Everything posted by 24OZ
Cobra Style Side Exhausts
I was looking at this photo a member displayed regarding shaved door handles and I really like the exhaust setup. Has anyone done this? Whats involved? Do YOU like it? Thanks.
Bought another Z today!
You paid how much??? The guy saw you comming man!! Could you not have haggled him any more?? Ha ha!! Were all jealouse! what a great buy!
Nice Z man. She looks like mine with those wheels and the colour. Is she Metallic Green 113? My interior is black though
anyone ever seen one of these?
Was new to me, until i did a search, apparently they made 1000 and now as you can well imagine are rather rare. Here's a nice write up at zhome. http://zhome.com/History/ZXR.htm
stroker kit
Hi Jerry, How's the Z art going? I hope to see more illustrated Z's in your gallery. I don't suppose you, or anyone else, can give me an estimate on how much this crank weighs? It's a possible future project and I'd have to ship one over from the US (Gulp!). Thank you.
items for sale
Thank you for the reply Burt and the great price. I will email you tonight, at work now, to find out how I can send you the money. George.
items for sale
Hi Burt, I sent you an email regarding the shift boot. I'm not sure if you received it???? Yes, I am interested . Please let me know if you have not received my email and I will resend it. Thanks.
Hope everyone is ok
Last I heard, were that the fires were very close to Canberra. Hope everyone is okey and that the fires are now under control.
Worn Shift Boot - your experiences
Daniel, thanks for the write up. It seems that the biggest difficulty is contending with the choke knob. I don't have one, which should make the job much easier! The choke knob was removed, now sitting in my garage, when the L28 FI was installed (not by me), since there was no longer a use for it. Feel better now the jobs going to be easier. I'll let you know when I do the job, but its going to take me a while to get all the parts from the US and over here and then I am slow at getting round to jobs anyway! I checked out that guy on ebay and he has a website with loads of Z parts. I'll but up his web address later tonight or at the weekend as it may be useful to anyone.
Factory restored #16 for sale
Congratulations go out to the new lucky owner. Am i just being niave to be a bit surprised with Nissan for restoring a car to new condition, the guy driving it only 15,000 miles and for so many bits to go wrong. I guess its just sods law, damn unlucky though!
Worn Shift Boot - your experiences
Daniel, I have never removed it so I don't quite know what to expect or how to go about it, I was just going to see what Mr. Haynes suggests. Any tips and tricks I should know about?
Worn Shift Boot - your experiences
Wow, never new i'd learn so much on a post about worn shift boots!! Great Stuff Bambikiller. Keith I will email this guy and see if he ships to the UK as he says only US. Thanks for the listing.
Worn Shift Boot - your experiences
Thank you ALL for the very informative and helpful posts. Keith thanks for the advice about replacing the inner boot as well, good idea. Daniel - what are these plastic pieces in the shifter that I ought to replace as well?? Enrique thanks for the advice and the laugh!!! Any tips guys before starting this job?
The name of the tool to adjust coilovers
Hi all, I have Nissan Struts and I think the coilovers are Nissan as well, can't confirm for sure. I'd like to adjust the coilovers and have no idea of the name of the tool and if this tool would be generic for all coilovers?? Also does anyone have any idea where to get the tool from? Thanks..
Worn Shift Boot - your experiences
My interior looks quite good apart from the shift boot which looks rather old and tatty, it is also splitting around the top where the leather strips tie it down around the shifter, nasty! I am sure it is the original one, can someone confirm whether the original item was made of vinyl and not leather. Anyone had experience of purchasing this item new? Were you happy with the fit and originality of the replacement? And any recommendations as to where I should get one from? Thanks!
Lots of Z-part!!!!!
Dear Greg, I require the vinyl from the seat bottom of the passenger seat. Please let me know if its a possiblilty of purchasing just the vinyl and not the whole seat as shipping will be too much. my email is: customzed@hotmail.com George.
Vintage Mustang owner on a Vintage Z site
I'm trying to stop drooling Eric, that is one hell of a nice beast! It can be my Z's twin any day George.
Yikes!!! Look what's for sale here
Alan, Do you know where I can get that kit from for my 240Z? Do you think you can give me a hand fitting it?? I still like it but as long as its on someone elses car... does that make any sense?:stupid:
Yikes!!! Look what's for sale here
Mike, make room in that bush, im gonna join you in diving for cover! Ive decided I like it! The kit does look professionally installed and molded, but it could be a different story standing next to it. Very perceptive of you Enrique, I see what you mean about the grap handle on the drivers door! Well maybe its supposed to be there?? It is an auto. !
Vintage Mustang owner on a Vintage Z site
Welcome!! Good to see other owners of classic cars on here. I for one love classic Mustangs and it would be nice to see more pics of yours. I cant help you on your question about the wheels as I am not familiar with that name as I dont think we had them in England. I was just about to start a post on classic American cars, we have a few over here that people have privately imported. I am particularly fond of the Corvette Stingray anyone got one or had one, are they as good as they look?? Again, welcome and if your thinking about purchasing a Z, you cant really go wrong as you long as you find a structurally sound one. Z's have got the looks and the engines can go on forever.. I think you'll find alot of other Z owners in your area or around your vicinity. Great idea to meet up with them get chatting, get a feel for the car and discover what to look out for when makign a purchase. Even get an old hand to go with you to look. Good luck and I hope you find some Z owners in the Cali area, sounds sunny!
Shift Knob with Datsun Logo
I have a stick on plastic Datsun round logo from the 80's which is designed to fit on the standard gearnob. If you want it I can post it to you, I have 2 so you are welcome to the spare one. Just PM me with your address if your interested and I'll send it out on Monday from work.
240z colour combinations
Regretably I couldnt make it. Maybe you went Alan, and if you did maybe Lee is in luck with some photos. Alan - how is Japan are you still there?? We have over 100 flood warnings over here! My Z is nice, warm and dry in my new garage
240z colour combinations
My car is a 1973 RHD English 240Z and it is Metallic Green 113 with a black interior.
Engine detailing
Thanks for the link and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Photo's at last!
Very smart looking website Nigel, with smart looking Z's in it too! Have a good New Year you Ozzy guys, you get a head start!! Enjoy the fireworks and firecrackers on Sydney bridge.