Not to go against the grain here, but if he wants to race the guy, it's his choice. At least he's planning on doing it at a track under a controlled environment and not out on the street. Based on the specs you provided on the Del Sol, even with the VTEC, you still might have a shot at winning, unless your tranny is not in good shape. Keep in mind that a stock 280Z can make 150 hp at the wheels! The specs listed for the Del Sol I assume are factory specs which are rated at the crank. You have to figure a 15-20% loss to through the drivetrain. The weight difference bewteen the 2 cars is alnost a wash. That leaves only the driver's experience and the condition of the auto tranny. If it slips too much while shifting, you'll probably lose. But then again, if this other kid is that stupid about his car, then he probably can't shift either! Hell, he may even think shifting from low1 to low2 to drive is what makes a standard! PrOxLaMuS©, I think you have a pretty good shot to beat this person. My 240Z makes 127 hp at the wheels. I know I could easily beat the base Del Sol and give a VTEC a run for their money! A 280 has another 20-25 hp on tap. Good luck, man. As for everyone else, I know I'll get a few flames for my comments, but hey, that's racing!