Everything posted by ChrisA
Maybe its time for a new block....
Hi Ray, I'm not sure on an L28 but on an L24 the top ring gap in my FSM is 0.23 to 0.38. So its possible that your L28 is fine at the measurement your getting. Can someone with an L28 FSM give us the ring gap specs? Thanks, Chris
Not Zweather!
Hey Victor, what kind of tequila are we going to have for the holidays??? I'm thinking either some Chinaco or some El Tesoro!!! Might have to break out the Herradura Seleccion Suprema and have a tiny nip!! Chris
Oil Cooler?
Leon, if you have a Fram distributor in your area, you could get a HPK5 Filter adapter and a HPK2 remote filter head. This will let you plumb in a cooler. The HPK5 goes onto the motor at the filter location and has 2 ports that are half inch pipe thread. Much luck, Chris
Not Zweather!
I feel for all of you getting snow. None here yet. Its 2 degrees this morning and the wind chill is minus 11. Yippee!! My 240SX has a good heater (thank god). You all becareful traveling! Chris
Damn Snow
Cleaning luggage straps?
Thanks Mike. Chris
Need help on floors
Hey Mat, when you make a post to a thread at the bottom there is a "manage attachments" button. When you click on that you can upload the pics to the post. If you have the pics on your computer or camera its easy. Your rockers look pretty rusty, you could replace them as a complete panel, or if you're good with patching the holes you could go that route. I'm afraid there is more rust inside the rockers that you cant see yet. I'd replace them as a whole. Much luck, Chris
Cleaning luggage straps?
I used some liquid Tide and a scrub brush on mine. I have a set of straps that are kind of faded, could you use some black Rit dye and re-color them? Chris
Bluescreen of Death
JGTC Racing
No its a Fairlady Z. Has been since the first Z. Right hand drive, different options available also. Alan (HS30-H) could explain it better than I. Chris
Happy Holidays!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to say thanks and Happy Holidays to you all. I have really enjoyed being a part of the group this year. I wish I had joined sooner! I thank each and every one of you for your contributions to this site. It gives me great pride to be a part of such a good group. The combined knowledge that we all collectively bring to the table makes me proud. I consider you all friends. Peace be with you this season and always. Best wishes, Chris Abbott
R200 Lsd
You are correct Ed. With the correct thrustwashers and tolerances it would work. Do you have a good gear guy? Or would you attempt it yourself? Chris
Hey Nick, isnt that garage great. I drooled over it awhile back. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=110104&postcount=18 Chris
Coolant leaking from Tranny
Post deleted out of respect to 26th-Z because it is not my intention to disrespect anyone here. Curiousity simply got the best of me. Chris
I love our flag
Just became a z owner!!!
Hey Mat, you can get some SEM brand interior paint in a rattle can and change your colors if you want. The later 260Z had big heavy bumpers like a 280Z if I recall. The early 260Z had thin cross section bumpers like the 240's. Your car looks like it has the thin bumpers with the bigger guards than a 240 but the bumpers themselves are the ones to have. You can remove the guards for a cleaner look. A lot of Z owners have done that. Chris
Just became a z owner!!!
Hey Mat, if you can swing the cash www.ztherapy.com can get you a set of carbs all set up and ready to go. They have helped out many a Z car owner. I noticed you have the skinny bumpers on your car--good find my friend. Chris
Just became a z owner!!!
Hi Mat, welcome to the group. You are very lucky to have a rare 260Z. The car doesnt look to bad. You will love it when you get her running right. Dont hesitate to ask questions. The members here are full of answers and some are full of it!! Myself included!! Chris
Xmas help
Stephen, "Single Malt: This indicates that the whisky was made in only one distillery and has not been blended with any other product from elsewhere. It may however contain whisky from several production batches over a period of up to a couple of years. There are rather fewer than 100 working malt whisky distilleries in Scotland with the dominant concentration in the Spey valley in north-east Scotland around Elgin. A smaller group of particularly characterful malt distilleries exists on the western island of Islay and there used to be a third group centred round Campbeltown. About 120 single malts can be identified including the bottled product of now-defunct distilleries" From a UK website. Chris
pics of the Z
Sweet Car Dave!! Chris
What kind of front lip is this?
I'd say that looks right Ed. How's them Boxers? Chris
What kind of front lip is this?
Hey Gang, he wants to know about Tod Kaneko's 72 Z. The link to the picture is messed up. Even with my T1 line I had to click it eight times before it came up. Here's a pic from a different site. Chris
Saddest Day
Ditto, I drove a 72 daily for 7 years. In Nebraska!! In winter!! And I drove a 71 for almost 10 years daily. Dependability has never been a issue with ANY Z I've owned. Chris
Sputtering/won't rev past 3500rpm...
Jay, I'm not sure when the electric pump was put into production. The fuel filter on my car is usually around half full when running and you say your's barely fills the bottom. I suspect a blockage somewhere. If you feel like getting messy, you could pull the drain on the fuel tank and when its empty pour some fresh fuel in to try and flush out any large bits. Another thing is to put a small one gallon can in the engine bay and have your new fuel pump draw directly out of the can and see if she'll run past 3500. I know that might seem dangerous but if you secure things it would work for just a test run. Chris
Sputtering/won't rev past 3500rpm...
Hi Jay, some Z's with carbs had an electric fuel pump mounted back by the tank on the right side of the rear carrier. If your car has one of these, there is a filter on the bottom of the cylindrical pump. My 73 had one and the filter in the electric pump was so clogged I had some of the driveability issues you are having. I removed the complete electric pump and my problems went away. I also installed the good Z SU carbs also. Good luck, Chris