Everything posted by ChrisA
hi from finland.
It will take a little time for Administration to approve your pictures. They should be stored in your personal gallery. If you click on the Photo Gallery link in the Main Menu on the left of the main page, you'll get to the main gallery and you'll find another link that says "My Photos". That's were they'll be. At least that's how I do it. Thanks for the pics you've posted so far. Love that Cherry. Chris A.
usa old school nissan skyline owners
Correct, in the US, the L20A 6 cylinder was never seen unless in those rare circumstances the car was brought in from a different world market. The L20B 4 cylinder was very common in models sold in the US. I had a 1977 200SX (S10 Sylvia) with a superbly built L20B with twin carbs and lots of Electramotive goodies. It was a really ugly car on the outside, but had a nice interior and was wicked fast with the modded motor. FWIW, Chris A.
hi from finland.
Welcome Kari, Enjoy your stay here. I had an old 79 Datsun 310 which I think would have been a Sunny in other parts of the world. Regards, Chris A.
'71 rear hatch strut
Jeff, sent you a PM. Chris A.
What Carbs
Stephen gave you good advice. 1973 240Z flat tops were Hitachi HMB46W-1 or HMB46W1 depending on what you're reading. I dont know if the 260Z carbs were exactly the same model or not. I'd bet they were very similar if not the same. Have fun with your project. Chris A.
1st time poster with a questions
And now you're gone and I will always wonder what the above quote is supposed to mean. ????????????????????? Hey, thanks for sharing!
competition hood interest?
Hi Mike, Count me on the interested list. I have another 73 with all the dealer fixes except the hood vent. I think it'd be neat to have it. Chris A.
1st time poster with a questions
As a matter of fact.........http://www.brockersbeautys.com/htm/46.htm
What is the worst part of this club
Bill is enrolled at the University of Arkansas this year. I remember what it was like to be a freshman at a new school in a new town far from home. GO BILL GO!!! Anyway, what is the worst part of this club? Members with huge amounts of knowledge leaving for one reason or another. Bambi and 2ManyZ's, etc. Overall, the worst parts are very insignificant IMO. Chris A.
1st time poster with a questions
Hey Caleb, I thought it was spam at first also. But based on both his threads so far, it might be a legitimate question. I'm in the "Rust Belt" so I won't offer any opinions about the cars or their availability in my area. Chris A.
an e-bay collection, and other madness
I once pestered a guy for two years to sell me a set of those wheels like on the blue car. He had them on a junker 280 in his back yard. He'd wouldnt sell because "he was gonna fix it up". I offered him $200 bucks for them even. Awhile after, I noticed the car was gone, so I asked him where the car was, he said he'd had it hauled off for scrap. $85 bucks if I recall. :stupid: Chris A.
an e-bay collection, and other madness
LOL Luckily I've got space in a barn a friend of mine has on his property. After 19 years she's forgotten what all I have stored there. :devious: Besides all my Z parts and three Z cars, there's an old Mini Cooper, a 57 Chevy Bel Air and a 72 Cutlass Supreme Convertible. I'd love to buy those 5 Z's but that's a long trip and a LOT of gas. I'd love to have the lot just for the wheels on this one. Chris A.
Picked up the Z today
Now that's what I'm talking about! You'll get there, take your time and do it right, you'll be rewarded each mile after mile. Chris A.
Picked up the Z today
Hey Caleb, those wheels did clean up nice. Looks good. And I see why you got a Z, dude you're like 6 foot 5 already and still growing! :laugh: I've always loved the leg room in the Z car and I'm only a runty six footer. Best of luck and most of all have fun with the Z! Chris A.
Important Grounding Points
Umm...500 strands in a 14 gauge wire on a car is overkill in my opinion. We use this....never fails. You can order it online. http://order.waytekwire.com/IMAGES/M37/catalog/218_004.PDF
Important Grounding Points
All the parts houses in my neck of the woods stock 10,12 and 14 gauge. My own shop stocks 10 and 14. That's plenty big in my opinion. FWIW, Chris A.
Previous-Owner Dumbassery...
Holy crap Adam, I don't even know what to say about that................
Previous-Owner Dumbassery...
So you'll come and do mine for steak and beer? My COD is leaving the right front strut gland nut loose.
Previous-Owner Dumbassery...
Hey Mike, Is that for those of us who mushroom a spindle pin? Chris A.
I can't speak for his picture but there are actually several hardy palm varieties which can withstand -20 degrees F. They've been planted as far north as Canada. http://www.aaronscanna-amaryllis.com/palm/index.html FWIW, Chris A.
Hi Charlie, Welcome to the group. Looks like another beautiful Z out there!! Chris A.
"kind of" new.. ;)
Thanks Michael, I like the lowered look, good luck with the suspension upgrade. Chris A.
"kind of" new.. ;)
Yep, bright shiny red Z car. Can you tell us which S30 model it is....HS30, HLS30...etc. Thanks, Chris A.
"kind of" new.. ;)
Hi Michael, Beautiful car! Glad you decided to post a picture. Chris A.
not charging?
Jim beat me to it..... Hi Jeff, Couple of things you can check. Do you have a multimeter? You can get a cheap one at any autoparts store. Put the meter on the battery with car not running. Note the reading. Start the car and note the meter reading again. Should be 14 or more volts. If the meter shows a good reading, then turn on the lights, heater etc. Note the reading again. Rev up the motor while all the goodies are on and note the readings you get on the meter. If the voltage drops its most likely the alternator or the voltage regulator is bad. The regulator is the box beside the alternator on the inner fender. You could clean the connections at the alternator and the regulator and try the meter reading again. Might be a dirty connection or loose connection. Much luck, Chris A.