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Everything posted by Alfadog

  1. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I think you will find this is not the case... Try to get your hands on some magazine articles about the 240Z when it came out, you may be surprised at the attitudes expressed. It was a revolutionary car - the car "nobody expected until 1980" - combining performance with reliability at a price which made it a realistic dream for anybody. The 350Z certainly did NOT define the 240Z as a classic, or a benchmark car. If you take a look at the sales figures, you will find that a seemingly large stink was made for the car. Again, check out some magazine articles, it made a BIG impact. Very true, and I think most of us here respect the 350Z for this. It's great that more people get to learn about the 240Z! But there's a difference between respect and affection. Because Nissan can (ab)use this "heritage" to make the car more appealing and improve sales? Maybe.. It's much easier to be nasty on a forum!!
  2. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I think rather than "if the 350 has a Web site dedicated to it by then", Matt meant, "if the 350 still has an active Web site dedicated to it". Only time will tell, but I think in another 30 years people will be making claims that new cars are complete rubbish and dont have ANY character, unlike the classic 350Z with those timeless looks and "no-frills" attitude!!! Everything's relative...
  3. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Wrong! The 300ZX may be heavy but it's not underpowered. Yes, I will defend anything.
  4. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Personally, yep, if they had called the 280ZX and the rest of the "fatladies" by a different name, that'd be nice. Although, it's not so much about the name, as the way Nissan advertises them, harking back on their previous success with OUR car. It's the way Nissan tries to get the best of both worlds in promoting the 350Z. Saying on one hand that it is a futuristic car made to revolutionise the sports car market, and on the other, saying it is an evolution of the timeless 240Z, with "elements of Z-ness". That marketing department sure knows how to be vague and romantic.
  5. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    What I really feel? It's a ZX and they KNOW IT, the bastards!! Some people just dont understand it's not about jealousy. It's about passion! And we hold our passion so close to our hearts, that when Nissan releases something as innately different to our cars, but uses *OUR* name, it hurts. I think that's what's coming through here more than jealousy, or hatred, or a superiority-complex. edit: kinda ironic i dont have one isnt it? Oh well, "absence makes the heart grow stronger". Too right!!!!!
  6. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    By the sounds of it I think we have a few masochists in here... Do you think it is odd that apparently no new car is a true sports car anymore?? Times have changed, and I suspect the meaning of the word has changed somewhat too. If Nissan had built the 350Z to be a light-weight, "gritting-your-teeth" kinda car, I doubt it would have sold as well......... and money makes the world go round, not old-school cars with "character". BTW I DONT LIKE THE 350Z AT ALL AND I WISH IT WOULD DIE AND GO TO HELL. BY NO MEANS AM I TRYING TO IMPLY ITS A CAR I WOULD LIKE TO OWN. CLASSICS FOR ME, THANKS!
  7. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    The best year for a Z? 2004!!!!!
  8. Alfadog commented on ananimator's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    I've never seen this either... and it surely didnt come from Nissan Japan as they never sold the Z as a Datsun, OR a 260Z in Japan. Like 2ManyZs said, either someone had a bit of spare time and a CNC Mill, or they're playing silly buggers...
  10. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I voted for Datto's, because of the creativity there. Although I think it looks a bit unrealistic, and the whole car has really been changed (I thought the idea of a photoshop was to create something vaguely possible), it looks really neat with the S30 headlight scoops. I think yours is more realistic, inmate/animal, but it's a bit boring to me... and all that "vinyl" stuff on the side doesn't do it for me... Peace! edit: a couple of other mods I did which are a bit more subtle- new door mirrors, smoother ermm those things behind the seats, rear widebody. thats all!
  11. Yeah must have changed for the 260.. interesting, I agree with you Gavin the 240's stitching is much nicer. OK, starting to miss my Z now................... *remembering fondly the days when I used to get down there and clean out the dirt from the vinyl with a toothbrush*
  12. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Here are the links to the ones in the gallery: Original Alfadog Datto_240Z inmate
  13. Alfadog posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  14. Some nice shots, and some very nice cars in there. Well done!
  15. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wrong forum but.... Welcome to the club!
  16. Alfadog commented on deadflo's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I was actually hoping you would chime in, thought you might know about those flares.. I figured the picture attached was from one of those huge auctions, but I'd still like to know the website because most auction-import sites here in Aus only really deal with the later model 180SX, Skyline, Supra etc. and perhaps there's a site around that actually deals with the older cars too... as Michael said www.j-spec.com.au does have a few old cars in now and then. The picture's probably from there... is it, Llama? I've heard stories about the magnitude of these auctions in Japan, it must be a VERY organised event... definitely a must-see if I were in Japan! About the flares on the 4 door, do you know if he can fit wheels wider than the stock fenders, without cutting the doors? If not, flares really arent going to be of much use I would think?
  18. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hey mate! Another one to strengthen our presence. I hope you have a good time here at the forums. Regarding the flares for a 4 door car, I think you'd just have to cut the flares up and attach to the door. A bit of fabrication work there... That's a guess though, I'd assume in Japan you can buy the flare set specifically made for a 4 door since there are a few with that done. There are a fair few 4 doors left here on the Gold Coast, I'm sure there are a decent amount in Melbourne too. You just have to look around. Most 240K owners seem to 'look' as though they're the original driver.............. we've got plenty of young owners here on the forums though Also, where did you find that picture? When you get the time, we'd love to see some pictures of your baby in the gallery.
  19. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bug deflector? BUG DEFLECTOR? That ain't a bug deflector, THIS is a bug deflector! We also have showers............. ..... Thankyou Alan! I feel :stupid:...
  20. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ah!! You might be the man to ask concerning this mystery which I've never been able to find a realistic answer for. Do you know what that great big plastic/glass thing on the bonnet of most (all?) modern Japanese patrol cars is?? The best I can think of is some kind of spoiler to increase high-speed stability, but I dont know!
  21. Hmm interesting! I can only imagine what the worth of original Sport Option Kobe Seiko wheels are worth nowadays!... And now I know what the watch brand "Seiko" means!!! You learn something every day
  22. Thankyou Alan for the clarification! I guess 'inspiration' for those wheels was drawn directly from Watanabe... did that company make wheels otherwise or just for Nissan?
  23. Yep, to some Panasports/Minilites/Superlites/Watanabes all look the same. But to some (twisted sticklers such as you and me, Ben) it HAS to be Watanabe! Anything else is a compromise. I love the fact that the Watanabe is the great classic rim for these old cars, and the fact they were offered as a Nissan Sports Option makes them even cooler. They seem to drip with nostalgia... Mmmm...
  24. Alfadog posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    OK, I wont warn you if I see you being ripped off. I do not think the furniture store analogy is appropriate. If they claimed their furniture was made of wood when it wasn't then yes, I would warn customers who entered the shop. I would hope others wouldn't be as ignorant as to stand by silently. It's not a "I know more than you" attitude, it's basic consideration for the well-being others. That's just my opinion, though.
  25. Hi Ben, yes those wheels would have been just perfect for you! How wide a rim can you fit on a Z without overfenders I wonder... 6.5" is a little thin I would have thought. Although the stock steel wheels are 5" aren't they? Do you know how wide the rims you have on atm are? 6" I would guess.. AE86's are awesome yeah! I think they're a little overrated and overpriced, though. I doubt I'd ever own one because of the cries of "OHH DORRIFFTUUUU HACHI ROKUUU" permeating the air as you drive it anywhere.

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