Everything posted by Alfadog
e-Bay auction....check this out!
This is against ebay policy, report him and then you'll be his only buyer
Yahoo japans CLEANEST.
Basically that's because fairlady isn't a word, and there is just one sound for both L and R in Japanese. So the translator translates it to what it thinks it should be - Fair Ready ! Alan, I think I'll just wait and see how high the reserve is. I would think too rich for my blood!
Yahoo japans CLEANEST.
www.xe.com about $9,000. The 'buy-it-now' price is 3,850,000 Yen though, which is about $32,000 USD. It's very nice, but it's a shame it's not a real 240ZG! I've got my eye on this : http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m40491419 :)
What Kinda Off Set Are These!
For big fat race cars with big fat flares Or bosozoku...
another yank kenmeri
p.s. the pictuers dont seem to load Matt - can you upload them to this site?
another yank kenmeri
Yeah, it's an English one (ie in mph). Was that the one on ebay? Why'd you buy it? It was pretty expensive from memory!
GT-R Fender fitting
pop rivets no silly rubber bits between flare and body metallic grey (same colour & finish as rear panel/front grille) I've seen pictures of what look like satin black flares too. The metallic grey is tricky - it will look black unless in direct sunlight. I am growing to believe perhaps both colours were used (black & metallic grey).
240K GL in Japan?
Australia got many colours according to documentation - including White, Dark Blue Metallic (sedan only), Gold Metallic (hardtop only), Red, Bright Blue Metallic (hardtop only), Lavender Metallic, Yellow, Deep Green Metallic, Brown Metallic, Silver Metallic, Blue Metallic (sedan only). Note that this is as of 1972. They probably changed at least once later on!
have you all seen this flick photoset already?
Never before has a old Cedric looked so good.
This wont last long (Datsun 240K FS Sydney)
No it did not. That is something important to consider then eh. Like I said I only saw it in the rain so couldn't check underneath but from what I did see it was above average. I have no idea how that rear underspoiler came to be. It's insane isn't it! I did not edit anyone's posts, as I thought there was some good info/thoughts in amongst the McKrap. Victor Laury is a Moderator too, someone must have reported it as it really wasn't that bad.
Alan Thomas . . . is that you?
I just got my copy. What a great issue. I'd love to be able to read some of it as I've recently become interested in Daihatsu's history. Anyway, I hate to be off-topic but I didn't think it really needed a whole new topic just for this. In the back pages we have coverage of two 'Western' events that I thought people might like to see. Attached! Car looks great Alan! The period tyres really do set it off.
Ugly Orange 240z
This one? You can contact the owner directly. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=117058&page=8
Alan Thomas . . . is that you?
Sorry Miles - I thought you were talking about Issue 118. I forgot that the February Issue might be out since it is already the 5th of January :: ! I have not seen #119 yet but I'm glad it has more about Alan's cars. I have to admit I was a bit saddened to see the KPGC10 not get much limelight in #118. I guess it has already had a big feature so there is not much point... I wait by the mail box.
This wont last long (Datsun 240K FS Sydney)
http://carpoint.com.au/used-car/DATSUN/SKYLINE/New%20South%20Wales/2252865.aspx Yes, same car as the black one that both Peter (440K) and myself have looked at. The buyer must have transported it to Sydney. Now it's up for sale again. When I had a look (it was raining) it did look pretty straight and with not much rust. Has a load of bits and now with brake booster it'll actually be driveable. For someone wanting a 240K project, this will be great.
Alan Thomas . . . is that you?
I think the Japanese guys would go crazy over that article huh! I posted this a while ago but no one responded so not surprised you missed it.
240K GL in Japan?
The description makes it sound like it is an imported Australian model. Super exotic!!!
Flying Car
I just want my hover board already... I remember doing an assignment in 1997 about the Moller Sky Car. I was so excited because they said they would be on the market by 2000.
New Hot Wheels 240Z
Rick (and Aussies), while shopping at Woolworths I came across a big bin full of these matchbox cars - I only glanced but there sitting at the top gleaming in the fluorescent store lighting was one beautiful pearl white 240Z!! Digging down deeper I found quite a few. I bought two with the intention of painting one. Best thing was the price - $2 each!
skyline emblem
It looks nice! Good spotting Brian. It's a C210 badge.
1980 RHD JDM Nissan Skyline 2000GT ES Turbo!
Not likely Vic! It's a c210 not r30 - still the old L series in there
1973 HS30 - Help on Parts
Of course. Sorry. Oscillator boxes are worth big dollars. I heard that they are "pretty much unrepairable" once they stop working, but I'm sure the experts will chime in soon. Have you tried asking a clock shop or intrument repair shop if they could fix it for you?
New Z
1973 HS30 - Help on Parts
Hey Jack, Take a read of Enrique's fantastic clock-fix topic here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18442 This may help?
FS: 1973 Nissan Skyline GT-R Replica (Datsun 240K)
I don't have another car mate! As luck would have it this Sunday is a free-listing day on ebay for motor vehicles. I'm not one to pass up free advertising!
240z Drifting
A 240Z is far from the ideal drift car. If you want to go have fun drifting, please do yourself and your car a favour and sell it for another more common, easily replaced car.