Everything posted by 2-4-T-Z-MAN
History of the Z Car
This looks like a replay from several years ago. Copies of the video are made avaliable at the end of the show. I bought one, forgot what it cost but it wasn't much.
Triple Mikuni Carbs
Do you know what size they are. I had 40's installed on my 72 with an L28. Should have had 44's. I bought what I could find at the time. After rejetting and tuning they ran great. The mechanic that installed them for me said that the 40's were better suited for a L24. That's why all the adjusting. I have had to do nothing since other than clean the filters. Bought K&N's. Oh and I only paid $500.
Installing the GEN II Mini A/C into my 240
I installed the same unit in my 72 convertible. Even with no top insulation the passenger compartment stays very cool. You will see a drastic improvement in your car's comfort. Barrie
what happened?
Guessing that it ran well prior to the fill up, my first thought is that your filter is clogged or you got some bad gas. If you have a transparent fuel filter look and see if there is any water in the filter. If you can not do that undo your gas line where you can run some gas into a glass jar and again look for water. If there is no water, you may want to replace the filter. The next thought is that you have something that has now decided to block the pick up in the gas tank. If that is the case you will have a whole new set of questions maybe. These are what come to mind based on you just filling up the tank. Good luck. Barrie
I miss you...
I don't know what your health issues are and I certaintly would not ask. I do know that staying in contact with people that care helps to deal with those issues. Stay in contact if you can. God bless you.
What is the best place to souce a 240Z 4 speed
My ex-wife's utility shed in Lakeland, fl. . Sorry couldn't resist.
Check out this Z
The front bumper treatment is interesting. Other wise NOT!
My Z was used in a movie.
No to a friend of a friend. No to a film crew, unless I drive. No to my wife,........................ sometimes I miss her.
Bypassing the wiper controller
I did mine also. Not hard to do at all, just time consuming.
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
Four words: MY SON MY EX-WIFE
Photoshop skillz...
Dang man, that was my car before I made it a convertable. Good job.
Bypassing the wiper controller
Mine did the slow wiper thing and I had to remove the wiper motor and clean 30 years of build up between the armature contacts. Check the brushes for wear also. Another area that can cause a slow down is the pivot points where the wiper arms attach and the wiper assembly under the cowl. They may need cleaning. Good luck. Barrie
Passenger door rattles badly, can't find the problem
If the door itself turns out to be secure at the latch, there are many movable parts inside the door. The window regulator could be loose where secured to the door frame. The pivot points of the regulator could be worn and allowing rattles. There is a nylon roller that helps guide the window and also applies pressure to keep the window in place. That could be gone. Old cars are fun, they rattle, and as their preservers we will forever be tinkering to maintain them. Have fun and let know what you find.
What the hell is this???
Hi Will, I believe that was my car you saw. I rather enjoy my convertible. I did the conversion before the Z's values started to increase so much. There were also more to be bought than there seems to be today. Barrie
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Kats Great examples of your cars and the devotion you have to them. I really enjoy my car and once I got past the possibility of a scratch or two, I enjoy it even more. These are fun cars and should be driven. I could only imagine the thrill you must get each time you drive the 432. I would love to have one. That engine bay is just so clean and impressive, as is your 240. But that 432 engine is beyond words.
240z Alternator
I just did the DELCO conversion that is outlined in one of the forums. Works great, and took maybe an hour and a half to complete. Those are avaliable in any parts store.
Check this Out
When mine broke, I jacked the front driver's side up so I could get under the car and reached the latch with a screw driver and tripped it. Then installed a new one. That was last year and the first time I ever had one break. I've owned the car since the mid 70's.
Little red button says push
DUH!!!??? WHAT?
After years of searching i finally found her!
I saw the flat tops and I have also seen people do odd things to their cars. Carbs could have been changed, and with the different threads on how to determine production dates I thought I'd ask and not assume.
After years of searching i finally found her!
Congratulations on your find. You should know that with this new addition to your life, your life has changed for as long as you own her. With a production date of 12/72 is she a 73?
Cutting up an air cleaner for the venturis
I did just what you are talking about when I bought my K&N filters. They work great. And as suggested be sure there is enough room between the air horns and the filter or you will not get the desired results.
How to De-Tune a Z
Hi Vicky, Good to see you Saturday. Have you considered swapping engines? Maybe someone out there would be interested. They get a go fast, built by Big Daddy, and you get a good driver on pump gas. My 2 cents. Barrie
70 Z goes great for about 4milies then dies
Ditto to trash in the tank answers. I had a small piece of plastic floating around that would get sucked into the pickup and then I'd pull to the side of the road. Seconds latter she'd start up and repeat.
Am I the only one whose named their Z?
My son named my two Z's. We have "The Gold Car" which is my 72. We also have "The Red Car" which is my 90. The Gold Car is the one that my kids fight over, as to who will get it when I die.
What are your favorite Quotes?
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil has to be lead. You never know what you don't know.