Everything posted by Alfadog
Stock or Racing Seats
Those Porsche seats you showed are awesome, I think they'd really suit a Z. They remind me of a Z seat, except with more support! The only problem would be finding some for a decent price... like Gav mentioned. I agree those yellow seats look a little sofa-like! Gav, stop thinking about your arse and buy some REAL buckets!!!
whats the difference?
Reow!! That was just the point I was trying to make... if the answers given are sufficient, then all is dandy. I was just letting you know there are a lot of other, more minor differences. If you wanted to know about these, then I was pointing out the usefulness of the search engine. Just trying to help! Perhaps I wasn't clear as to what I meant.
whats the difference?
This question is asked every fortnight! Use the "search" function and you'll find some very detailed responses about the many differences between the models.
Thinking of selling my 240K
If you really love it, and you've got the space, keep it in storage - unregistered - with a bit of an inconspicuous drive around the block every now and then it'll be waiting patiently for when you can afford the project... Remember, it's hard to find an example of a 240K Coupe in as good condition as yours, so if you give it up you might never find another one like it! On the other hand, you might find something even better... that's about as much advice i'd like to give :ermm:
OMG - owned - Honda Civic versus Chevy Cavalier VIDEO
hahaha Reminds me of the Ali G movie.
Best looking Z you've ever seen?
http://www.lancut.com.pl/priv/emc/features/'70s_late_'60s_vehicles/ These ones?
Best looking Z you've ever seen?
I have to agree with you there Gareth! When I saw the topic I immediately thought of that car. Bueatiful work.
Mystery Dash Clock
Well done, hopefully it runs on time......unlike mine
Anyone like alternative rock/punk....
Some pretty awesome guitar in that man!!
Stock or Racing Seats
ROFL TOO RIGHT!!! I thought my Z seats were unsupportive............... then I met Miss K. They are awful! But they look just sooooo niceeeee!!
Owning a Z makes me...
Lying. I sold it!
I am so pissed off....
YEAH LETS GO RAAAAHARAHAR!!! Enrique, we know youre a closet-lawyer, but are you a motivational speaker aswell?!?!?! Good luck to you Marc!
Absolutely Gorgeous Modified Z
Absolutely stunning. Bodywork looks fantastic!
Car Is Finally Painted!!
Looks great mate good job :classic: :classic: :classic:
finally painted
Stock or Racing Seats
I will swap you a set of PRISTINE Skyline C110 seats for your uncomfortable black buckets with shiny bits on them. These seats are very comfortable and have the added pleasure of being bouncy! No longer will your hard-as-rock suspension cause havoc on that tail bone. Only because youre a friend, though! :bunny: Seriously, though, I always thought those seats were awesome but looked like they would make it impossible to see over the bonnet, because they're so LOW. Obviously this is not the case, as they're too HIGH you say! Am I reading right? edit: Gav, I voted for stock. No other seat looks quite right, unless you can find some period-correct racing bucket seats like Alan suggested...
Engine Hesitation
I have this problem!! Great fun. Can you set the timing yourself or is it just something a mechanic should do in a normal service?
My 240K Rear Photo
Looks great Rob! The stainless steel mouldings especiall - have you got a closeup shot of that? Did you get the tail lights working?
Car won't start on "D", "1", "2", "R"
Gareth is correct - it's not meant to be able to be started in gear. Youve got no problem there!
Opinions wanted: Window Tint (black/mirror!)???
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
Opinions wanted: Window Tint (black/mirror!)???
I've also wondered how the chrome tint would look on a classic car. I think it'd look really neat, or totally pathetic. If you do mock up the al-foil windows please take apicture or two for interest's sake!
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
Oh yes I saw her picture alright!! And then picked up my jaw, and sighed. How come we don't get cute AUSTRALIAN Z-fanatic girls?! Some countries get all the luck...
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
ROFL Frankinlove13, CALM DOWN!