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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. The GT-R returned with the R31 (in 1988 I think for the GT-R) . From what I understand it was baically just a homologation run of 200 GT-R's so that nissan could get the GT-R parts approved for racing.
  2. try the langauge tools link on www.google.com, at the bottom, translate url, select the language. doesnt handle the frame sets of that site, but you can get the page and translate it seperately you'll get somthing like this: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rockyauto.co.jp%2Fview.php3%3Frui%3Dnew&langpair=ja%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools
  3. I found out the name of the movie i saw on sbs that had a c10 and c110 in it. I'm pretty sure it was called "KT". saw the end of it in 2004, and did some searching on their website (their tv schedule goes back that far if you do a little url hacking). It was also aired in 2005, so i guess it will be on again in 2006. I'll be keeping a look out for it, and post here when its on again.
  4. Dont forget where the skyline racing started in Australia. Glen Seatons R31 skyline which took on the other group 1 touring cars (including holden V8's ) with its 4 cylinder fj20 turbo.
  5. Yeah it was in your photos. Your new Z is a very tidy looking machine
  6. Do you think the brand or type of paint really makes a difference? I think any high gloss enamel paint would probably do the job. or is the point with using this paint that you dont use primer?
  7. Lead wiping. old school. Now thats the propper way to do it.
  8. Jeff , the guy that owns all those cars has started selling some of them off on ebay, and various other bits. Might be interesting to check up on now and then, to see if he puts the Prince on ebay.
  9. Typically ricey is all show no go. Speaking of ricey. I was reading the entry for ricer on wikipedia, and they had listed "Hoon" as the Australianism of "ricer", which it isn't. Hoon is probably the opposite of ricer. A hoon is usually someone with a car thats either had performace work (or has a powerfull engine as stock), or no work at all (eg an old car to thrash). They arent concerend too much with the cars looks at all. Being a hoon is more about doing of illegal stuff like burouts in carparks etc, and has nothing to do with the cars looks. Also have the rest of you aussies noticed the ford and holden utes getting around that are all countryfied with rm williams stickers, truck style bull bars, at least 3 CB aerials, (usally 4, one at each corner) etc...... I have a word for them..........."Wheat"
  10. If you are planning on changing the color of the light in the gauge, you're going to have to pull the gauges out of the car, and open them up to remove the green coloured filter thats in them that colours the white light from the globe to green. otherwise, youd be sending red, or blue light through a green filter = not much light at all, as the green is supposed to only allow green light to pass through it. See attached pic of the coloured filter:
  11. Nooooooooo. Admins, Please delete this thread!
  12. Hmmmmm. Sent him a message asking why he cancelled the auction. You cant trust these new no feedback ebay sellers.
  13. You'd probably have to go to Nissan to get them.
  14. Maybe because he's asking $17,000 for it. Sakijo, You can never have enough Datsuns, but 1 of each will do. I just want 1 K coupe. c'mon guys let me buy it.
  15. "I have gotten into ministry and this car is in the way" Sounds like a song by ministry. Satan build my Datsun. Ah well guys, the stickers were right, were all going to hell in a datsun.
  16. Strange, it had ond bid earlier, now it has none. Ah, the person that bid on it canceled their bid, and is now bidding on a fairlady http://cgi.ebay.com.au/datsun-fairlady_W0QQitemZ4612266484QQcategoryZ101895QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Thanks for the offer Lachlan. Is it very far away from you? Would be great if you could take a look at it for me
  18. Cool Nick. How's the SR conversion going? and what are you doing with that 240K?
  19. As long as you aren't storing it in the house, I dont see waht she has to complain about. Sounds like you need a shed. Sheds are off limits to females, except when they are bringing you a beer or something to eat. I suppose you could open up the wardrobe and start complaining about all the shoes, or dresses she has as some sort of reverse psychology tactic.
  20. There was an "R" version of the shelby GT350 in 1965. Dont think it was ever badges as a GTR or officially called GTR, but may have been colloquially called GTR to distunguish the Racing version from the GT350 street car version. Ealiest aussie GTR that i'm aware of is the Torana GTR (no, no. not the XU-1)released in october 1969. There was also a Bridgestone GTR motorbike in the mid to late 60's.
  21. Yeah Lachlan. That why I prefer to buy old original, never repainted cars, rather than someones freshly painted project. Spotted another 240K sedan at somones house while out driving in different route than usual. Might find a 2 door one day.....
  22. You cant really compar the cost of a 1972 skyline to the cost of a 1972 240z on American market. One is a common American sold car, the other is a rare import that was not available in that country. Which is why old corvettes and mustang are sold for way more than they are worth in Australia. Why pay $20,000 or more an old mustang, when you can pick up a old falcon of the similar age for around $5000 or less. apples and oranges..... Oh, and theres a GT-X skyline in aus for sale for AU$30,000 (US$22,632 ) http://www.c-red.com.au/stock/kgc10/index.shtml p.s. whats an amphicar? is that some sort of amphibiuos car?
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