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Everything posted by Alfadog

  1. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wow Guus.. that is quite some collection! I don't think I have any models you dont!
  2. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    haha, how fun! A bit like the 180SX-240Z thing. I say it's a C33 Laurel underneath.
  3. WOW Kats!! Thankyou so much, I love it. It must have been an adventure of a lifetime for those gentlemen. :classic:
  4. Rob - from O'Brien's! That's exactly half. Did you get your windscreen replaced? That's good info to know, I'll have to remember that when I get mine replaced! It's really, really bad. You don't happen to know where I might be able to get side glass though do you?
  5. Hi Mike, From my own experience, they rust in pretty much the same places as Z's. Dog leg, bottom of doors, bottom of front fender, behind rear wheels, spare wheel well, battery tray... Also check the sill just above the tail light panel when you open the boot. Floors too if you can see them! The hardest parts to find IMO are the stainless steel trim bits. It seems every owner has dinged every corner at least once... if you're not a perfectionist I guess this wouldn't matter to you though. Make sure it has good glass too, it's $320 in Australia for a new windscreen, but you can't get any other glass (haven't tried Nissan though). All I have bought for mine is brake pads, so I dont think I could answer your last question well. That said, I can't imagine any parts being more expensive than a Z.
  6. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hey thanks for all the help guys! I ended up using a small blade from a hacksaw and got it off that way. Surprisingly didn't take too much effort anyway. Thanks for the offer Bruce, but it's not really mangled, just means one of the six bolts cant be used anymore :classic:
  7. Hi Chris, yes I heard it was discontinued a while ago too. According to Z-point's website the one I have was actually a re-issue of an old kit...? I was lucky and picked mine up on Ebay a year or two ago. The R89C looks like a nice one - one of the best things about these models I think is how they are like restoring a real car, only on a smaller scale :classic: .....these ones don't rust though! Hey Gav, want to post pics of your one?? Did you make it stock, or a bit custom? I wish the kit came with a few Sport Option bits... After seeing so many ZG's with the rear spoiler I think it looks odd without one. I'd love to see any pictures of your model. I agree that painting the shell is the hardest bit, it's always so daunting... I am up to the painting now! Wish me luck
  8. That's good to know Rob! Hopefully you can find a couple of cosmetic bits in Japan while you're over? Richard, the "K" guys haven't had a meeting (well, that I know of!!) but there was talk about having the QLD Prince club including C10 and C110 owners... that's all I heard about that though. If you want to have a look at mine you would be quite welcome any time.
  9. Hi Chris, yes it's the 1/12 ZG from Tamiya. Are you working on any models at the moment? I would love to see WIP pics if so :classic: (By the way, thanks for that link you posted a while ago, I placed an order )
  10. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hello! I have a new problem today, namely a nut that won't come undone. The trouble is the bolt has been mangled and so the nut won't come off the end. Additionally, the bolt has been damaged and rotates pretty freely, so if I turn too hard the whole nut & bolt turns, instead of just the nut. I am happy to saw the entire thing off if that's my only option, as it is not essential. I don't know how though (not enough room for any kind of saw I know of). Please see the attached pics, can anyone help? :dead:
  11. Hello Richard and welcome to the forum. You aren't mad, well, at least you're not alone in your madness. "Razor" (Rob) in Brisbane is having a go at it, although I'm not sure if he's still keen. "Prince" (Ray) also in Brisbane has a completed replica with a triple-carbbed RB20 monster under the bonnet (although the flares etc. are not GT-R type), Kent and his mates are making one down in Victoria (www.project240K.com), "kyteler" (Michael) is making one, or close to one, in NZ, I'm making one on the Gold Coast and there are dozens of them in Japan. If you want to go authentic, it is not cheap. But it will be unique...!
  12. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Sorry Craig, I would have posted if I knew.. I turned it on before going to bed and low and behold a big blue Cedric was staring straight at me! What are the chances... Wasn't too bad a movie either (considering it came from the 80's and was Australian).
  13. Hey thanks for the compliments guys. Alex, don't be daunted by it! Just set up a little area for it so whenever you get a spare 5 minutes you can work on part of it. Just make sure to get a plastic sheet to cover your WIP so it doesn't get all dusty!
  14. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Funnily enough, "The Big Steal" (the movie Gav mentioned) was playing on channel 9 late last night in Australia.
  15. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Looks good! Definitely something unique, especially in America. Make sure you align that rear bumper properly though, and have all the trim put on nicely and properly. I hate seeing beautiful projects ruined by someone too eagre to get it on the road to worry about the final touches. Also, I'm not sure about the workings of turbos and intercoolers and all that, but is it safe to have what looks like a pretty little radiator right behind a great big intercooler?
  16. What does "pretty much married" mean Jason??
  17. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thought it might have been one of those two Thanks Razor for the info, I think it is a very unique looking car.
  18. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    truth or not, that's a great story.
  19. Wooo C110 at the beginning!! I wish there was more video of Mr. Akamatsu's car. That looks really special. Thanks for the video!
  20. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Whoa.. Can I go there when I die? Look at all the Alfas........ some sure rarities! Does anyone know what the last one on the second page is? I've never seen that before.. I'm sorry, even with the 250 SWB Cali, the Miuras are still my fav..... YUM. edit: hehe you beat me to it Ben. Do you have a favourite?? I know, it's so hard!!
  21. Alfadog commented on 280z's comment on a gallery image in 04 Blackhawk ZONC Meet
  22. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in RACING
    Oh no.. what have you done!!! :knockedou
  23. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Why name a car Gloria? Laurel? Silvia? Homer? Sunny? CHERRY?? Nissan Motors just liked strange names I guess..
  24. I said it before I'll say it again, this colour will look positively electrifying on your C110. Like the classic silver, except with ZING!
  25. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    ...And Uni during the week, mature age student

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