Interior Fan always blowing
My interior fan is always blowing even when I turn the switch to off. I thought the switch broke and I replaced it and it is still doing it. Any ideas? Thanks PT
heater panel removal
Well I figured it out thanks
heater panel removal
I am trying to remove the heater panel but not want to damage it. I have removed the 4 visible screws , now what else is holding it in? Thanks PT
Best Place to get car covers?
I need to get a car cover for my 240z that will be living outside. I did not know where the best place to get one for the best price might be. Thanks in Advance PT
Replacing floor tar?
Thanks for all the replies. I think I will try and use the bedliner stuff and then if there is still a large amount of sound in the cabin I will use sound insulation on top of it. I was wanting to know if there was a good primer that I could get at a hardware store or some place similar. (Right now I am a college kid on a budget.) This site is the best! Thanks PT
Replacing floor tar?
I just want to say thanks to everyone with all the help on my new 240. I have removed the old tar from my floor and did not know what type of tar to get to replace it or if i should just prime and paint the metal. Thanks in Advance! Pt
Interior Screws
I am looking for screws that hold the interior panels on the inside of the car. I was wondering if anyone knew what size they were. Thanks
Planning on painting z and have some q's
Thanks for the help. I wonder if the white on the new 350s is a true pearl or if it is all in one coat. Thanks for all the help.
Planning on painting z and have some q's
hey, Just wanted to let everybody know how much I like this site. This car was given to me by a family friend 2 weeks ago that decided he had too many sports cars and wanted to pass it on. I am planning on painting my 72 240 in a couple of months when it warms up and had some questions. 1. Through all the research I have done I have not found if I should use a certain type grit sandpaper in between applying additional coats of paint. Everything I have read mentioned wet sanding before applying the clear coat. 2. I am going to get some practice on other projects before I shoot the car, but I have heard that the color I want to paint my z is very hard to paint. I want to paint it the pearl white color of the new 350's. Thanks in advance. P T
Need Filler hose for 72 240z
I am looking for a filler hose for my 240z. I found one place that had one for $100 but did not know if there is any place to find one cheaper. Thanks PT