Everything posted by Mobsta
Racing incidents in my K.
Today was the first day i've taken the K off road. overall it felt quite good on the tight Morwell hillclimb track. everything started off quite well, with the car performing good. I did five laps and then parked it in the pits, then got out feeling extremely happy. Then I looked up the road a bit and followed the line of water back to the gushing radiator :surprised . As I popped the bonnet and got a rather unpleasant steam bath, we quickly realised the problem. My clutch-type fan had slammed its way well into the guts of the radiator, causing a nasty leak. Rotating the fan showed that it was just the one blade that was hitting the radiator, so we checked the engine mounts. fine. checked the radiator for any flex. nope. checked the fan for any misalignment or bearing movement. all good. everything seemed fine. As we scratched our heads, we considered our options. And so we ended up going back home, a 45 minute journey one way!, and picked up the spare radiator that came with the car, grabbed the trusty cable ties and some radiator repair putty from Supercheap just in case. Turns out that last move was a wise one as the spare radiator has different trans. cooler fittings. BASTARD! At this point on a Sunday arvo I was out of ideas as i thought the radiator was a little too damaged to use the repair putty. Luckily, as if sent from the heavens, a wise old man told me how to fix it. his idea was simply to remove some of the fins around the broken water lines and then bend the water lines over and crimp them as hard as i could. And so I did. And it worked. And then he was gone. I waited a couple of hours for the putty to dry at the top of the radiator, let it warm up to operating temp. and then made the journey home. In the end it was rather uneventfull, with the trip home on the freeway being a breeze, with no overheating, leaking or anything. Still dont know why it happened though. My only thought is that everything flexed just enough at the right times to make the fan blade grab on to the small lip at the top of the radiator, and then bend its way into it. So thankyou to the old man that helped me because no one else had any bright ideas and i'm too young and stupid to think of these things. Cheers, JESSE
New 240K coupe owner introduction
G'day everyone, I think it's about time that i introduce myself. I've been reading this forum for quite a while but haven't bothered to post anything, but i'm about to start work on my 240K. I bought my coupe from fellow member James (JMT240KGTR) a couple of months ago. I'm now planning on replacing the L24 and 3-speed auto with the L28 and 5-speed man. that came with the purchase. The motor will recieve a bit of attention, with plans to change the pistons, get the head shaved, some mild porting, twin 240Z SU carbys, cam, etc. etc. After that I'll start on the body. My overall plan (pipe dream, maybe) is to re-do the front end (bonnet/guards) in fibreglass with flares incorporated into the fronts and grafted onto the rear guards (sorry, but I'm not a big fan of the bolt on flares unless they're done very well). Once all that's been done I wanna paint it gloss black and fit some nice Panasport rims. So that's the begining of my plan. no doubt it will be a long, painfull and very expensive procedure and made even harder because it's my daily driver, but hopefully it will end up looking and driving great. This is my first car, and therefore my first project, so I look forward to getting lots of info from everyone. By the way, if anyone needs any bits and pieces I've got a few boxes of things that came with the car, and soon I'll need to get rid of my L24. Cheers, Jesse.
C110 Indicator lense
G'day guys. i was the one who bought that nice blue coupe off james a couple of months ago, and since have been noticing how dodgy the car actually is. the car turned out to be a bit of a death trap (would've been nice if james had let me know cause i still would've bought it, just not driven it as much) however i have big plans for this car, so soon i'll be asking lots of questions. So far i've just been doing my best to keep the car running (it's not that bad as far as reliability is concerned, but still very dodgy.) within the next month or two i'll have a fibreglass bonnet to replace the less than safe rusted original. anyway, there was no fender blinker lenses with my many boxes of spares, but if anyone needs anything please ask because most of it is taking up precious space. btw i've got a few datsun badges and a few Z wheel centres.
The 350Z is just a modern interpretation of previous Zeds, whats the point making a car the same as the others. If you dont like it then what can you do? Buy a 240Z maybe! Thats a very artistic photo, I like it a lot. the photographer should be proud of it.
Side on at the beach
absolutely wonderful! aussies certainly know how to make 'em. By the way, does the v8 upset the handling much? and what is its capacity?
Evel Knievel Z