24OZ started following Bilstein Strut inserts 240Z
Bilstein Strut inserts 240Z
Looking for 2 x front Bilstein strut inserts for a 240Z, part no. is P30-061. Any assistance in sourcing is appreciated.
Dim Driver's side headlight
Sorry for bringing up an old posts but I am experiencing this issue. Where are the grounds for the headlights located? I've found the main one from the combo switch going throughout the firewall and bolting to the inner wall, but where are the others located and how many are there? Thanks.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Are you sticking with the L Series? I'll be placing in the classifieds a Kenmeri HKS surge tank for triples soon, for use for a blown turbo set up
Transmission ratios & acceleration
If your looking for more low down grunt on an NA car, changing the diff to a lower gear may mean you get the desires results. Have you tried how a 3.9 diff feals?
Valve cover differences
Hi Guys, I haven't posted for ages on here, hope the people I know are all well. Interesting discussion which is also going on at HybridZ. I am curious to know whether companies such as Kamikoto and Bob Sharp Racing etc.. adapted the standard valve cover (by shaving off the standard letters and glueing on their own design) or did they create a completely new casting? Can someone who has one please confirm. It doesn't seems economically feasable to create a completely new castings just for a logo yet they look cast to me. Below is the Bob Sharp cover, which I much prefer over the Kamikoto, if anyone has one for sale then please let me know!
finally done
240SX TB Mod
Hi Steve, I asked around and this is what I was told: 1.) There will be a noticable increase in your acceleration but in my opinion you could use your time and money elsewhere with better results. In order to get the full benefit from a larger TB you also have to open up the intake manifold to match the opening on the TB. There will not be an increase in hp at any rate. Accelation is the only benefit and a minor one at that. 2.)The acceleration "feel" is better but at wide open throttle there is no change. What that means is that for racing purposes, track runs, and dyno tests you will not see any change. In daily driving what you will see is that you don't have to push the gas pedal down as much as before to get the same throttle response. However when you floor it the air going is will still be the same as with the stock manifold because the smallest part of the intake system is not the throttle body. In order for you to see any real track or dyno results you have to port and polish the head, full port match on the intake manifold, and have the larter throttle body with a better intake filter. Some say just get the throttle body and then port match the intake manifold where it connects. But what about the rest of the intake manifold? The rest of it will still be too small to accept the extra air. Same goes for the head. This mod should be saved for the end once you've done most of the other mods and have port and polished the head and fully port matched the intake manfiold. Even then you will probably only see about a 5hp difference as L28 engine already breaths pretty well with the stock throttle body. Save the money for other mods that are worth it.
Latest update: I never managed to get the bolt off the end of the hose that goes into the slave cylinder but I have managed to round it off! Now I am trying to diconnect the hose from the other end, i.e the end were the rubber hose goes into a metal tube towards the master cylinder.... Now here's a strange thing, i tried to find a spanner to undo the metal pipe's bolt, again.... no spanners fit... I did find one spanner in my tool kit whuch was a perfect fit, this spanner is labelled NISSAN and one end has 10 on it and the other end has 8. It was the 10 that fitted, however this is not 10mm as i tried a 10mm spanner not one labelled NISSAN and its a tad too small... It looks like these bolts are special Nissan bolts which can only be undone with a NISSAN spanner... Anyone else noticed this?
Compression Testers
I haven't got or used one either but i have been told that there are 2 types. One has a connecter that screws into the spark plug hole and another you just push the connector into the spark plug hole and keep pushing while someone turns the engine.. I've been told to avoid the push in ones and go for a screw in one. Screw in ones are supposedly more accurate then push in ones as there is less chance for air to escape and therefore false readings.
240SX TB Mod
Can anyone explain to me the advantage of changing my stock L28 EFI (280ZX NA) TB with a TB from a 240SX, I hear its bigger but what does that actually mean?? More air into the engine = more power... this is my laymans understanding. Will I notice alot of difference? Or will the gain only be marginal? I have no other mods on the car apart from a RAM AIR Cone Filter. If you've done it is it easy to do? Would you recommend this upgrade? Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this
White Diamond Tuck
Beauty and the Beast
Excellent picture.. Thats exactly how my 240Z and 280zx look like at the moment.. But come July the 280zx will be looking like a beauty too.
Albino Squirrel