Everything posted by ChrisA
MikeW new paint
Absolutely Gorgeous Modified Z
WOW is about all I can say. Nissan power in a Nissan. Wish we knew more details about the swap. I have a wrecked Q45 at my local salvage yard. Chris
Tie rod removal installation
There is a joint inside the boot in the picture you posted. It's up to you to determine if it need replaced or not. If the boot isn't torn more than likely it's okay unless you have really high mileage and are concerned about wear. You can test for play(looseness) in that joint to see if its bad. Chris
wiring diagram 73 240
Try to find a Factory Service Manual for your year and model. Chris
Carb Needles
ztherapy.com for all your Z car carb needs
warning module
Yeah I remember it all now!! ROFL
DIY Home Hot Tank
I think you might be right on that. The dude on the show said its really caustic and he wore heavy duty rubber gloves. Whichever it was it worked really good on the old MG parts he was cleaning. Chris
DIY Home Hot Tank
I saw on a DIY show once where a guy took a big Rubbermaid tote filled it with water and some toilet bowl cleaner. He dipped some greasy old parts that had paint on them and after awhile the parts came out surprisingly clean. Just becareful with aluminum parts. The toilet cleaner was some kind of crystal powder he mixed in with hot water from the tap. Seemed to work pretty good. Cant remember the name of the cleaner. Chris
oil that does not come out
Your pictures look to me like you have the 1979 to July of 1981 280ZX distributor with the two terminal E12-80 module on the side. This is a good distributor when working correctly. Are you getting coil wire spark? Carl's picture of spark plug wiring is how your plug wires should be. Did the car run well before you started tinkering? Keep us informed, we'll help as much as we can. Chris
oil that does not come out
Looks like you forgot to attach the pictures. What kind of book do you have? Did you figure out if the dizzy is points or electronic? Chris
Dashboard Decoration
That's him dude!!
Tension Rod question
Dana Scully----ooohhh mammmma!!!! Nice!!
Tension Rod question
What's them Nascar boys always say, "better to have bad luck than no luck at all". LOL Chris
Tension Rod question
The delrin/aluminum combo was convex/concave to allow for the rod movement as Tomohawk describes but didnt allow much if any lateral movement fore and aft. On a track car its great but like Carl said, one tends to avoid pebbles, cracks, expansion grooves because the shock into the steering wheel was just horrid. Chris
Car won't start on "D", "1", "2", "R"
A guy I know always shifted his Honda CRX without using the clutch pedal (except to get going). He got really mad when the transaxle blew up one day!!:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: Chris
Tension Rod question
I wonder what the 510 was used for and what other suspension mods the car had. In 22 years of driving Z's hard I've never experienced a T/C rod failure when running any of the three types of bushings. But I agree with Carl, the delrin/aluminum combo is by far the hardest and most aggresive. My .02 Chris
My 240K Rear Photo
My 85 300Z
warning module
I believe that was a ZX thing in the top end turbo models. Told you your lights were on or some such thing. I remember seeing an interview with Eddie Murphy who had one and he did a skit about it. The car said "Hey man, someone stole your battery". "I say we go get the mother f___er." At the time it was pretty funny. Chris
Motorsport Auto Rocks!
Ditto Chris
oil that does not come out
Yes, forgot about the Mallory, doesnt it have a red cap as standard? Chris
oil that does not come out
240Z distributors used points. 280Z dizzy's were electronic and the caps are bigger. Is your dizzy points or electronic? Is your new cap bigger or why do you think its wrong? There is a part number stamped in the body of the dizzy, find it and tell us and we'll tell you exactly what dizzy you have. Much luck, Chris
New Radiator
I wish I had a good radiator shop here. Charged too much money for a job not well done. Bought an MSA three row a few years ago. No complaints considering what I'd been through. In my experience if you tell the shop around here what you're driving they do a crappy job. If you just tell them to fix it then usually its ok. Paint came off my local repair the first time the radiator got to full temp and the top tank leaked worse than when I took it in. Oh well, live and learn. Much luck, Chris
Dashboard Decoration
How about Mr. K's signature on a Bambikiller bobblehead shifter knob with red glowing LED eyes!!! Just kidding of course Carl! Chris