Everything posted by ryoojin83
have LT-1, need info about Z swap
I was looking into this a while back as well and i believe anything pre-1974 is smog exempt, so any 240z would work (someone else will verify this I hope). Seeing as ive never done any swap myself I better not go and assume answers to the rest of your questions! :stupid:
Car won't start on "D", "1", "2", "R"
Ah the joys of clutchless shifting! I'm still young and admittedly very stupid, but im going to college for that! :stupid: I always teach clutchless shifting to my "pupils" after they get used to driving with the clutch, gives them a sense of accomplishment when they can upshift and downshift without the clutch! :stupid:
240z V-8 For Sale!!!
that link didn't work for me. just thought i would let you know nevermind, it works when i copy and paste it....stupid internet...
Some investments are better than others
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA, Great Advice! 401-Keg Plan......comedy
Actually there is a z sound in japanese, but its always combined with a vowel, since the only consinant in japanese is an n(or m, depending on dialect or word)
Door Diagram
Wondering if anyone had a diagram of the doors on the 240z with dimentions? or would this be on the Microfiche cd if i purchased it? Im looking to shave the door handles and was trying to figure out a way to make the door just pop out a little and have a handle and a electronic numberpad to unlock and open the door. need dimentions to see what I would be able to stuff in there to make it work. thanks for the help.
Selling my 73' 240Z
Looks Nice! Wish I had some money :-( Unless you wanna trade for a Neon,
Idea about after dipping for sealed boxed sections
thanks for the input. I had forgotten the affects were so great. only evacuating i did was out of a thick glass case, never really occured to me that it would be as strong as I now rememeber... hehe, oh well, just an idea.
Idea about after dipping for sealed boxed sections
Ok, Please give me input ... remember this is just an Idea... :beard: the areas that will rust the most(?) are the inside of the box sections in the car. (ok, not true, but this is the thought that got me thinking)... Why don't you cut it open, weld in a few supports and weld it all shut except a small hole where you weld in a threaded nut(?) or something....then paint the inside with a small spray tool (not thought through very well, but im trying!) then put a valve in the threaded area (small valve, for cosmetics) and evacuate the area of air (the reason for the supports is becuase of outside airpressure) to hopefully prevent oxidation....at least if it does rust through you'll know when you hear a loud WHOOOSHing sound :-) ANYWAY! wondering if anyone has ever heard of this or something similar being done? Maybe this sounds retarded too....i don't have much knowledge of the Z body soo... it could be random, but i just remember hearing things from threads here and there talking about the boxed sections...(and from random websites) maybe its more work than its worth... sorry about the random input....don't want to spam bad ideas
Dipping Questions
Ok, I'm Working on my master plan. So when they dip your car I hear that it removes everything including the areas you can't get to again.... I also heard that after its dipped they apply zinc phosphate to stop rust before you paint... Guess I was wondering how long you can leave it Unpainted with the zinc phosphate applied? (assuming that its covering metal that you can't get in to paint) OR Is there a method similar to Iodizing (putting color between the molecules of metal...Probably used the wrong word) ANYWAY, is there a method like dipping(or iodizing) that keeps the rust from forming (once again because after dipping I'm told there are areas you can't get to again)... THANKS FOR THE TIME! (if you know of prices that would be cool too)
Finally, a sunny day!
I am asking for help for my daughter
Good Luck. Hope everything goes well! I know how hard that can be for families. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Rebuild Questions
I live in the Iowa City Area... Yeah, time is going to be hard to find but im hopeing I figure something out... Anyone want to trade a 240z for a '95 Dodge Neon?!?! Pleeeaaasssseeeee. does that Z club have a web site?
Rebuild Questions
Hey All, Just wondering if anyone new a site (or book) that details the rebuild of the 240z body (and engine i guess)? I sold my 280z a few years ago (idiot, i know) and Ive got the itch for the Z again. I'm young and dumb so I'm trying to get an idea of the work involved (a lot I know, I've been reading around) and the design of the Unit-body (uni-body? whatever), so I know better what to look for. Taking a basic body working class this summer too, hopefully that helps a bit too. Thanks for the help. or does anyone have Ideas on powder coating/under coat?
- DeeDee