Everything posted by Alfadog
Painted Valve Coner
Skylines for sale on Yahoo Japan
They're indicator repeaters from the C130 Laurel. Seem to be a popular "customisation" for Japanese C110's. I like the standard C110 indicators better, personally!! Those switches are present on all GT-X and GTX-E models in Japan. They are the electric window switches! We just got a blank panel, as I'm sure you've noticed. This is also what goes on the blank panel below the ashtray in the back.
Vegas Represent
Vegas Represent
Hey Tom, I had the same problem. Weird, seems to be a board error? Anyway, I wanted to see what his other post was, so I clicked "view other posts". Here, it showed the source of the image. edit: ok that's weird, it's not showing up. I'll attach it --
Age-Old Battle! 240Z vs. 280Z
What about the 260Z? Some people prefer the via media, so to speak. Anyway, 240Z for me. Lighter, better looking, simpler, more focussed in terms of its philosophy and THE ORIGINAL!
Vegas Represent
Hi John. Welcome to the forums... Nice C210. Any more pics? Do you live in Japan?
Skylines for sale on Yahoo Japan
Oh we're gunna do one of these threads Love the Works replica C10!! Looks nice. The squashed GC10 is saddening... Here are a few C110s! http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h25551968 http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k23542309 http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k22221692 http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h27528585 http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h29988681 http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r13088123 http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/77574499 http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n22851424 And my favourite http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k19990336 And these are pretty nice too! http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h28555708
The Datsun Family
Or maybe wait until www.ratdat.com comes back online
Introduce yourself to the class?
Yep, they worked well! Looks like a nice car, but a bit difficult to see in the shade. Funny video though!!
OK! what goes here?
Congratulations, you just found a whole bunch of them!! Welcome to the forums
Classic Japanese Car Show Oct 1 in Long Beach
We don't get stuff like this in Australia
Period correct mods
Yes, you should have Victor!
what is the size of the trunk in a 240Z?
Mate, you're not trying hard enough!!
Clock Repair: Analog, 70-78 Z (Round)
Excellent! I will try this on my C110 clock, which I guess would be similar enough.
Firetruck 2
Winner? Was this a prize? That is a shame, it would take a very special owner to truly appreciate this car. I would not own it, because I could not take proper care of it. It deserves to be in a museum! Love it
Datsun Firetruck
3.2L Stroker G-nose
Mr. K hopping in a 240
Original unrestored 240Z
Orange Pearl
Love it. Nice touches with the indicator repeater and rear reflector too. Very nice restoration/customisation
Strange Superhero duos
Bond having a sidekick would completely go against everything Bond ever stood for. ANYWAY... Imagine Alan and Enrique... geez... talk about unstoppable! How about, Bambislayer (Carl) and Moderator Mike. The original odd-couple
Wow, a real piece of history. I love these old things! If I'm not mistaken you are making way for one of your grandfather's restored cars to come in, right? If you don't mind could you post pictures of that one too :)
240K on Ebay...
Yeah Craig I will offer him 600 to take it I reckon, Stephen, any pics of that silver one?