Everything posted by 2-4-T-Z-MAN
Chrome engine fan
I'm not aware of anyone. You might want to look at a 70-71 fan, they were metal. Then get it chromed. Problem is, I believe, the reason Datsun went to plastic was due to the rivets giving way on the metal ones and fan blades going through the hood.
Unintentional Insults
Oh boy, or should I say girl, with Don Imus and the students from Duke in the news this week this forum could go political really quick. I have to say that I have stopped several times over the years to help a "girl" change a flat tire. I can't remember ever helping a guy. I've slowed down and asked if help was needed. Lord knows I wouldn't just pass a guy broken down on the side of the road. But, they were already in the middle of changing the tire. Or if it wasn't a tire issue they had the hood up looking for any other problem that may have put them there. There may have been a puzzled look on their face, but !!!!! Ron, I admire your integrity with your apology. I just question why it was called for. I can't see where you made an affont to anyone. Maybe your PM'er was having a bad day and found their panties in a wad. Here in the US, we have this thing called "Freedom of Speech" regardless of what we see in the news. Told you it could go political.
ZRush - sad news
My thoughts and prayers go out to Vicki. Such a young age to deal with the loss of a loved one. Thanks for letting us know. Barrie
just wanted to see how old everyone is here?
54 in June, feeling 80 today. Nice to see younger people enjoying our fondness for the "Z".
Your first Z car...
Got my first Z when I was 24, still have her. Second one when I was about 26. Sold that one shortly after getting it. Bought a 90 in 95, that one is my daily driver.
the quest for A/C in a 240Z
I bought a kit from a street rod supply company. Fits under the dash, out of sight. It includes a heat cycle and all the plumbing and ducts that I wanted. Motorsport has the compressor bracket. I think motorsport also sells a kit, but when I bought mine the price was about $200 cheaper that MSA. One othewr point. I had the orig. dealer installed unit in the car when I replaced it. THe first unit was not that eff. and this unit is 100x better.
Mikuni 50mm carbs for 240z
A mechanic friend, that only works on Datuns/Nissans, and races the same told me that the Mikunis were easier to keep in balance and that they did not puke gas as much as Webbers. Could just be his personal opinion. I have the Mikunis and never had any experience with the Webbers. Anybody out there have a view to share?
Started putting my Z away this weekend
Sorry boys, but here in sunny Florida, since mine is a soft top "Z", I lowered the top and drove her all weekend just basking in the sun.
6 pics from zfest
I would like to compliment everyone involved with the show arrangements. The location was easy to get to and the venue was super. Lots of great cars and people. Thanks again to everyone.
His was one of the few TV shows that was not only entertaining but also truly educational. My son and I watched Steve on a regular basis. The man was as pasionate about his animals as he was about sharing them with the world. He will be missed!!!!!
Carbs boiling possible?
Try making and installing a heat shield. Use aluminum as it dissipates heat faster and that should solve your problems. Good luck.
Hi Folks, I'll start my first post with a poll!
The best Z-CAR is the one you ulimately purchase, drive and enjoy. I fell for the 240 when they came out. My girl friend in HS got a brand new 70. It was white with the red interior. Her dad was a doctor and mine wasn't. I had to wait till I could get mine. Enjoyed it as a daily driver until I bought my 90. Now that's the daily and my 240 gets to go for drives on the weekend.
Running very poor up high
The "newish coil" would be the first thing I would look at with a NEW coil. You noted 'tappets. Does that mean that you adjusted the valves? Tuned the carbs, did you do so with and air flow meter? A backfire could mean too lean, check the plugs. Black is too rich, white/gray is too lean. Check the resistance on the new plug wires. All I can think of for starters. Good luck
Steve, dude, 16x12's in front,coil overs and 44's. What do you have planned for the rear? 'm thinking this isn't going to be a grocery getter!
What is your car's nickname?
kmack, My wife refuses to go anywhere in my gold car also. All stems from the time she wanted to drive her to work and park with a bunch of door dingers. I had just finished all my work on her. Oh, and I said no.
What is your car's nickname?
Well, we call our red 90 "THE RED CAR" and to maintain our high level of originallity we call our gold 72 "THE GOLD CAR".
Tell us about your Z!
I've had my '72' since 77-78 can't remember right now. I was the second owner. I had sold a 66 mustang convertable 6 cyl, with the GT interior package to buy the Z. When I got it it was in great condition with only the diff. bracket needing replacement. I got it for $1500.00. The orig color was that gator aide yellow. It has also been white then red with corvette tail lights and now it's a Nissan Champagne convertable. It has a L28, with headers and triple mikunis. I drive it to car shows and just enjoy the car in general.
i need fusible links
The last time I needed a link, I ended up using an early toyota link. It's been a while but I think it was a celica. It's been on the car for 15 years or so now. Oh and I'm guessing that you're talking about the one that is down by the starter. Good luck.
Seat spacers
They are used to adjust the seat height. The hex shaped ones keep the round ones in place while installing the seat.
How long have you had your Z?
I bought my 72, as the second owner, in 1977. Paid around $1500. Had one other 72 as a buy, fix up and sell, in 78.
steering rack source...
Why don't you just rebuild yours? I bought the bushings from VB. They even had the pinion gear if needed.
Hood Release Cable
I just had to get one for my 72. Got it from the dealer.
Went to the Barrett-Jackson Auction today !!!!! 72 240Z up for bids !!!!
Where's the auction being held?
Where/how do you store your Z parts?
The big parts are on my car. The little parts are in plastic bins.
getting there.
Doesn't sound like a carb problem. Sounds like a fuel flow problem. 240ZX is correct with his thought. You could also look at the PSI of the pump. Is the pump a pusher or puller. The metal fuel line could have a build up of crud. Some fuel pumps have a built in filter screen that can get clogged. Good luck.