Everything posted by ChrisA
Jim Carey's "Bruce Almighty" Z
Quoted from: http://www.saleenclub.net/press.php "Hollywood Horsepower premiered nationally on May 23 with Bruce Almighty, a Universal Pictures starring Jim Carrey as an average Joe who gets his wish when God, played by Morgan Freeman, agrees to change places with Carrey for a week to prove to Jim that being God ain’t all it’s made out to be. Two ladies co-star, Jennifer Aniston and a silver Saleen S7. Jennifer certainly has the softer curves, but the S7 is one fast lady and a real handler. Aniston is a heart breaker; The S7, what else, is the late braker. The Pope may occasionally be driven in a Ferrari, but Bruce Almighty confirms that God drives an S7!" Found a few other links on the web that said it was a Saleen also. But like I said before, the McLaren would have been a better choice! Chris
Jim Carey's "Bruce Almighty" Z
I thought it was a Saleen not a McLaren. Although the McLaren would have been my choice. Chris
Ultimate Car Dealership
Holy Moly!! Thanks Victor! Unbelievable cars! Chris
Suspension noise
Okay so I read all the posts in this thread and the paint deal got me thinking. So I went down and took a pic of my paint sticker. As you can see it says "Acryl". Now I have read Humble's book cover to cover many times and there's an old saying out there---"Don't believe everything you read". I am the second owner of my Z. The original owner is a friend of mine. He assures me that the paint sticker has been on the car since he drove it off the lot in Omaha Nebraska in 1973. The car has never been wrecked and I certainly believe that Nissan knows better than Wick Humble. No offense to him but mistakes happen. Maybe Nissan meant something else when they had "Acryl" put on the stickers, but seeing 5,980 matches for that term on google tells me Nissan knew what they were doing. Maybe the terminology changed along the way, who knows. I just know we shouldn't be telling a member that the sticker on his car is bogus and that he should believe a paint and body man before FACTORY applied decals. Anybody care to look up the code for 901 in 73?????? My .02 Chris
What do you think of this Z?
Thanks Will, I'm not out of the loop now. Now back to the car everyone...... Chris
What do you think of this Z?
I'm out of this Too Intense loop, can someone explain? I thought they did good work. I'm getting signals from two members on this thread that maybe they do bad work? Thanks, Chris
What kills/deters spiders? (in the garage)
If its still legal in your area, get some Diazinon liquid. Mix up a batch in a hose end sprayer or pump spayer and go at the foundation. I do it inside and out and it works for several months. Stay out of the garage for awhile as the fumes are nasty. What Carl said is true. A good treatment outside the garage and even where the garage door comes down will really put a limit on critters getting in the house. A local gardening show in my area recommends spraying up the sides of the outside walls as high as 3 feet. Mike recommended a product I have used inside as well, Home Defense. Good stuff. Much luck to you SpiderMan!! Chris
Wrong Mechanical Gauges?
Robert go to this link. It is probably what you're looking for. http://www.zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/autometer.htm Much luck, Chris
Hi Andrea, if the car runs reasonably well I wouldnt remove the twin carbs. The 4 barrel conversion can make the car run worse from what I've heard. The twin carbs are very reliable and can be rebuilt or swapped for better ones from this website. www.ztherapy.com They can get you parts for yours if needed. Bruce is the guy to talk to about Z carbs. Others may tell you the 4 barrel conversion works, but others will tell you don't do it. Beware of rust lurking underneath the car. Behind the front wheels is a problem area. Have your step dad get under the car and really check it out. If all you have is surface rust then you have a good solid car. Look under the floor carpeting as well. Can you tell us the serial number of the car? Much luck to you with the Z. Chris
Tell us about the car and we'll give you lots of advice. What year, where was the car from, etc, etc. Welcome to the group. Chris
yet another factor restored 240z
Quote "Yet another factory-restored 240z " Dont look Alan. He's a newb. Chris
So what does your Z sound like!?
Hi Ron, more please!!!!!! Chris
Indy 500 Not Won By Danica Patrick!
New avatar signature potential: http://www.letsmow.com/ Let's get it on!!!!!! Hey Bill, here you go. August 20, STA-BIL Northeast Arkansas Mow Down Show Down Jonesboro Firefighters Local 3718, Jonesboro, AR Thanks for all the laughs on this thread everyone. Most enjoyable. Chris
I've often wondered why they are called 13B and 20B. Is it because they sound like 13 or 20 bees in a can? You'd have to admit, cutting holes in the Z car hood to fit this would be pretty fugly no matter how fast. Chris
From a real dumb ass
You mentioned fusible links, did you check the one on the starter solenoid that should be a couple inches long and has a white plastic connector to the main harness and uses an eyelet on the solenoid? This one will kill the starter if it burns. Good luck, Chris P.S. Dont feel to bad about what you did. Buddy of mine who is a mechanic for a living did it to his Buick Wildcat Convertible once. Smoked his starter, alternator and regulator. It can happen to anyone.
The $3500 GT
Tom, right click the link on the page, then "Save target as" and save it to your computer. Then open the saved file. Works for me, but it is a big file. I got to 7 megs then cancelled it as I have it already. Chris
The R380 outside Japan
Thanks for those A680X pictures Alan. Anyone else besides me notice how the cowl panel, windscreen, and quarter windows all resemble a certain other Nissan vehicle (S30 if you need a hint). Alan, do you suppose there is any direct relationship between this prototype and the S30 cars? Maybe its just me but I sure see a Fairlady in there. Look at how the A pillar comes down to the front wing. Its almost a dead ringer. The roof line is very similar too. Missing link indeed! Thanks, Chris
Racecar replica
Thanks Alan, much appreciated. I find it fascinating that they were using injection on some cars back then. Can you share anything about the difference between LR and LY motors? I have heard of LY but the LR is new terminology to me. Thanks, Chris
Racecar replica
Alan, can you provide a brief synopsis of the mechanicals any of these cars. I appreciate all the pictures posted in this thread. Great cars!! Great info! Thanks, Chris
fuel pump problem??
If you can isolate the power wires going directly to the pump. Disconnect it and insert a 12 volt test bulb in its place. Turn on the key and see if the bulb lights. If it does then you know its the pump. If it doesnt light then you know you have electrical issues. Much luck, Chris
Floor pan replacement
Hi Chris, I have to admit there's something fascinating about your pictures. I think its because I know another one is being saved!! Its quite soothing to see that fresh clean metal!! Continued good luck with her!! Chris A
Magazine article
Toad with wheels!! Chris
Cleaning tail light lens
Had to reply to this part. One summer while fiddling with the wiring up under the glove box I noticed this wiring. When I determined what it was I mounted some custom LED units on the kick panels that aim the bright white light down into the footwell. I must say it was a nice surprise and it sure makes an improvement to a black interior on a dark night. Thanks E!! Chris
Does MidwestZ Exist?
Sadly the answer is NO!! http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13753&highlight=Midwest Chris
HID headlights
My bad, I should have stated mine were a HID look-a-like earlier. Chris