Ok, your distinguishing between rs30 and grs30. In that case. Australia didn't get the rs30 in 77 (or so i'm led to believe) only the grs30 in 77. Nissan put the figures at 77 grs30's sold in 1977. The 2 seater was dropped from the line up in 77. The 2+2 far outsold the 2 seater here, apart from in 1974, when the split was fairly even between the 2 seater and the 2+2 (2+2 sold 157 more in 74, 554 more in 75, and 1230 more in 76). Here in Australia the cars don't get registration dates. They get compliance plate dates, which are fitted fairly soon after the cars are imported into Australia, not when the cars are registered. So it would be impossible to know when a car was first registered, unless you had the original paperwork from the car being registered. For example one of the guys here in WA has a 1976 GRS30 (unless thats a typo) that was one of the last 260Z 2+2 sold in WA in 1978. I'm not sure when Nissan started to wind down production of the S30, maybe one Alan T would know more about that.