Weber DGV's
There is not much info on tuning these on the Web. Another guy with a 240 w/DGVs took a shot at tuning them. There's a large thread over at hybridz.org.http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=17642&highlight=
A day at the races 4
Camber Plates for 280Z
Try http://www.daveturner.com/ he offers some plates for stock setups.
This is one clean engine bay. Tuning those 6 carbs probably sucks. Eric please share the url of these pics, if your getting them all from some other site. I'd like see this site.
Advice on interior and rust
Derk - I spent many hours scraping like you until I got some air tools, which included an air chisel. The air chisel will take the tar matting up in no time, no heat required. If you have a good air compressor I'd recommend buying a cheap air chisel. I haven't removed my vinyl covering on my trans tunnel, but I have chipped at some of the tar matting underneath the vinyl. The metal on mine is not rusty. Chad
Floorboard rust
73 240Z Carb Choke Mystery - Weber 32/36
My car did the same thing with not wanting to idle back down after letting off the gas. What worked for me was lubricating the lever on each carb. Also, the nut that holds the lever on each carb was too tight, I loosened it and then lightly tightened it back. Fixed that problem. When choking the idle speed should go up some, but your cable sounds like it needs adjusting if a barely touching the choke causes that big of a difference. Take off your air filters and look down in carbs as someone gradually applies the choke. The butterflies in there should be pretty close to vertical with no choke, and as choke is applied gradually close to a horizontal position.
What kind of fundraiser merchandise would you buy?
My vote is for the short sleeve T-shirt w/ blue oval logo.
My Ride
FYI..The previous owner of my car had some of those aluminum rocker panels on the car. I took them off to find some bad rust spots underneath. They trap the moisture. I'd recommend taking them off of sealing up the holes from the sheetmetal screws.
Can I autocross with bad floorboards?
I've got a 72 240z. The drivers side floor board needs to be replaced completly and the passenger side needs a fairly small section replaced. Other than that the frame rails all look to be in good condition. Just how much structural integrity do the floor pans provide? Can I run an autocross with them in this condition? I don't want to cause any other damage. Thanks, Chad