Everything posted by batcave
Clutch slave cylinder-> Where is the rod??
Colorado. Sry, I'll get that fixed... If anyone has one, I will pay for shipping!
Clutch slave cylinder-> Where is the rod??
I was replacing the clutch slave cylinder on my 1971 240Z, and I threw out the old one. When I got the new one, I found out that it didn't include the rod that goes between it and the clutch fork! I called around to some places and went to some junk yards, but I just can't find one any where! Does anyone know where I can find this rod? I don't care if it is new or used. I just need it! Thanks!
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully there isn't too much difference between the '71 and 73' transmissions. Oh, and be careful with those motor mounts! How on earth did you break those?!?!?
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
Thanks for the reply US240Z. Do you mean that the tranny mount and the drive shaft from the automatic tranny fit the manula tranny? Or do you mean that you swapped in a new driveline and mount with the manual? I just want to clarify to be extra sure. Thanks again!
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
A 99% is much better than what I had before! Thanks! I am getting the flywheel, clutch, pedal, master cylinder and the tubing with it. (just need to get the slave) So, thanks again! P.S. If anyone knows that this is wrong, please let me know. Otherwise I will take this as "your final answer."
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
I do need to find out. I am getting the 240Z this weekend from someone who has a 4-speed that they are throwing in too. But I want to know a head of time if I need to be looking for a new driveshaft. Anyone else know?
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
I've searched, but haven't found much about the automatic transmission. (guess its not that popular!) So, from what I've read, everyone thinks that the driveshaft is the same length for either tranny? If so, I am in luck! If not, I'm in trouble... Thanks for the posts!
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
About the auto tranny, I don't know. I haven't seen it yet! The manual is from a 1971 240Z that was made about 2 months after the one I am getting. It is the 4 speed. Does that change anything?
1971 240Z Tranny swap, auto->manual QUESTIONS!
I am getting a 1971 240Z with an automatic transmission (it doesn't work, slips too much). I am also getting a manual transmission with it (with flywheel, clutch, pedals, etc). Here are my questions: I know that it will bolt right up to the engine, but what about the driveshafts? Is the length different for the two transmissions? Also, does anyone know where I could get the manual tranny mounts? Last thing, where is the best place to get a slave cylinder for it? Thanks for your help guys!!
9/70 240z For Sale
Looks like I will have my first Z car this weekend! Now if only I had the money to fix it up.... Soon enough, soon enough. (Thats what my wife keeps telling me) Thank you fatones!
9/70 240z For Sale
Okay, I'll make an offer... Check your email...
1973 240Z fully loaded!*
So I guess that means that it isn't running and won't be soon? Thats a bumer....
Looking for a 240Z
I've been looking for a while now, and my wife finaly gave me permission to get one! I need one for a daily driver (for a while) until I have time to fully restore it. I'm a mechanic, so I am willing to fix small problems. Currently located in Denver, but I am willing to drive anywhere here on the west coast to pick one up. The only downside is that I am fairly limited on cash flow. (First baby due in June!) But I could get anything under $2,000. Email me if you have something I might be interested in. Thanks!
1973 240Z fully loaded!*
Is this car still for sale? (Please say yes!)