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Everything posted by ChrisA

  1. ChrisA replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey thanks for the tip, off to the toy store I go. Chris A.
  2. Certainly not Mr. Magnum Will! I don't even want to know what this thread is really about. But Tom's (240ZX) comment was to much to resist. Chris A.
  3. Dammit Tom, get out of my head!! Chris A.
  4. ChrisA replied to Patrick's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sorry to bring this thread back to the front but..... Saw this in the January 2007 Road and Track. Direct scan from the magazine, page 138. Asking price is a shocker. FWIW, Chris A.
  5. There is a little article and some pictures at this link. Also some other interesting models as well. http://www.fineartmodels.com/pages/product.asp?content_area=6&sub_area=139&product_area=139 FWIW, Chris A.
  6. Sounds like it Victor. That sounds like a fun car. Wish I'd not passed up the chance to buy one back in the day. Had all kinds of SSS parts on it. Looked like a BRE version without the numbers on the hood and doors. Wicked fast. Guy named Rob Gibson had it and a beautiful late 69 Z. Lost track of his whereabouts in the late 80's. He was die hard Datsun then got married. Thanks for the info Victor. Chris A.
  7. Hi Victor, I see you got the 510, would you mind giving some details about it. I've searched your posts but don't see anything. Thanks, Chris A.
  8. ChrisA replied to DatsunZsRule's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think Ed might disagree with being in the top 50 with worst reputation. Then again, he might not care. Because he's in the top 50 with the best reputation too. But "reputation" factor doesnt bother me one way or the other. Can't judge a persons character on an internet forum. If you know me personally then you know me. Wink wink!! FWIW, Chris A.
  9. ChrisA replied to 71safarigoldz's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hi Bob, Replacement body parts......Hmmm... www.datsunzparts.com www.zzxdatsun.com www.motorsportauto.com www.blackdragonauto.com Regards, Chris A.
  10. ChrisA replied to 71safarigoldz's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome Bob, Enjoy the site and your Z. You paid a fair price for a low Vin car. If the rust isnt too bad, that's even better. How much it will be worth is debatable. And its been debated here over and over. What is it worth to you is what matters most. Regards, Chris A.
  11. ChrisA replied to Mike's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I wasnt going to chime in on this thread as I'm in the group that doesnt care much for the 350's looks. But, I had the opportunity to drive a friends new 350 last weekend on our local road course. And my impression changed once I was in the drivers seat. Looking out the window, you really don't notice the exterior of course. And man, what a perfomer. This was in the "enthusiast" model with the 5 speed auto tranny with manual shift mode. Sheeshh....it blew me away. Smooth seamless power, stiff ride up to about 65MPH then strangely the ride smoothed out. Could use a sway bar upgrade but I didn't push the car too hard. I still don't care much for the exterior but what a great drivetrain and suspension combo. Phenomenal brakes. Beautiful interior. I won't ever buy one till its appearance appeals to me. But I now really do see why it is so popular. FWIW, Chris A.
  12. 1

    ChrisA posted a gallery image in Vanity Plates
  13. ChrisA replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Man I wished I lived in Australia right now..... Check out this auction...... http://cgi.ebay.com/Nissan-Datsun-240Z-260Z-Z432-280Z-Model-Collection-WOW_W0QQitemZ160033227166QQihZ006QQcategoryZ2581QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I wonder if this person is a member. Nice collection. Chris A.
  14. ChrisA replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thanks for the tip....I just bought some too! Awesome!
  15. ChrisA replied to cplus's post in a topic in Electrical
    Hi Jim, I'm currently running the ZX dizzy (e12-80 module) alone on a 73. Works great. Chris A.
  16. ChrisA replied to DatsunZsRule's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi Jared, Glad you found the part. I think you should have taken the one I found you. It would have cleaned up nice and you'd have been several weeks ahead of where you are now. But, anyway, good luck getting the blue beauty running again. Chris A.
  17. AMEN!!!!! I can dream. Already got the girl!! (And the boy to prove it ) Chris A.
  18. Thanks Craig. Chris A.
  19. Sorry, off topic here just a little. Anybody identify this car? Looks like Mazda RX3 or RX4 but I'm not sure. Thanks, Chris A.
  20. ChrisA commented on Alfadog's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  21. ChrisA commented on zedric's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  22. ChrisA commented on zedric's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  23. Oopps, I did mean Silvia. Don't know why I spelled it that way. Probably because I have an Aunt Sylvia. Cant seem to edit my previous post. Chris A.
  24. ChrisA replied to XelderX's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hi Justin, Shoot some pics of the engine for us. We can at least advise you on what fuel system is in it now. I swapped an L28 (2.8 liter) into an older model and you can just bolt on the carbs and manifolds. Very high interchangeability with these engines. Some guys go crazy and swap in a complete turbo motor with injection computer and all the wiring as well. Makes for a quick little beastie. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Someone will answer. Chris A.
  25. ChrisA replied to XelderX's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome Justin, Can you tell us where you're located. Any members here that are close to you would probably help you out if needed. From your pictures I think the car looks pretty good. Check the archives here for where to look for rust. I'd love to have a 260Z. Nice find. Chris A.

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