Everything posted by Alfadog
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
It's a baby step in the right direction http://carsguide.news.com.au/story/0,20384,21988210-21822,00.html
30 years ago today...
Bonzi Bansai Banzai! I think you mean banzai! hehe. Great story and good luck to you.
Have the rear panel painted or leave it black?
Factory grey. Not black!
Cheap KPGC10 for sale
Miles, I wasn't insinuating anything if you thought I was. Just want to clarify that
Cheap KPGC10 for sale
Yeah, I know about babelfish.... I would be very surprised if this wasn't an authentic KPGC10. Seems to have all the right bits but what would I know
Hello from Germany / Brabus-City
Hey Tilman welcome to the fold.
Cheap KPGC10 for sale
Can anyone translate what the text actually says about the history of this car? http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e71063267 One for the brave (and wealthy!) restorer.
1957 Plymouth unearthed in Oklahoma
America never ceases to amaze!
is this the only major 240K forum?
this is the only english one http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/forum/ is a neat site though, where they would appreciate these cars. as is http://retrorides.proboards86.com/index.cgi
'77 GT-X (GT-R Clone)
A-ha thought so. I am machalel, it was some brochures, incidently all Skylines I think you guys need to set up a Classic Skyline Register of the US.
'77 GT-X (GT-R Clone)
Like what? Bonzelite... Chad... hang on, I think I've talked to you before. You live in Hollywood or something? Think I might have sold you something on ebay. I had my chrome trims on for all of 2 weeks before letting her go. I was so happy, finally I was content with the look of the thing. Well almost. I think I could have spent an infinite amount of money on it to be honest
1936 Datsun!
- 240K on ebay
240K on ebay
If one was desperate to find a 240K in good condition, the I suppose one might pay that much. Maybe he should not include the turbo bits and pieces that are worth $1300 and take that off the price?
Celebrate Towel Day, May 25th!
You're never too young to know of Douglas Adams!
What’s the main differences between the 2 and 4 door 240K
It was only 240K GL in Australia IIRC... "240K" wasn't used in Japan at all.
What’s the main differences between the 2 and 4 door 240K
dash guage panel is interchangable through model years and sedan/hardtop
Largest wheels specificed by nissan/datsun for s30's
Nope. I was pulled over a couple of times but I just told them what they needed to hear. The thing was much too loud too, but the "its an old car" seemed to work. Might not be so effective down in draconia victoria. I'm sure Alan will correct me if I'm wrong, but hte 240ZG was a homoglation model. The flares were there so they were eligible to race with flares. But why not put wider wheels on the ZG? I have heard that the reason was Nissan figured enthusiasts would put their own choice of wheels on anyway. Not sure how true that story is but it sounds good.
Datsun Super Six
Erm. 1. It's not a station wagon. 2. You won't find an old chevy here. 3. This is a million times better.
Datsun Super Six
oooh boy http://cgi.ebay.com.au/1965-Model-31-Nissan-Cedric-sedan_W0QQitemZ300113873273QQihZ020QQcategoryZ45571QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Largest wheels specificed by nissan/datsun for s30's
Personally I would be more worried about if - heaven forbid - you were in an accident. If your car is deemed "unroadworthy" your lovely insurance company may refuse to pay up. I believe you can get them "engineered" for roadworthiness though?
Largest wheels specificed by nissan/datsun for s30's
240zg came with cookie cutters too... Race cars running 11"+ wide rears don't come into the picture with this law I understand. Unfortunately we're screwed in this case. I don't know of any wider than 6" for any model.
What’s the main differences between the 2 and 4 door 240K
ah right yeah, sorry I thought you meant the sedan had a quick-release lever.
Nardi or Moto Lita Steering Wheel....
Define 'better'? I prefer the Nardi. It's just personal.
What’s the main differences between the 2 and 4 door 240K
Main difference I guess is the number of doors :nervous: What's this "quick release" you speak of? Boot lid is different, as well as all the chrome trim around it. So is the back window. Actually so is the front window apparently. The rear bumper is the same. Rear beaver panel is different, and not interchangable. Tail lights are the same, except Hardtop has the chrome rings. And FYI, the wheelbase is the same. Not sure if the rear seats are interchangable?