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Everything posted by dspillman

  1. Howdy, Have noticed a couple of 72-73 air boxes that are blue ..almost a Carolina blue in color. What's the deal with orange versus blueboxes...... Searched "blue air box" with no luck One on a ahem...very clean car advertised as 40-50000 mile 73 240...but with early SUs. thanks, David Spillman
  2. When that "dead" horse jumps up and kicks ,gotta move. "The buyer is jumping up and down because brake lines have been replaced and the alternater has been changed " (Nope...false statment...completely.) I wrongly ______ "fill in the blank" that the only verifiable part would be there. " Major case of buyers remorse." (I would have to think long and hard if I was offered at this point all my monies back from anyone) Very solid "structurally speaking" car that dosen't exist on the right coast....whoops...very rare on right coast. looking for downforce in my Z, david spillman
  3. This is a great site,not sure how I've missed it for so long. Thanks for the heads up Enrique. I'm the buyer of the car mentioned in this thread. Don't worry, I'm finished with repeating my story in what I consider to be my/our little community,publically. As all repeated stories are passed some details become twisted to a degree. I'm posting here to let you guys know the tranny is not a 5-speed. Not sure where that got started.... David Spillman
  4. dspillman

    WHats going on back there?

    Hey how'd you know? He does have some horsies,he's also mucho driver! MARRS/SARRC last spring. 03
  5. Start of race at VIR...I'm 3rd place,just looks lots better.
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