can't put pulley back
Well, folks, I finally pulled off the pulley: http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/7c43&.dnm=affd.jpg Then, I tried to put pulley(Nissan Euro damper) back on the crankshaft. It seems the the pulley does not go further into the crankshaft nor straight/alinged. When I turnd the engine on , the pulley was wobbling during idling. Anyway, initially, I used hammered the pulley back on front of the crankshaft, then I placed the allen bolt into the front crankshaft for further pully back on right place , but it did not go further. http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/7c43&.dnm=61f4.jpg&.src=ph How to put a pulley back on the cranshafts without wobbling or fit in the crankshaft right postion ? Hammering, use of impact wrench? http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/7c43&.dnm=5a88.jpg I notcied that when the diameter of the crankshaft is little bit large than the hole of the damper? I need advice, please. jaynez31
Can't pull off the crankshaft pullye with puller
Well, folks, I just can't pull out the crankshaft pulley with the damper puller from the Kragen auto. http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/56f6&.dnm=e682.jpg http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/56f6&.dnm=d3d2.jpg http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/56f6&.dnm=cb45.jpg Have any advice, suggestion, or idea please. wrong tool?, need a impact wrench?, or something? jaynez31 :tapemouth
Crangshaft pulley does not come off
Today, I was successfully off the pulley bolt, but I can not take off the crank pulley, and I am planing to put this euro damper from the CourtsyNissan.http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/afc3&.dnm=16a2.jpg Do I need some puller or something? or some kind of secret technick? http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaynekondo/detail?.dir=/afc3&.dnm=80b6.jpg jaynez31 Just like my 72 240z, I am from Japan too, what's heck(about my spelling and grammer).
Crank shaft pulley,Euro Damper, INTERNAL BALANCE DAMPER ASSEMBLY
The crank shaft pulley is wobbling and hitting something which creating banging noise from the L28. So I have to replace the crank shaft pulley, altnater pulley, and the water pump pulley. What's is the "internal balance damper/harmonic balancer/Euro damper"? I read privious posts which suggest the crank shaft pulley and Harmonic balancer are same things. So if I buy a Euro Damper or Race damper from the NISMO or Super Damper(Harmonic balancer) from the ATI performance products, then I won't have to buy L-28 crank shaft pulley from NISMO or MSA? Please someone advice for this things. jaynez31
Ferrari 575 and 240z
Hey this is my point too, when exit of the tight corner, the Ferreri acceralate up to 80-100 miles per hour, I could not catch up, of course. Within 3-10 second or so, next hair pin curve, then the Ferrari had to reduce the speed to 40-50 miles per hour. During the corners, by the time, I was tail gating the 575 each corners, and sound like I asked him to get more faster, I could go faster comftably driving each corner/hair-pin curve without hesitation or fear(due to 2-2.5 drop with suspention mods etc). How my 240z handle the tight corner/hair pin curve just like the 575. Indeed there is no comparson 0-400(575 may does 12 sec) 0-60(4.25 sec). My 240z 0-400 (15sec-16sec) and 0-60 (8-10 sec). 3800lb vs 2600lb, this weitgh may contributed (my z is lighter) which I was able to drive the hair-pin curves/tight corners. http://www.ferrariclub.com/album/clubcars.html just like my 240z, I am from japan too, what's heck...
Ferrari 575 and 240z
Well, I know I am stupid to compare the two different cars. The Ferrari 575 or 355 F-1 has superior power and accelaration. However, except the super accelaration and its ponies. My point is how my 240z has excellent diving ability while driving high rate of speed in hair pin curves and vavious corners confortably almost same as the Ferrari did. Indeed my 240z was just not far from the Ferrari 575 each hair pin and tight corners while driving CA-121 from Lake Barrayessa to the city of Napa, Saturaday afternoon when I was headed to the Napa auto part store (at vallejo street) at city of Napa, CA. Whenever every exit of the tight corners, the Ferrari had impressive acceralation(0-60 4.25) and I was (actually way) behind the Ferrari because the Ferrari acceralate pretty determined, and I was concerned of my recent clutch explosion( that happened while dirving 6-7000rpm and still finding out right clutch master cylinder). However, my z was right behind the Ferrari every hair-pin curve and tight corners(driving about 40-50miles out of 25mi limit). My car had bit drifted couple times and so did his Ferrari. Because the guy in the ferrari honked me to get my attention soo friendly manner earlier, and I took his gesture was "let's play fun at the mountan road(california high way 121 from Lake Barriessa to Napa)". The Ferrari 575 has the Oregon license plate and read "Tonkin Ferrari" under the lisence plate because each courner I got so close the Ferrary each hair pin curve and corners and the color of the car was grey, purplish or navy blue. Ohh, I remember, 575 has red brake calipers (Brembo) all around which comapre with my 240z has red calipers(Toyota 4x4) but only front wheels. http://ssip.net/575.php I think the Ferrari's weight, 3815 lb with wide tires(295/40/20)?? VS my 240z's (2500-2600lb???) with 205/50/15(front) and225/50/15(rear) matched with EiBach spirings and Tokico shocks and struts and rear/front sway bars enhenced precise and comfortable handling while driving tight corners like the Ferrari. I now realized that how my 240z's potential as a sport car and its capabilities. Or may be I am wrong. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=11081&password=&sort=7&thecat=500 jaynez31 just like my 240z, I am from Japan too, what's heck. LOL
ZX "Swastika" wheels
Here is pic of my 240z with swastika wheel; http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=11083&password=&sort=7&thecat=500 and Front is 205/50/15 and rear is 225/50/15 jaynez31
- muffler
- trans mount and tranny
- fuel pumb
- msd and sway bar
- trrans and header
- glass pack
wiper motor inter-exchangeablity
My 72 240z needs driver's wiper motor. Will fit the wiper motor from late 280zx? 280z? 260z? into my 72 240z? jaynez31 like like my 240z, I am from japane too, what's heck.
- Evelyn sitting on the zx