Steering coupler
There's also a method to take up some of the wear and slack that may occur in the rack and pinion mechanism as well. I believe the service manuals tell you to loosen the large bolt on top of the steering gear and then use a slotted screwdriver to snug up the screw in the middle of the large locking bolt. Back off 20-25 degrees and then lock the bolt back down. The procedure is in the Chilton's manual and some good diagrams are in the Haynes manual as well. Driftin Jon
What is the correct color for the rear tailight panel
The dipping process can be done at a company called Redi-Strip. I haven't checked for a couple of years, but they used to advertise in Hemmings Motor News. There were locations around most major metropolitan areas. I found areas of the original color on the rear panel of my '73 240 and it's what I would call a dark gunmetal grey with a very mild metalic chip in it. From a purely visual standpoint, I found the best match to be SEM bumper coat in dark fern gray metallic color code 39433 in spray cans. I suspect that an SEM dealer could also mix this color up in quarts or pints as well.
Installation Of Round Tops In A 73 240
I did the conversion this summer. I got the carbs only and put them on the old manifold. Block off all water passages. Surprisingly, all water passages I found to be NPT (national pipe thread) fittings. Blocked everything on the manifold except PCV valve hose and vaccum to the brake booster. You will need a new linkage that you can get from Z Therapy for something like $15. Fuel mileage went from about 14 mpg to what I think is a very credible 19 mpg around town and 30-31 on the highway. I was pretty shocked by these numbers, but they're very consistent. The other thing I've found to be surprising having read other posts is that I've never had a vapor lock issue. It's not unusual for it to be 100-105*F here and the car has performed flawlessly this Summer. I don't have any insulation whatsoever on the fuel lines either. You'll like the improved driveability after changing over to the round tops.
fuel injection or carbs?
I've done a track day class session at Thunder Hill. It's a real kick. I drove a car from the complete opposite end of the spectrum though..........my wife's '96 Impala SS. It's an impressive piece of iron out there on the track and surprises alot of people. Driftin Jon
fuel injection or carbs?
I've got a '73 with 4 screw round tops that I installed a few months ago and they start up first time the engine turns over and run very consistently. Bear in mind that yesterday and Monday, it was a legitimate 108*F here in Redding and I have no form of insulation on my fuel feed lines. I have Pertronix ignition, but otherwise, everything is stock. I'm very pleased with the round tops and their driveability. Driftin Jon
Outstanding selection of toys Greg. Ironically, I have a '69 GTO Convertible that I've owned since 1975. Currently undergoing a frame off restoration. Our son has a '73 240 Z that we finished a fully stripped rebuild of this past Spring. I've been considering a lift since my car to garage ratio is out of synch. I've got a 3-1/2 car garage, but I'm up to 5 cars, a motorcycle and a boat. I've got a 10'5" ceiling in my garage. How tall is yours and what brand is your lift? Are you happy with it? Driftin Jon
jambing tips?
I did exactly what you're planning on doing. Disassemble all body parts, including all glass. Strip to bare metal, prime all parts inside and out while disassembled. Prime first with a self etching primer, then within 24 hours, prime with high build primer. Block sand and reprime with high build as many times as necessary to get a good flat wave free panel. I then painted door jambs, inside of fenders, inside of doors, hood, hatch, etc., both base coat and clear coat, then reassemble. I then sanded any overspray that had gotten onto the outer panels while I had the car disassembled. Now base coat and clear coat the entire outside of the car. Prime first with a self etching epoxy primer, then within 24 hours, prime with high build primer. It works best if you can park the car for a long time to get the work done. Tough if the car has to be back in service every Monday morning!@ Good luck. Driftin John
Many 240Z Parts For Sale!!
Can you give me an idea of the condition of the '73 bumpers? Thanks, Driftin John
Red 240 interior
I am in Redding and haven't run the car during the very hottest times. I've had the car for a year, but last Summer it was down for a bare metal 100% strip down for a paint job. It has been in the upper 90's within the past month and I didn't have any issues with temp. As I understand it, unless you have air conditioning, a shroud was not part of the program. I've got an air conditioned 280 parts car and plan to pull the shroud and install it on my car if I get into a temperature issue. The hill you had to go over was Buckhorn Summit. All of the switchback hairpins pulling uphill may have been good cause for overheating. Pretty awsome road on a motorcycle though. Driftin John
Changing carbs
I've got things put in shape and am very satisfied with the overall performance and driveability. Just need to get some air filter adapters or an older air filter assembly. Thanks, Driftin John
parts 4 sale
I'm assuming the rear bumper your friend has is from a 240? If so, how about a run down on it's condition. Thanks, Driftin John
Red 240 interior
I've got a white '73 with red interior. I did the interior 100%, every surface with SEM vinyl dye back to the original color. They have custom mixed colors in quarts, etc. that you spray with a regular spray gun. They also sell it in buzz bomb cans, but that limits your color selection substantially. I used Dark Carmine and the color match is outstanding. My car was faded to a putrid orange on the shock cover towers and they now look great. Yes, I painted the seats as well and it's holding up prrfectly after about 4 months of daily use. I live in Northern California as well and it's not unusual for it to get to 115*F in the Summer, so we'll see how it holds up. My money says it looks like it will hold up very well. Devin, where are you located in Northern California? People have greatly varied opinions of where Northern California actually starts. Driftin John
Set of round top SU carbs
I think I'll probably show up and see who's got what for sale and some of what I suspect will be an awesome array of cars. I've done a track day at Thunder Hill with an instructor before and that track is a real kick to run on. They've put alot of upgrades into the facilities over the past year. Whenever I pass Willows on my way home from the Sacramento airport, I take a side trip to Thunder Hill to see what's running. As long as you sign in, they're glad to let you watch. Last week was Crotch Rocket day when I stopped by. Last year they had vintage race cars running and there were actually a Formula 1 Jackie Stewart car from the 70's. It's a great track. Driftin Jon
Set of round top SU carbs
Sounds like the carbs are sold. I'll take the adapters for $25 + shipping if they are not part of the carb sale. Let me know. Thanks, Driftin Jon
Set of round top SU carbs
I need the adapters to fit the old style carbs to the square mouth air cleaner if you want to seperate the carbs from air cleaner adapter. Any interest, and if so, how much for the adapters? Thanks, Driftin Jon