headlight relay upgrade harness's for sale
I'll take a 280 harness as soon as there ready... lmk
Engine just dies...long srry
I think i got it? i was looking around here and on zcar and i found this http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=1&i=509142&t=509142 i think the problem was that my fuel pump shut off switch was getting tripped i bent the pin and after a quick 15min test drive it seems much better... ill let you all know after i go to work tom... p.s. i am going to check the temp sensor right now.. better safe than sorry. thanks alot everyone
Engine just dies...long srry
so i replaced the fuel filter. and it is still just stopping running... like the ignition is cutting out?? if i put the clutch in and pump the gas it comes back up mostly??? im stumped
Engine just dies...long srry
ill give it a try and let you know thanks again -Jon
Engine just dies...long srry
, well i finaly got the z running good... :stupid: or so i thought so i decided that i should take her with me to nebrascia... i was going to visit the gf and spend the weekend @ her parents. anyways.. it made the whole trip there and about 1/2 of the way back ok ~ 7 hours there and about 3 hours back ok but then it just died. i was driving @ about 85mph and it just died... i realy didnt notice at first so i tried shifting down once and compression starting it.. it worked so i headed to the next exit and checked around in the engine compartment a little but i couldn't see anything overtly wrong... so i get going again and go for about an hour w. no problems before it happens again but this time it wont pushstart so i pull over and try the key and it starts right up and runs ok.. ??? it happend about 3 more times in the last couple of hours and now it is doing it about every 5 miles.. even @ a complete stop just idling... happens w. and without power acc. running any ideas???
getting a 71 240z
just for the record.. 280z's only came w. FI from the factory, at least in america. I don't know about overseas.. if you do not know alot about cars take a friend who does with you.. can save you alot of headaches in the future
Alternator Regulation??
Thanks, SBlake vicky, zrush.. you out there?
Alternator Regulation??
hey, is the alternator for my 77, 280z internaly or externaly regulated? bacause the one autozone sold me is externaly regulated and i have been told that this is wrong thanks alot -Jon
Electrical Problems....
i ordered a voltage reg. after i tested the batt. and alt. the parts store was not able to test my v. reg so im going to install it and hope for the best. ill post the problem when i fix it
Electrical Problems....
after my car got left out in the rain for the 1st time (seriously) the car wouldnt start so i got out and noticed that the covers for my fusable links were letting alot of water in, so i replaced them with the ones out of a friends datsun,jumped it and drove it home now sometimes if i have any electrical stuff on, i.e. lights, turn signal, dash lights, and i slow down the car will just die.. i loose tach,the door open alarm goes off and my fasten seatbelts light turns on and i just coast.. most of the time i can just let off the clutch and it will pop back on. my volt gauge shows about 13 volts most of the time but it noticably goes down w. each electrical thing turned on.. it also bounces up and down as i rev the engine while stopped... any ideas.. im going right now to get the battery tested and tom. i am taking the alternator out and going to try that..
car wont stay running
i had the same problem when i 1st got my 77 and it ended up being a combination of clogged fuel injectors and a rusty gas tank. i ended up replacing the injectors and having the gas tank coated and this solved my problems... the only problem w. you doing this is that it cost me about $400 to do all of that. i would try to verify the problem before just replacing stuff.. sorry i couldnt help more
- Footrest?
What do you do for a living?
i am a bank teller and currently going to college (hope no one is offended)
Help with cleaning out the Fuel system!
another place to check out for injectors is http://www.zspecialties.com/ if you call and tell them you saw the ad on www.zcar.com they are only $34.95 or so each. i got mine there and they work great. i would also recomend getting a fuel rail at the same time off e-bay or something because messing with the stock fuel rail was the biggest pain :stupid:
parts 4 sale
i still want the ST springs and the sway bar, pm me a price w. shipping when you get a chance