later I decided to stop before I start peeling the side of the car off. The inner skin appears reasonably solid though. All the scratch marks on the bodywork are not from my mad hacking away at the rust hole (which was incidentally not without a strange sense of enjoyment), they are just bad preparation with the bondo. In fact, the hardest part of making that gash was getting through the inch thick layer of bondo. It's the same all along the side gutter. Weird place for a car to rust I would have thought, but perhaps it has just been sitting collecting crap in there for a few years at some stage. Bonnet isn't too bad, reasonably straight, but who knows how much of it is metal. By the way, all that light brown on the bonnet, roof and glass is just dirt. washed on from being under a car cover and being rained on. Onwards!...
My New 240K Parts Car
This is my parts car I got about 2 months ago but then went on holiday for a month etc. and got carried away. Anyway, got around to taking pics finally. It's a beast and really dodgy, don't be deceived by the pics. I picked this up at about 1am on a Thursday night. I left for Ireland on Friday. So I really didn't have any idea what I had until I came home a month later. Thanks to 440k for giving me the tipoff about this car! It was a big adventure with my mate, but was lots of fun and nothing bad happened. It's alright, it runs. It's just rusty and uncared for. Not beyond restoration, but you'd have to be pretty dedicated. It was apparently bought by his father in 1979 (2 years since new) and kept in the family all these years. For a car in this condition it's not exactly a selling point as it just shows the family suck at basic car-care rather than bringing forward a sense of trust. Anyway, why did I buy it? Well, scroll and find out Again, don't think the paint looks nice and metallic like Kyteler's and don't think that it doesn't look rusty. It's bad. The front left stainless trim was held on by a lump of BONDO. Real pity about the smashed in rear. The boot trim looks reasonably straight apart from that... that's one part I'd really like. The boot is full of crap. The badges look like they would crumble into a thousand small pieces upon the lightest touch.
What color is this?
I'd call it aqua, or maybe fluro blue.
Dashboard stuff on 2Fast/2Furious cars
Man, don't you know anything? It's cuz of tha NAWS dude
Dashboard stuff on 2Fast/2Furious cars
I was too busy looking at Suki, and the cars, to be bothered by LCD screens showing fake technical readings of vague acronyms for things that dont exist !
FS: '74 240K coupe (Vic).
I guess an old car just really did not suit him. He was not happy with this from the day he bought it - not necessarily a reflection on the car's condition though. Anyway, I wish him luck with the sale! Bargain for someone serious. Where's James?? Is he interested in selling any of the parts separately do you know?
The best looking 240z period...
Wow, thanks for sharing Prox - Austin's car is AMAZING. I have never seen it before. Guess I'll have to put that one on my list too!! What engine will it be running?
ARRRGGGG My Z got hit!!
Oh gEez Dave, that sucks. At least it wasn't worse though eh? If it's not too ugly, you can share some pics here
The best looking 240z period...
As far as I know the "stretched-tyre" look came from the drifting scene, where they wanted less traction. Less tyre = less traction, and it also disallows much sidewall movement, meaning the tyre's less likely to pop off. Note that this is not gospel, and I do not intend to present it as such! Just what I've come to believe. Anyway, I kinda like the car. It looks like a weird amalgamation of different styles and tastes though. And what's with the colour? Is it primer with a coat of clear?? There was a thread recently called "What's your favourite Z?" - perhaps it would have been more at home as a reply in there! Though, knowing some of these guys you may have been ripped to shreds for bringing up an old topic :tapemouth And finally, personally I can't say what my favourite 240Z (or any S30Z for that matter) is. There are so many different styles, that I'd have to pick a few! Don't think that one would be on the list, but that's just me