Everything posted by Alfadog
Whats going on?
And a couple more pics. Sorry, I'm really fond of the bumper! Compared to my old one it is so straight and clean. It is not perfect, there are spots on the chrome that seem to have gone messy from storage... but it looks great from a distance. I want to see what you guys have done - pictures please!
Whats going on?
Just a note to all looking there seems to be a very nice hardtop on www.ozdat.com at the moment for sale for $2000. Could be a bargain! I've been a bit busy with my car, in the last couple of weeks I have done a few things. Firstly I had to take out the bash-plate from under the engine to get the radiator out to get recored. I had it lying around for a while so I decided to restore it. Used a friend's power tools to get it back to bare metal, than coated it with a few coats of primer and satin black. Came out nicely I think! Also I scored a new (as in NEW, stored for the last however many years) rear bumper so I put that on too. I never thought there would be so much rust behind the old one... The brackets looked pretty shoddy, so while I was in the scraping-off-rust mood I restored those too. Put all new bolts and nuts etc. on and finally got the new bumper on. It took a while (especially getting off those darn bolts)! And today, she is getting new shocks, springs and the Watanabes with new rubber fitted. Also ball joints and bushes. Pictures pending! Next week uni starts again, but hopefully some time it'll get a new exhaust system (headers back) and I am still pursuing the mythical rear quarter "GT" badges! If anyone knows of a good cheap source for proper C110 ones please share! Tom, how much is the "rekitting" of your carbs and what exactly does that entail? I think mine would benefit from an overhaul but I would have thought it would be expensive...?
side door glass help
Awesome, thanks Kent for the link I'll check it out... (my driver side glass is scratched)
1971 240Z Front
Engine is in there.
S20 conversation piece..?
Wow Jim it really does look brand new doesnt it. I think it would suit my car nicely... Anyone want to guess the final bid price??
Replacing 240Z floors Part1
Chris I wasn't accusing you of being dodgy if you thought I was, just wondering. It's awesome to see some progress IS actually being made on your car. It's really getting there :classic:
Replacing 240Z floors Part1
Wow Chris, lookin' good! You make it look easy... Wondering why the whole car is in primer when there is still rust underneath??
The first Z pace car
Just wanting to add a little info (not something I can do often!) the sedan C110 was also lighter than it's coupe counterpart. I think the extra weight might have been because of some extra strengthing in the side of the hardtop (pillarless) cars so they didn't turn into twisties! (this is a guess!) According to the owner's manual of C110's in 240K GL trim, sedans were 1,170kg and hardtops 1,180kg. Good to know the GT-R was a little lighter, Jim!
The first Z pace car
Awesome info Alan :classic: I guess this particular car is long-gone now...?
Euro/Aussie front spoiler photo's?
Yours isn't bad either, Chris Built that model yet?
Pics from Japan
oooh yea, thanks Gav! Had to turn my speakers up really loud for that video
Pics from Japan
Wow, your friend is lucky!
- What airbags
The Flame Thread
I think flaming might actually be disallowed outright in the Terms of Agreement - it usually is. If people want to flame, the PM system is a good way. Private flamings usually don't happen though... wonder why? :cheeky:
If your going to have a 70's car you might as well go all the way
Alfadog commented on HS30-H's comment on a gallery image in 03 (EXCLUSIVE) Nissan Japan Warehouse Tour
Scratch Removers
haha, that's funny! (Magna is a family sedan made by Mitsubishi in Australia)
- Scratch Removers
1991 240z
ugly and given to you - telltale signs of a 280ZX.