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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. My car already has rivit holes from non ZG flares, which I removed. Did you cut your guards Sulio? I cant remember if I asked already on another forum. If so have you got photos? I'd be interested in seeing how you did it.
  2. The original way to fit ZG flares is to use rivets.
  3. Well back in the late 80's early 90's Japanese cars got lower looking (from a side profile point of view) and smoother/rounder and the 240K when compared to new cars styling trends, with its big slabs of side sheet metal with the sharp line down the side was very out of style. Even when it was released the (aussie) motoring press gave it a hammering for being ugly. I remember reading an article that said it looked like 2 people designed the car. one did the front and the other did the back, and that the front and the back didnt match. Now cars seem to be getting taller again, and sharp lines are making a comeback. It just car fashion. It comes and goes in cycles just like everything else. Ugly or not? Datsun 126X & 216X:
  4. http://www.graphic-express.com/import_datsun.htm
  5. Just like the 240K. I used to think they were so ugly.
  6. Maybe the switch has become loose? check the scews that hold it on the back of the keylock part. make sure its not loose. Might just be old. If I turn mine hard right to start the car, it doesnt work. I have to turn the key untill the engine starts to crank, if i keep truning it the engine will stop cranking again.
  7. Ah one of those old mouse powered blowers eh! and you let the mouse escape! no hot air for you anymore
  8. I had some of those wasps trying to nest in the garage. a can of flyspray sorted them out.
  9. I recon we just email sbs and ask them to show the movie. That way they would translate it. and i could copy it from my hdtv tuner card. Tell them its a cult movie and they might go for it.
  10. Script would be in japanese too i imaging. if you go to wikipedia and search for wangan, it gives a pretty good background as to whats going on in the movie.
  11. Looks like somone might be building a site at www.classicskyline.com Theres a server test page up. Hopefully it doesnt turn out to be a site about photographs of old buildings.
  12. How did it go before it was sitting? Its either fuel or electical. Does it sound like its misfiring? or does it just feel like its going to stall when you give it some gas? Check you have oil in the carbie dashpots. If theres no oil then the carbies fuel/air mixture will be all wrong. Give it a service, ie. Take the plugs out and clean them, and reset the gaps. Check the points gap (if its not an electric dizzy). Do the timing. balance the carbs. As far as checking the electrical side of things. If it sounds like its missing at idle, (Dont do this if you have a pace maker - I dont know if it will kill you, but i dont want to find out:dead: ) use some insulated pliers and pull off a plug lead (one at a time), so that the spark isnt grounding through the spark plug (just hold it in the air away from everything) if the engine slows and sound like its not running too good, put the plug lead back on and try the next one. If you pull a lead off and the engine doesnt change, then you've found the problem. either a faulty spark plug or lead, or distributer cap. Thats how i found one of my datsuns had a faulty plug. It looked fine.
  13. So i'd been thinking about this for a while, ever since seeing the movie a while ago. I thought it would be pretty easy to strip out the audio, cut it up into small sections, and make a simple web app that would allow japanese speaking people to download a small section of the dialogue, and type in (in english) on a web page form what was being said. Of course this would probably violate all sorts of copyright laws, and the hard part would be finding japanese speaking/ english writing people to translate it. I havent found any video editing programs that can open the file either. So getting the subtitles back onto the movie would be difficult too. opinions, suggestions?
  14. Australian 240Z had 2 keys. One single sided key operated the ignition. The other double edged key operated the doors, glovebox, and fuel flap lock (yep, something nissan also short changed you USA 240z buyers on). I dont seem to have any original dasun keys. But the copies I have are on the following blanks Ignition: (Brand) (type) CEA NS5 CEA WAS1 ILCO VH MZ12 Edmonds VH Doors: SILICA DAT9R DL DT22 ILCO X7 62DU Dunno if thats any help to anyone. Oh and 240K keys are exactly the same as 240Z keys (one ignition, one door/ glovebox/ etc). Probably any datsun key is the same blank across models for a particular year. (i've had 3 240z a 260z and a 240K, and it is the same deal with all of them) Tamper resistant screws - you can just buy new ones. the hex head snaps off when they are tight. No sense in making it any easier for car thieves. I'm speculating here (ie this is pure fiction, but you might get a laugh out of it), but it might have something to do with service stations (remember when other people pumped the gas for you? I dont). Instead of having to give the attendant your ignition keys out of the ignition, you could give them the door key that opened the filler door. (no remote releases in those days). Since garage workers are an untrustworthy bunch you dont want them having the ignition key anyway. They could make a wax imprint and rip off your car. In the USA you didnt have locks on the gas flaps, so you didnt need to hand over the keys, so no need to have a different key. Oh, and we need locks on the petrol flaps to stop bludgers stealing our petrol when were asleep in bed.:bandit: Trustworthy bunch arent we. Guess that's what happens when a country starts out as a dumping ground for other countries convicts.
  15. It is compressed. its like a 2 hour movie, not 45 minutes of Lost or Battlestar galactica. There arent any subtitles, and you have to watch in in the div x movie player. Doenst seen to work in Media Player, even with the right codec. maybe MP10 can handle it. I was using an older version. We need someone to subtitle in into English though. Wanna get a Fansub going?
  16. Saw this posted as a datsun roadster. http://photobucket.com/albums/y284/dcbelisario/?action=view&current=Picture084.jpg Obviously it isn't. But what is it? I thought it looked like a MG Midget or some sort of Triumph.
  17. Thanks for that like Jim. I'd seen that before, but lost the link to the page, and couldnt be bothered searchin though pages of skylines to find it again.
  18. Looks like its just a marketing/image exercise. The VB site is still there, for european cars, and they have a truck parts site too. Black Dragon Automotive is its aimed at asian cars, but it just sounds funny to me. not as funny as Fried Rice Automotive. But seriously. Maybe we should give them a few suggestions on no-so-silly sounding names. Rising Sun Automotive could have been a better choice, but its taken already. Far East Automotive?
  19. I have the same 1:12 ZG kit as you. still unopened in the box, a smaller Z 1:24 i think it is, a csp311 silvia model, and R31 GTS-R, all unbuilt. I have a RA28 celica model that i built, when i owned a RA28 celica. Also in die casts I have 4 kyosho (2 ZG, Z432, and a rally version), 2 yatming, and 1 sunstar. A tonka 240zg, and a plastic widebody racing 260z that i found at a swap meet. Was going to attach a photo of the celica model i built, but cant find it, so heres a pic of the 260z toy i found at a swap meet.
  20. ah, that was too easy... This one seems to have made its way from South Africa to Western Australia.
  21. 1:18 kyosho models retail for around AU$110 dont they. Thats how much I saw them for (240z kyoshos) when I was browsing through a hobby shop.
  22. Ok Anybody up for a another round of guess the VIN tag. I've edited the pic so you cant just type the chassis code into google and come up with the answer, but there should be enough clues on the tag to come up with an answer.
  23. Sound like its not a real car, just one of their theory exercises they do, with an artists drawing of waht it would look like. Would like to see the scans. For a real 240Z with a chopped roof and a V8 go visit the swedish guys site who is actually doing it. I posted a link about it here somewhere. try searching for sweden. It not mull's car its another guy.
  24. Ah yes. I stand corrected. it was the GTS-R. I forgot the S.
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