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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. more info needed. Shock inserts (catrtidges)? whole struts assemblies? Front/Rear?
  2. theres lots of empty space up under the dashboard. hard to get to though. edit: unless of course you have your car dissasembled. Yeah the problem with internal antenna's is that the signal gets shielded a bit by the metal chassis. so somewhere close to a glass window would be good.
  3. Edit: Yeah alfa, I didnt read it propperly I did start a thread for pictures links, a while back. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18786 I posted a bunch of links somewere too, cant remember where though.
  4. Adding the link to the drive.com.au that alfa posted previously for anybody that missed it the first time (including me). Different car to the one thats in the magazine i posted above though. Is this the one alfa? http://www.drive.com.au/editorial/article.aspx?id=11211&vf=1
  5. Had a look at the website. Yeah its the 2006 Year book. I recognise the cover: <img src="http://www.ccar.com.au/html/images/magazine_images/YBFCOZ06.jpg"/> ^ | thats the Prince GT right there
  6. I think it was written by someone in the Sydney Z car club. Maybe try asking them.
  7. Nope I dont think so. your reffering to the japan times one are you, that was a general article about the history of skylines? This was in a print magazine published in Australia. Its Called "Australian Classic Car" The article is about a guy (think his name was John), that had a Prince GT when he was a young fella, but sold it. Then he bought one a couple of years ago and had it restored.
  8. Was looking at Australian Classic Car magazine in the news agent today. Theres and article about a Prince Skyline GT that someone has had restored. I had a quick read, but didnt buy it.
  9. And what has this got to do with cricket?
  10. Ah, now you're just causin' trouble. While were on the subject, How about Datsun. Australians say Dat-sun (Dat rhymes with at, sun - the yellow thing in the sky ). I think American say something more like "dautson". What about the english. (on a side track, i noticed New Zealanders say Sue-baru, where as Aussies say something more like Subar-roo)
  11. Ahh you dont want my car. I think theres alot of rust under the dodgey paint.
  12. I think they were the L20 head. They will bolt on to a L26 block, but will probably have smaler valves than the E88, depending on what version of the E88 head you have.
  13. linkage: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=3237 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=3238
  14. Yes I believe they did. Europe didn't have the body mounted indicators. Might have been due to regulations about height of lights, or that they didnt have amber lenses. Australian 240Z had the indicators set into the fender below the ends of the bumper, untill sometime in 1973, when bumper indicators were added to augment the existing indicators. eithe under the bumper or on top. like this 1973 240Z. When the 260Z cam along, they had the side fender indicators, so the bumper mounted ones were not fitted.
  15. Im busy building my 1:1 scale 240Z by nissan.
  16. I remember reading Colin Shipways book and thinking it was full of nice pictures, but its alot of the text was innacurate. There were the 3 different types of bumpers used on the Z in the US market. There was the 240Z type bumper that non US cars had right up to 77. Then there is the extended bumper that has the shock absorbing dampers. (pics/diagrams in the Haynes manual). Then there is the thick style bumper that the 280Z had. Also the 2+2's had a longer wheelbase, and are wider at the rear (referring to the body, not the track - dunno if its different). Thats why 2+2 tail panels wont fit the 2 seater. If you compare them the 2+2 has 2 vertical indents either side of the licence plate, the 2 seater doesnt, as the gap is smaller. There are othe changes that appeared in later models, like the lip on the rad support panel. Dashboard changed on the 260Z.
  17. Yes so does the 70, 71, and 72. That's where the bolt goes through so that the ends of the bumpers dont flap about.
  18. An it you gotta have triples and you are in Aus. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4617454527
  19. Australian 240Z had faux wood rim steering wheels. If yours is a rubber/foam type wheel, its not original, and probably from a 260Z. Unless there was a changeover grey area at the end of 73 start of 74 for the switch between 240z to the 260z.
  20. Seller also has this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Datsun-240Z-steering-wheel_W0QQitemZ4616986455QQcategoryZ122159QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem which he describes as a 240z steering wheel. Its not like any 240z wheel I have ever seen. Maybe a 260z wheel?
  21. How did that thing ever get registered for road use? The fuel tank is sitting on the back of the car between the bumper and the trunk. If that thing ever got rear ended.... hope it has a fire extinguisher. Noticed some datsun parts. Like the rear strut towers in the boot and guages. I guess it has a L24 in it. I wonder how much of the original sheet metal is left. if any. Damn shame to make such a nice car into something so ugly. And do you really need to carry around 2 spare wheels?
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