Everything posted by Alfadog
Been Gone but Now I'm BACK.
GOOD LUCK RICKY! (the shouting makes more luck) I hope to see some pictures of not only precious but the other beauties there too!
LED dash lights.... :)
! Lot's of confusion I sense... mmmm... My special gee-whizz blinking LED was to do with the fact that it was wired through a little chip which was intelligent enough to make the light blink! Usually the LED will stay on, like a normal light bulb.
part of the prob with eBay
A lot of the profit is made in the shipping! I paid $2 for a magazine once... cost $4 for shipping!!! And I didn't even receive it ROFL
Make your own Angel Eyes.... really...
Any pictures of what they look like on a Z, escanlon?
240z in trading post - Do not look if you are offended by non original cars :)
shut up
240z in trading post - Do not look if you are offended by non original cars :)
Sure enough, you're right. It's in the middle of Brisbane.
LED dash lights.... :)
If you're interested, here's a page which explains it all! http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/led.htm I think having a single battery would make the light flash slower... but I haven't tried!
Note the skyline in the background! Awesome looking car, interesting that there isn't more protection from the wind for hte front wheels...
Primed roof & rear1/4's.1
Bloody hell that looks mean! What do you plan on doing for fuel? (assuming you didn't just FORGET!!!!)
Make your own Angel Eyes.... really...
Wow, that looks great! I'll keep that page :devious:
240z in trading post - Do not look if you are offended by non original cars :)
YoU'R'e A fAn Of WeIrD LetTeRiNg ArEn'T yOu?! Looks good, except for the part about "SUIT A PANEL BEATER" Where is it? Anyone want to go and check it out?
LED dash lights.... :)
LED - Light Emitting Diode Awesome little buggers which never blow because they are not light bulbs! Truck drivers have started using them as the little fairy lights all over their trucks because of this. I have one wired up to flash - it is hooked up to 2 AA batteries and stuck in a little hole in my centre console. Looks like my car has an alarm system The light flashes CONSTANTLY, I changed the batteries (which were about half charged I guess) about a month ago. They flash and flash and flash and use hardly any energy. LEDs are fantastic!
Disaster Strikes
tisk tisk tisk You're not having very good luck are you Nigel??? Dont worry, usually this means a whole heap of good luck is coming your way shortly!!! :classic: Hope you enjoy your beautiful rebuilt L26!
G Nose/overfender question?
Dark grey, I'm pretty sure.
I Bought One!!!
Cuong, in regards to the "how many were sold" thing, if you really want to check it out maybe send a letter to Nissan Australia, or Nissan Japan? Usually they are very helpful (they were with my past owner of the Z, they photocopied OODLES of stuff for him).
Hazard Lights
My '71 has no hazards. As far as I know what George said was right in regards to Aus delivered Z's...
Idling makes him sick!
Alright Gav, I'll check that too tomorrow... Mmmm... now I need to find out all about Dizzies! I take it I can buy new parts (coil, condensor, points) at a regular auto shop?
May 2003 - Just polished
- I'm new.
Idling makes him sick!
I think it started a week or two ago... noticed it after a traffic light it stuttered once or twice... strange I thought maybe it's because I am running out of fuel Now it's a bit worse, where it goes on for longer and in lower RPM Hard to tell when it started though... What am I checking the spark plugs for? Dirtiness?
Idling makes him sick!
I checked and fuel seems to be getting along fine. I'm pretty certain now that it's (safe way to refer to it I guess) running rich, you can see smoke coming out the exhaust (black) and its generally very stinky (I was standing around the rear for a while and my eyes started to hurt) I'm going to try to lean the mixture a bit, but first I have to work out how!!!! :stupid:
Idling makes him sick!
grrrrrr if you want to ask a question, make your own thread about it!!! Go to the forum, and then up the top there'll be a "NEW THREAD" button.
R32 GTR wheels