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Everything posted by Zed

  1. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    Nevermind. Here's the Email response from StreetRacerParts.com There's no way I can get them a whole gauge cluster. Well, no way am I going to pay for them and shipping. More good news: The Speedhut pre-orders have dropped from 8 to 7. :mad:
  2. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    I have found another place that offers Indiglo gauges. They don't have Datsun 240Z, 260Z, and 280Z (1969-1978) gauges, but they do have a Model Developement Program like Speedhut. The difference being that they only require 10 pre-orders to begin production rather than Speedhut's 20 pre-orders. They don't offer the cutomization that Speedhut offers (Varity of colors, fonts, & graphics), but do offer straight-forward white-faced / Reverse (or Standard) Indiglo gauge faces. they are also cheaper by about half ($60.00 as opposed to $120.00). They don't have a "Model Developement Program" set up for "Z" cars yet, but I have Emailed them asking them to set it up. I'll keep you posted. http://www.streetracerparts.com/Indiglow_gauges/reverse_style.htm Indiglo: (White-Face) Reverse Indiglo: (White-Face)
  3. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    Only 20 orders are needed for Speedhut to begin tooling-up. So far we have 8.
  4. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    1. Will the gaugres sport the Speedhut Logo? A. I don't know, but I will Email them and ask. I let you guys know when I get a response. 2. Would it be possible to have a gaugeface that looks identical to the stock guage (lettering, etc) but have the lettering light up at night? A. I think with either the "Swis" or "Eurostyle" font and black gauge faces with a white font the gauge will look very much like the orignals, but not 100%. 3. Could they produce one with a custom font, like the ones on our stock gauges? A. Well they don't mention anything like that, but money may be answer. How much do you wanna pay? I personally think the font choices are enough, and close enough to the originals to not worry about it. 4. How hard to install? A. I think they would be just a tad more difficult to install than the white vinly gauges manhy people here have already installed. The extra difficulty being the electrical portion. 5. How much heat do they genrerate. A. My guess would be very little, as they use the same technology as "Indiglow" watches. I certainly believe they would generate far less heat than the incadesant bulbs your gauges use now.
  5. Zed commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  6. Zed commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  7. Zed commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  8. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    Total Price $119.95 USD + $8.00 USD shipping. (187.92 AUD + 12.53 AUD) A custom logo (you send them the drawing) is an additional $32.00 USD (50.13 AUD)
  9. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    For those of you that want something that is very close to the original look, but with the "Indaglow" advantage Click below. (4 second looped animation) These are Black-faced / White font "Reverse EL-Glow" (aka Font-Glow)
  10. Zed replied to NiSMOGuy280's post in a topic in Interior
    There is always the http://www.speedhut.com/ option. And for those of you that worry about the "ricer" factor, know that you can order gauge faces that look very much like the original but with the added advantage of being very easy to read at night. CLICK below.
  11. Zed replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Interior
    An really nice alternative might be Speedhut's EL-Glow gauges. The "Font Glow" (reverse EL-Glow) would be real nice. http://www.speedhut.com/ They only need 12 more orders to tooling-up.
  12. Zed replied to 240 4U2NV's post in a topic in Interior
    If you contact them and ask nicely, they might consider starting a another "model develoment program" for ZX's.
  13. Zed replied to 240 4U2NV's post in a topic in Interior
    Just bumping this little thread to see if we can't get a few more orders. (Still need about 12)
  14. Zed replied to turbo240's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Some links to get you started... http://www.v8zcar.com/s30z/r230.htm http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=18676 http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=19916 http://www.240sx.org/links/installs/lsd2/ http://tim240z.iwarp.com/photo2.html http://www.hybridz.org
  15. Zed replied to turbo240's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    87-89 300ZX Turbo's are the only "Z's" that came with LSDs. You'll want to avoid the 1988 300ZX SE (All White) as it came with an oddball VLSD (Viscous Limited Slip Dif.) The Late 300ZX's (Z32) have R230 VLSD which, after a lot of modifcation, can be put in an early "Z."
  16. Zed replied to ssheldon's post in a topic in Interior
    Mazda Miata seats are a good alternate seat for a Z-car. The look nice, and they have speakers in the headrest. I'm told that if you mount them to the Datsun seat rails, they sit a bit higher than the stock seats. If you remove the Datsun seat rails, and install the Miata seats directly to the floor, they sit about the stock hight. I have a set I got via eBay, but haven't yet got to the point where I can install them.
  17. I recently picked up this LSD Differential for the low, low price of $25.00, (the guy didn't know what it was) and I am pretty sure it came from a 198x Toyota Celica GT-S or a Supra. I've only had time to pull off the rear cover, so I don't really know anything like Ring Gear bolt size or stub axle teeth and stuff like that. (There are no markings that I can find on the case.) My question is this: Can this carrier be put into an R200? Thanks!
  18. More and more popular is the Nissan RB26DETT swap. Look to www.hybridz.org for more info.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1854464018&ssPageName=ADME:B:LC:MT:1
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1851308904
  21. There are baiscally two types of foam you discribe. "Closed Cell" used in body shops around the world and the cheaper "open cell." "Open cell" will attrack and hold moisture and cause more damage (corrosion) than it's worth. I hope you got the right kind.
  22. Zed replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Polls
    No of the poll options fit me perfectly but I did vote Non-stock, but still nissan. I have 1 '73 240Z with... L-28 w/E88 Triple Webbers Header Non- Stock Cam I am now on the planning stages for total re-do of the car. In the engine department I bouncing back and forth between... LS1/T56 Engine tranny combo (V8 and 6-Speed) and L-28 (possibly stroked) with TWM Fuel injection SDS Fuel management / Distrutorless ignition Turbo I still have lots of body and suspension work before I get to the point where I must decide which direction to go with the powerplant.
  23. I saw a set on eBay not too long ago.
  24. Zed replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    To stir things up further... How about a 240Z with a carburated L28?
  25. Zed replied to cmoore's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I've update the illustration per request to reflect identical wheels with different offsets. IMHO FWD offsets look fine on a Z.

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