Everything posted by ChrisA
well I'm majorly bummed
Hey Jared, The bone yard was closed today so I'll get it for you tomorrow. Question for you, is the tee pipe bolted down anywhere and what size socket/wrench will I need. I probably just take my "mobile tool kit" with me. Comes in handy on those trips to the bone yard. Any other goodies you want me to snag? More hood vents? Just let me know. I'll have an hour each day this week to get whatever is needed. Chris A.
well I'm majorly bummed
Hi Jared, Sorry about getting back to you so late. I will call the salvage yard tomorrow (Sunday) and see if they're open so I can get the parts. Otherwise I will get them for you Monday. Stephen, My 810 and 280ZX were just like your picture but my wife's 75 280Z was like Jareds. Engineering changes somewhere after Jared's 77. Chris A.
well I'm majorly bummed
Hey Jared, Can you get me a picture of what you need. There are several 280's in my local salvage yard. I'd be glad to go get one for you. Chris A.
U.S. National Anthem: what an Insult!!
Usually before sporting events but not at any concert I've been to. Been to a few plays and musicals as well and its not played. I don't really know the reasoning behind the sporting event playing though. If I'm not mistaken wasnt it Sinead O'Connor who made the fuss? FWIW, Chris A.
Waking the sleeping beast?
Glad to hear you're familiar with the carbs and have the air cleaners. From your two engine pics I wasnt sure they were there when you got the hood open. Continued good luck to you Mike. I hope she fires right up for you. Chris A.
Looking good. Love the paint job. Chris A.
Waking the sleeping beast?
Hi Mike, Some of the guru's here can tune their carbs with only the service manual for help. They are far better than I. I got the tune up video from www.ztherapy.com to help me and watched 10 times! ztherapy can help you a ton if you need them. They can rebuild your carbs or swap yours for a rebuilt set they have on hand. I believe they might be able to get you a factory air cleaner assembly also. FWIW, Chris A.
The worst problem I have had with my Z is:
I hear you there brother!! Chris A.
Can Shelby wheels be located or repaired?
Thanks for the tips Carl. Ken, those are great looking wheels. I'm thinking black or charcoal powdercoat for my spokes. The gold just wont look good on a silver car. Chris A.
The worst problem I have had with my Z is:
So, about a year and a half ago my Z started making a strange banging noise in the right front. I jacked her up, went over everything (so I thought) and not finding anything loose, bent, broke or missing I went on my merry way. Well the noise would come and go. Since its not driven much, sometimes I'd drive it and not hear the bang. The next time the bang would occur over even the smallest imperfection in the road. So this year I jacked her up again. Took the tire off and worked my way from the cotter pin in. Checked bearings, repacked them, checked caliper mounting. Checked ball joint, compression rod, control arm, sway bar, front valance, hood hinges, motor mounts. You name it I checked, again so I thought. Just as I was getting the tire to put it on, I noticed the gland nut on the strut. Seemed like it was showing a lot of thread below the hex and above the top of the strut housing. And bingo, there it was. The cartridge was banging up and down because the gland nut was loose. So I removed the whole strut assembly, checked it for damage. Had to get new front struts as it beat the cartridge up pretty badly. Did both sides as it seemed wrong to just do one strut. And with a weekend shot to heck, no more bang! Blue loctite on the nuts this time!!!! Chris A.
Can Shelby wheels be located or repaired?
Hi Carl, Stephen and all, I've still got the set of Libre's off my long deceased 71. Would you guys recommend getting the backsides of the wheel bead or soda blasted? I'd like to get them cleaned up and use them occasionally. Anybody have a good suggestion for the proper compound to bring the lip's shine back? Thanks, Chris A.
Great pics!
well I'm majorly bummed
I know how you feel. They are indeed good people. You'll get it right I'm sure. Keep the faith Z brother! Regards, Chris A.
well I'm majorly bummed
Hey Jared, Did you get that beauty fixed yet? How about some pictures of the repair process. Alll the best, Chris A.
New 1971 240Z Check it out
Hi Jeremy, Welcome to the group. Did you get the car from Craig Early? He was a member here...blitzkraig was his user ID I believe. I remember him sadly having to sell it. If it's the same car, you've got a good one. Craig took really good care of it. I remember the car because its got the same rims as mine. Have fun, Chris A.
Datsun commercials
Here are all of Mull's videos in one quick place. http://www.voodoo-people.com/~daz/mull/wmv/ FWIW, Chris A.
Bringing her home!
Waking the sleeping beast?
Correct, having done it twice. Chris A.
Waking the sleeping beast?
Hi Mike, I'd give the brake system a good check before going on the maiden voyage as well. Have fun.
Hello from Kansas
Welcome Lee, what part of Kansas are you from? Lots of Z's in KC/Overland Park. Chris A.
Waking the sleeping beast?
Excellent tips Carl, Might I suggest oiling the cam and rockers before trying to turn the motor over with a wrench. Who knows how long the valve train had to drain off the oil. Otherwise, you've got plenty here to get going on. I wish I could help you, I love doing this kind of thing. Chris A.
My Skyline finally arrived......
Sounds like you could live in Nebraska! :laugh: Regardless, simply outstanding car. I'd give up a lot for one of those. Chris A.
Waking the sleeping beast?
Hi Mike, welcome to the group. Man I love a Z with American Racing Libra wheels. Nice looking find you have there. The fuel tank probably need a good clean out. New rubber fuel lines at the tank and in the engine bay as well. If its still got the "flat top" carbs on it, then you might have some trouble. Enrique can certainly help you if you're in his neck of the woods. Good luck and have fun. Chris A.
Other cars you own, or drive?
Do my shop trucks count? 2003 Dodge Ram 2500 Shortbox 4x4 Hemi 2002 Chevy Colorado with weird 5 cylinder engine 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 Longbox 2wd 360 Magnum Chris A.