Everything posted by 2-4-T-Z-MAN
- ZConvRear
- ZConvFront
- left front
- My Z, right front
My 240 for 27 yrs.
1971 z
Was this car orig. in Lakeland, Fl.?
Misc. +...
No problem Dale. Yes I'm looking for a 72-73. Good body, may need some work but not a complete rebuild. Solid frame rails. I'm tossing around the idea of a stock looking car, bumpers and all with a V8 under the hood. Have not fully decided yet. Engine condition may not be that much of an issue. Then again. I see you're in Tampa, I'm in Lakeland. Look forward to hearing from you. Maybe you should send your message as a PM.
Misc. +...
Mine is a "serious inquiry" or I wouldn't have written! Vehicle details and prices would be good. Thanks
280z with 350z headlights...
Maybe the 350Z should have looked more like Chris' pic.
Misc. +...
Dale, What cars do you have for sale? Are they complete or parts cars?
Are you saying that speedo is original? Did you have the dash recovered? The grain looks different that original.
A/C compressor
Do you have the old YORK style compressor? They are big kinda square and weigh a ton. Usually mounted on the right front of the engine over the stock fuel pump. If the compressor is not leaking then you may not need to replace it. Check the compressor clutch. If that is where the noise is coming from then it can be replaced with out taking everything apart. Also check the ldler pully. The bearing can cause a fuss when under load. Have someone turn the A/C on while you are listening. If it's the clutch you'll know. Good luck.
Whats Draining My Battery?
Vicky, I had the same problem. Ran test to find the problem. No luck. Bought a battery kill switch. No more dead battery.
brembo for all around
Maybe the 10k was because they were Porsche?
1970 Engine?
Carl, After reading one spacific line of your note I proceded to smack my forehead and go DUH !!! I reread lonetreesteve's note and realized that I had, in my mind, placed his spare engine in his 71. DUH !!! Total misc. ramblings on my part about the shock tower ID plate, his car's title, etc. Datsunzgarage.com has an article that talks about how to identify engine and head series. Brian Little states that 1970 240's have L24s with the E31 block and that 71-73 Z's have L24 with the P30 block. So this 60039 engine leans to the thought that the above statement is too broad?
1970 Engine?
Carl, Thanks for some very detailed information. I wondered when you would see this topic and jump in. I have to say that by no means am I an authority on the Z. Every day is a learning experience. Your answer that this car , based on the 60039 #, indicates that it was built 10/71 making it a 71 confuses me. I'm not disputing your information, it just seems that there is more information out there than can be assimilated and come up with a simple method of determining a vehicles model year, other than the title. It was my understanding that the E-31 block made it a 1970's car and if it had a P-30 the car would be a 71-73 depending on build date. Now the 60036# issue places a car with a E-31 block as a 1971. Which lonetreesteve's title states. Whats up? If he checks the plate on the shock tower and finds that the numbers match, would that eliminate the prospect that someone put an earlier engine in his car? I have since gone to an article you wrote for the Internet Z car Club back in may 2001. In that article you made mention of two cars, one having a later build date than the second. The car with the later build date was titled as a 70 model while the one with the earlier build date was titled as a 71. So do we just go by the title information as to what year vehicle we have? Is this entire topic just semantics? There just seems to be so much conflicting information.
240Z Wanted
Is it OK to mention the name of another site? ZCar .com has a couple cars listed.
Bilramsey2002's Car
The state of Confusion is a place we have all been at some point. That's why a site like this is so great. TomoHawk, Knew it had to be a typo, my comment was just a "little tongue in cheek".
1970 Engine?
Lonetreesteve, Congratulations on having a 1970! Sorry I really don't know the meaning of the number cut in the block, other than maybe meaning that your engine was the 60039th L24 made. ?????? Seems like a high number for that to be the answer though. I'm sure someone in this club knows the answer and as soon as they see this thread then we'll all know.
Bilramsey2002's Car
I wouldn't think so, wouldn't it be a '79'?
Location of the ZG cars?
One simple little question. Lots and lots of information. Thanks guys. This site is a learning experience. And to think for the past 27 years I've just been driving the car. Now I'm picking up so much more information about the car and the heritage.