Everything posted by Alfadog
Big Sam at Goodwood.
Big Sam at Goodwood.
Looking good! My preference is not to "modernise" the Z too much but I still like this! Nice colour too, it'll look even better out in the sun.
- VIDEO - Some quick footage of my 280Z(t) around the track.... ehh
hahaha 'Got Tripod?' Cool video though Next time strap it into the car
Stuff for sale - cheap
Are the extractors off a Z? If so, I'll buy them!
Emblem ideas?
Emblem ideas?
How about an original "NISSAN" badge, or maybe the "5 Speed" badge seen on some 240z's... edit: oh i see your car isn't a 5-speed. That probably wouldn't work then
wide wheels again :D
Do you know precisely what 'legal' entails? According to what I could find: Now, as far as I know for the '74 240K the widest tyre was 175. That means 225 is the widest you could go... You could probably argue 185, and that's still only 235 - which would fit on the 8.5 and according to Yokohama you can fit that onto the 8.5 without too much stretch. I've got 14x7.5 front and 14x9 rear and with about zero camber they fit just under the flares. When I lowered it the negative camber brought the top of the wheel in more (and the bottom out more) - I'm guessing you'd install a camber kit too (or do the modification 440k has details on (if engineerable!)). I think that is just the maximum-width table there, the difference being the GC110 doesn't have flares, 'course! Out of factory they both came with 5" steel wheels. So yeah, did I confuse issues even more?
3 240K's for sale on NZ Trademe.co.nz
Wow, they are all pretty interesting for different reasons.. love that silver one too Bruce! It costs a fair bit to import a car to aus, but if you own and "use" it for 12 months before you import then it's not that bad! Got any friends in NZ??
to much time on my hands
Bill, if you're free this Sunday come down to the RACQ 100 yrs anniversary! Lots of cars, and some Z's too! Vivian St Tennyson, in St Joseph's park. Nice car, you should do a white-balance on your camera though (will get rid of the blue tint)! P.S. I'll second what Gareth said - he referred me to the same place and mine came out nicely
True or False: Origin of "Datsun"
False! The German accent isnt even like that... www.ratdat.com is a good place for a quick-n-easy history of NISSAN www.datsunhistory.com is also good.
240K on ozdat
Glad-wrap? Rub some brasso on it should do the trick
This is how NOT to act...
Ahh sorry Rick my post was a little ambiguous but I changed it now - never did I mean no one joins the military for patriotic reasons. I'm just saying sometimes the reasons aren't so noble after all - I'm talking about the modern military here, back in your day (sorry to use that phrase!) I imagine it was a lot less political and a lot more respected. From what I see on the media and hear from my grandfather that was the case - would you agree???
240K on ozdat
O'Briens could get me one for $320 I think, but got it through a panel shop for $200 - dont think they're that hard to find as long as you're not a stickler for originality!
This is how NOT to act...
Necessary?? I wouldn't say that. Human rights come from how you were brought up - who said the world should operate our way? I'm not saying don't defend your country, I'm saying a lot of the time wars are fought for very different, less idealistic "king-and-country" reasons. Sure, it's for protecting the women and children! No one's going to admit to joining to become rich - if they did they'd be about as stupid as that "Crook" guy! I know a few people who joined the military because it was "exciting" or "cool" - basically because they had no other options. In other words, to make money. In fact, the whole spin the Australian military has now with its advertising campaign (multi-million dollar, thankyouverymuch tax payers) is that joining the army is a career. Too right! I keep trying to find a substantial point in what he said, but there's nothing. He's obviously not only dumb but also messed up in the head. What's the bet something big happened close to him involving the military?? Maybe the dumb bully at school who always teased him went off to join the army and was successful, while his "dot com" business lost all his parent's money and now they've disowned him? Disclaimer: BTW just trying to throw a spanner in the mix - we can't all say how great America is and how 'stoopid' that guy is. As a member of the military you have my greatest respect. Just being a devil's advocate here
240K "rally car" on Ebay
Looking nice! Not for me though... frankly I'm more excited about this Bluebird!!
In Egypt the Scarab is very sacred, and is a symbol for resurrection. They were worn as good luck charms. The winged scarab (as this one looks like!) was used at funerals to ensure a safe trip to the afterlife! Maybe this is Z-Heaven!?
240K on ozdat
haha, knew you'd come back... they aaaalllways do.
Zs in video games
Not only featured, but the 240Z in Max Tune 2 is the final, ultimate car. Go hard!!
240K sedan on Ebay Australia
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=102220&item=4557220026&rd=1 No pictures which is a shame, but in "very good condition" so sounds promising... Anyone game??
Great Escape 2005
Awesome! I can't wait to see how she goes - I hope you will take lots of pictures? Are you still eager to do a "Japanese police car" theme? I'd be interested to know how thorough you're planning on being... think it will look awesome regardless though This is getting exciting!
what happened to our forum?
Thanks Mike! Let's see some more action in the 240K forums to give me something to do please
Original Genuine Scarab #189
In case you didn't get the hint, more pics please!! Looking very fresh, you already have one each, who's is this???
Cup holder