Finally got the Konig's, but have a question...
I bought a set of the graphite 15x7 Rewinds when they were first available a couple of years ago. I ordered them through Tiretrends.com (in Vancouver), and have had nothing but excellent pricing and service through them. At the time, the price per wheel after CAD/US Dexchange was BETTER than the ebay price. I decided to play it safe for now and got 205/55R15s - the 206/60s were a bit tall, and I actually had some contact issues with the previous 215/60R14s. The only problems I've had are the super-cheapo plastic centering rings cracking, and the front hubcaps not fitting over the hubs. Arch at TT has offered to send me new centering rings, but I'll have him send them with my next tire order for one of my other cars. I haven't found a solution to the hubcap problem yet, but would love to hear if someone has... cheers, Ayan
New to site
Hey, welcome to the world of Z, particularly the 260! I have an early '74 260z that I bought about 2 years ago, and I love it. Last year I switched the flattop carbs to the roundtops, and haven't looked back. The car has become much more driveable just from that one change. This forum, along with www.zcar.com and even www.hybridz.org have been great. The Z community is a close one, and you'll always find members willing to help each other out. Best regards, Ayan aka "orange260z"
New 15" Rewinds
That's nothing!!! That picture was taken in mid-March; the snow has melted significantly by then! Last year, the snow bank on the side of my driveway was the length of the driveway (about 30'), about 6' high, and about 8-10' wide at that height, then tapering down to about 4' high on the front lawn. Definitely not Z weather. PS - the picture is not in MY driveway, that's where I rent a garage space to park the Z in the winter. There's snow REMOVAL in that complex, so the snowbanks are MUCH smaller than in regular neighborhoods!!!
New 15" Rewinds
I was just pulling the car into the driveway to test-fit the wheels - there's no way this baby's gonna see snow other than from a distance! Unfortunately, driving season is almost over and the Pumpkin's heading back into storage in a few weeks...
Konig Rewinds
Hey Carl, I just got back from the "Porsche Clash" at Watkins Glen this weekend. I'll take a couple of pics and post them as soon as I can dump all the pics from this weekend from my camera... Others - I may end up painting my front hubs silver at the end of the day, but I can understand Carl's desire to have a more "finished" look. That would be my preference too, but I have no money left to get a different set of caps or to hire someone to customize... so may go the silver paint look in the meantime... cheers
Konig Rewinds
... won't work. I finally got around to measuring the hubs on the car, and the "rise" of the Konig centre caps, and found the problem... even with the grease caps off, the spindle comes out too far for the Konig cap to fit, let alone with the grease cap on. So even if one is to pound the grease cap until it touches the spindle inside, the Konig cap will NOT fit properly. The only solution to fit those caps on would be to grind the spindle down about a 1/4 inch. I think I'm going to be painting my grease caps silver... BTW, Carl, do you still need to have the pics of the wheel nuts? Sorry, with all the excitement of driving my car around I had totally forgotten, but I have my car here now, and would be happy to take any pics or get any info you need. Cheers, Ayan
Which relay is which ('74 260)
Hey Gary, thanks for your response. I'm trying to locate the relay without actually removing all the stuff in the area, so it's a little hard to see what wires go into what relay. I was hoping that someone might have a "map" of the relays - ie a picture of the area with labels showing which relay is which, like a fuse box cover usually shows. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be such a map in the FSM, at least for the relays (there is one for the fuses, of course). Do you know from experience which relay is which? Thanks for your advice as usual... Ayan :beard:
Which relay is which ('74 260)
Hey all, I am trying to figure out which relays are for my electric fuel pump. I checked both the FSM and the Haynes manual, but neither has a "map" of the relay block. Can anyone tell me which of the 6 or so relays are for the fuel pump? Thanks, Ayan
Shift boot install
Hi, On my early '74 260z the boot is clipped to the edge of console using 8 metal clips. The clips sandwich both the edge of the boot, and the edge of the plastic console together inside it. They go all the way around the boot-hole, two on each of the four sides. I hope that helps!
15" Rewinds
Hey Carl.... unfortunately, I won't be able to send you a picture of a lugnut for a couple of weeks at least. As you may have noticed from the pictures, we are still in the middle of winter here.... ok, maybe the tail end. The car is at a garage I rent, and I will likely not be going out there again for a few weeks. I'll be happy to send you a pic when I do bring the car home... cheers, Ayan
15" Rewinds
Roopz, the 205/55R15 is a little smaller in diameter than stock, about the same diameter as the 225/50R15 that most are using with the 15" wheels. The smaller diameter gives you the benefit of slightly lower gearing. The 55-series carcass is generally stiffer than the 60-series carcass, so likely to handle a little better. Carl, I bought the 15x7 Rewinds in 0 offset, but my dealer supplied me with lugnuts and centering rings. If you notice, none of the Rewinds are bored specifically for the Z; rather they are made to fit a range of cars. It is common for the multi-fit aftermarket wheels to use centering rings. Unfortunately, in this case they are REALLY thin (I guess the bore of the wheel is not that far off the size of the hub) and fragile. Also, in the past my "plastic" rings have been more of a nylon-type material, these are more of a hard plastic - which would tend to break easier. cheers,
New 15" Rewinds
I totally agree about the lowering, I feel that the car sits too high as well. I have a set of lowering springs (don't know the brand) sitting in my garage, I picked them up used last year. I have a set of shocks too (KYBs) that I bought with them. I will likely install that setup and Hyperflex kit (also sitting in the garage!!) this spring. That being said, I think that the Z will require a new (rebuilt) gas tank, fuel pump, and rad first thing this spring, and I will likely drive the car for a month before taking it back off the road for the suspension work. I want to drive it!!!
New 15" Rewinds
Thanks for the comments!! I really wanted to get a set of wheels when I bought the car last year, but ended up bogged down in repairs all summer, using up all my free $$$. The Konigs really brought nice wheels into a totally different price range, so I splurged! My 260 is very early - S/N RLS30-0061XX - probably August or September 1973 production. I'm missing my manufacturing date plate, so hard to tell you for sure. The tires are 205/55R15 Kumho 712s. As far as I know, the wheel and knob are original - there are few items on the car that had been replaced when I bought it last year, and the car has sat for most of the last 20 years. What other early pieces are you referring to? Pls let me know what to look for, and I will check!
15" Rewinds
Roopz, I ended up going with 205/55R15. The reason was twofold: one, the 225/50s seemed like a snug fit and I plan to lower the car this year, so wanted a little more margin for error; and two, the two "reasonably priced" tires in 225/50 were the Kumho 711 (summer, but a real budget summer) and the Falken 512 (all-season). Going with the 205/55 allowed me to go the Kumho Ecsta Supra 712, which is quite a bit higher performance. Cheers,
15" Rewinds
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm really happy with the look. Datto, you may want to see if there is a local Australian distributor for these wheels - it seems that they are not quite as limited availability as people first thought. I bought them through a Canadian TireRack wannabe (tiretrends.com). Not only was their service excellent, their price was actually cheaper in CAD than MSA/TechnoToy after currency conversion. By buying them in Canada, shipping was also cheaper and no duty/customs hassles. Overall I'm sure I saved a couple hundred dollars on the wheels alone. cheers,