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Everything posted by kmack

  1. I agree with Rick on using the pickle fork. I hammered on an old steering rack (that still had bad ball joints atteched) with a 20 lb sledge hammer for over an hour and they didn't budge. Took a pickle fork to them with a 5 lb sledge and they both came loose after 3 hits! Go figure....
  2. Also keep in mind that the marker lights from the early cars will have different connections than the '73. I have a spare set (not in that good condition) that I tried to use on my '71 and the connectors (although both bullet type connectors) were different and would require a little re-wiring at the light to make work.
  3. kmack


    Ed, I built a rotisserie for my car when I restored it. The stands mounted using the bumper mounts (in the rear) and the under-tray mounts on the frame rails (in the front). The stands were able to take the weight of the car minus doors, engine, transmission and glass. The suspension was still on the car when I first put it on the stands. It held up fine. I have pics up on my website.
  4. The two gas tanks should be identical and swap easily. The only difference would be in the evaporation tank inside the car. the early ones were plastic while the later ones were metal.
  5. Nate, My understanding is that somewhere between the 240's and 260/280's there was a shift in either how or where the horsepower readings were taken. Thus causing the misunderstanding that the later models actually made less power(or not as much). Or something like that......it's really late as I'm writing this and my brain my be malfunctioning....:stupid:
  6. Update on my answers: Both the second and third are 2+2's.
  7. The first one is from a 280Z. The second is from (this is a guess) some sort of right hand drive 280. And the third has me stumped.
  8. kmack

    how loud?

    "If I couldn't do a Harley, I'd go with an Indian." Sorry Mike. If you can't afford a Harley, then you're not going to afford an Indian. The dealer here in San Antonio has Indian's priced starting at $27,000+. And they're only an Indian by name, the engine is a Harley clone! Want a cool cruiser? Take a look at an old Vincent Black Shadow. Now that's a bike. I'm not a cruiser fan myself and I don't have a total hatred of Harley's, but their riders are a different story. Most won't even look at you let alone talk to you if you're on a Jap bike. But I could definitely go for a Buell XB9S!!!
  9. kmack

    how loud?

    Actually Dave, the ZRX is going to be my next bike. (If I can ever save up a little money) I used to have a little RD350 that would beat CBR600's and scare the hell out of Harley ("Hardley", I like that one!) riders. As for the Harleys, I just can't see spending $15k + on a bike with backwards, outdated technology. My opinion, though.
  10. kmack

    how loud?

    Mike, The sound of an inline 4 motorcycle engine hitting close to the rev-limiter is entirely different than a Harley chugging down the road w/ straight pipes. My personal favorite (for bikes) is the old KZ1000's when they come on the cam at about 9000 rpm. Beautiful sound. Btw, anybody want to know why Harleys "lope" at idle? It's actually a carburated backfire through the single carb. A glitch in the carb system of all things. When Harley first put out their fuel injected bikes, they were quiet and ran smoothly. So to keep w/ their "heritage", the engineers re-programmed the injection maps to incorporate a miss or mis-fire actually, so the characteristic Harley sound could further be enjoyed. What a joke....
  11. kmack

    G Nose

    I saw one listed on ebay last night.
  12. So is this the post where all the Texans are hanging out in?
  13. Hmmmm......., Ferrari, Lamborgini......Italian cars. Webers are Italian carbs. A home market carb would be a logical choice. My wife used to have a Fiat X1/9. It had a Weber carb on it, and I thought someone had done a swap to a performance carb. But turns out it was the stock carb! They only swapped out the air filter.
  14. I have those same rims for my car.... a 215/60R14 is the largest tire you can safely put on a 14x6 rim.
  15. Your tires rub with a 195/70R14 tire? Is your suspension stock or modified? I ask because my car has the stock suspension and I'm running 215/60R14's on 14x7 rims and I have no rub problems. If your suspension is lowered some that may cause some rubbing, but I wouldn't really think so. You might want to try and check this out a little further.
  16. Hey, Zsled. If you're looking for Z people, check here: www.zcluboftexas.org This is the big club here in Texas located out of Dallas. There are a few of us Z nuts here in Texas on this site, so if you have any questions, ask away....
  17. I only get to drive my Z once in awhile, usually about once a week. So yesterday I driving back to work from lunch exiting the freeway....a car on the access road doesn't yield and cuts across 2 lanes to get right in front of me going 25 mph! I slid to a stop and luckily didn't hit them. But of all things, the car was a 280ZX! Painted light purple and with a woman driver!! (No offense to the ladies on this site) Then she had the nerve to flip me off afterwards. Stuff like this makes me not want to drive my car, but the fun I have just driving it is enough to overcome the very few instances like the one above. Our cars are meant to be driven, so drive them! Just make sure you're careful and paying attention to the world going on around you....because $20 says the Volvo on the right and the Suburban on the left aren't paying attention, especially to you.
  18. kmack


    WOW! 12-14 mpg? If that's what i could expect from Triple Webers, then I'll stick with my SU's. Right now I'm getting right around 19-20 mpg in town and I can get 25 out on the highway. (And that's with a very heavy foot!)
  19. If the pinstriping was of the vinyl tape variety, then a heat gun and a razor blade/putty knife will work great. Be careful when using a raxor blade as you need to keep the blade almost flat to the surface of the paint. If the striping is paint, then you just have to sand it off.
  20. Alan, Please don't take this as being disrespectful, but if you feel this guy's website is inaccurate, then you should contact him and let him know. Not just flame about it here. We all have learned over the course of time that your knowledge base is very well informed. But you have had access to people and other information straight from Japan that most over here on this side of the pond could only dream about. So whatever info we can gather from limited sources here, is all we can go by. We all know Nissan was not very good at documenting every aspect of every car that left the factory or with what options were available. So we're left with digging through junkyards and looking at hundreds of cars to try and come up with a good idea of what was being offered. I'm not trying to say your wrong. Just trying to play Devil's advocate and shed some light on what we face from over here. Some of us will never has the access to the knowledge base you have. Unless you help us by writing it down somewhere for the world to get to...
  21. Do you have the complete carpet set? What condition is it in?
  22. kmack


    http://www.geocities.com/~z-car/specs/ Check out the above site for a general overview of all the Z models. For more specific differences betweent he early cars, www.zhome.com is a great place to start. Or do a search here and you'll come up with all sorts of discussions on the differences and what will fit off one and onto another. I was looking for a post I have that gave quite a few specific examples, but I can't find it right now.
  23. Alfadog, If you go to the home page on my website, I put a link to the first write-up I did. It's about midway down the page under the picture of my car. That way you can at least look at it and get a feel for what is involved. As for the access panels being warped, you can take them off and slowly work the warp out. But be careful. I have 2 extra sets. One set is kinked (first attempt) and the 2nd set is just right. They flew a little; just enough to get them back into shape. But work it slowly. Find a junk set somewhere to practice on first, get a feel for it.
  24. kmack


    smg1404, $94 mounted and balanced sounds really good. Best price I could find on the AVS's was $71 each from Tire Rack. Then I'd still have to pay shipping, mounting and balancing. Discount tire could get me some, but it ended up right at $100/tire after all was said and done. Let us know how they turn out on the track.
  25. kmack


    Yeah, the only downside is the single, skinny size for 14" rims. I'm specifically looking for either 205's or 215's for my 14" wheels. And unfortunately I can't afford 15" rims right now.
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