Original S30 design patents
Can you post up the patent numbers for what you found? I'd like to see the ones for the side vents and rocker arms.
Original S30 design patents
A few years ago I came across the s30 design patents through a very rigorous (and crude) search through old nissan patents filed with the US. I remember saving the image on my old hard drive of a simple white and black "line art" Z. That hard drive is long gone, and I want to have those images again. I tried searching through google patents and the closest thing I came across was this patent for a hood that looks like it might fit a Z: Hood Patent Does anyone know the patent number for the s30 design patent by nissan?
Best Motoring does Wangan Midnight
Yeah I was expecting to see an hks surge tank and two turbos when he popped the hood.
1975 RHD gnose Fairlady basketcase
thanks for sharing those pics! Its rare that we can track the progress of a car over that many years. I wish someone had pictures of my car from the 80's.
My Skyline finally arrived......
Absolutely amazing. I am very curious to hear the history of this vehicle. I just had to make the treck over from hybridz to see your new arrival. "...It is not a priority at the moment as my 'new' car has just arrived from Japan." I pay too much attention to the details. Keep the pictures comming!
Took her out for her first Long trip Today!
:eek: get a 5-speed! . cruising at 80mph with a 3.54 diff and 81 5-speed I'm at just under 3000rpm. Avg. MPG on a LONG road trip: close to 28mpg.
What Zs are meant to do
I was in the same boat until I fixed my exhaust fumes as well. I could only stand to drive my car for short (<30min) drives. now that i fixed them i can stand to go on 16hr drives ... see above.
Valve cover differences
Looks like somone glued on a "datsun" logo over the nissan part of nissan ohc.
Header pics question!
any updates Alan? I'd love to hear what you wrote in your notes.
Nerves about timing chain
heres a visual: Maybe later i'll take a pic of the one I made for reference. Edit: I added the picture of mine. I notice mine is alot shorter than most people's... I actually had no problem with mine, or getting it out of the chain when I was done.
Header pics question!
I actually want both, but if i had to choose it would definitely be "to be fast" No point in modifying something on the engine for LESS performance! after looking at the stahl headers, I think that might be the route to go, although I might just have to make a set of "spaghetti" headers, and test the difference in power on a dyno. edit: sorry Alan, I was hoping you would chime in on this thread, but i should have asked you first. can you please provide your info on the picture you took? thanks, Oliver
Header pics question!
Thanks for replying, Ron carter. My main question is how much of an increase in performance is this header design over the standard header design? For comparison reasons, i'd say compared to an equal length header that immediately goes straight down after the ports instead of curving out? These few pictures are the only ones i've seen with these types of headers, and I'd like to know if you can liken the performance gains to that of a "long tube" style header. If you look at the original post i made when I started this thread, I specified that the header i was looking at was a "custom one" I did not say i was on any kind of budget for this header when I do get around to building my next zcar, and I didn't say that I was going to source "a regular exhaust shop" to fab the header up for me. but thanks for the observations.
Header pics question!
found this header pic. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=11138&cat=500&ppuser=932 i'm still very impressed by these style headers. I need more info!!!!
Ron Carter's BRE replica
Header pics question!
I am aware of the RHD configuration that this car has. And... I (believe it or not) was considering a RHD conversion on my next project, which is the project I would want to use a header of this style on.