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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. The bullet mirrors in the link above are no good for putting on the fenders of z cars. They are too short, and you dont get a decent view . Thats why the OEM ones are taller. As for the ones Raman posted. They are aftermarket mirrors made in asia. Theres a guy selling them on ebay out of Bangkok. They look ok. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TOYOTA-CELICA-TA22-TA23-LEVIN-TE27-TE21-FENDER-MIRRORS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33649QQitemZ8030587732QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD2V He's also got ones that are advertised as z fender mirrors, but arent very good copies, unless they are from a later model Z or ZX. And a ZG flare kit too. Heres a set of genuine toyota fender mirrors. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Toyota-Celica-TA22-TA23-TA28-1971-1972-1972-1973-1975_W0QQitemZ8034559895QQcategoryZ33699QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. Not a problem. I'll have your yellow one Seriously If you need the car for parts, then part it out. I'd rather find a straight one. Trucking a damaged car across the country would probably be a waste of money that could otherwise be spent getting my z back on the road. But would like to see how bad the damage is before I make up my mind. Theres another 240K on ebay. This one with a "factory sun roof". (I've given up correcting people on ebay, after the original rare 240Z mags guys comments about time wasting know it alls. Aparently a nsw or victorian datsun club told him they were 240z mags. If you missed the auction, they were 280zx mags.) Anybody see the gold 240K on carsales.com.au ? looks like it had some sort of body kit / skirts with it. link I still kick myself for not leaving a note on one I saw broken down on the side of the road a few years ago.
  3. How do you know it will? Might be bought by someone with a genuine interest in old datsuns/nissans and well cared for.
  4. Theres a 240z on ebay.com.au but you have to search for "datsun 240" to find it. Searching for 240z wont bring it up. Theres a heap of 240/260z on carpoint.com.au too.
  5. Just about any old car that hasnt been hotted up with a nice set of fat mags and a shiney new coat of paint will get called grandma spec. Meh, who cares. doesnt bother me. Thats a nice looking 4 door. Seen one like it before. I read that the 4 door is actually lighter than the coupe because it has the b pillars to strengthen the chassis, and the coupe is pillarless so it has extra strengthening in the chassis to make make up, resulting in more weight. I also read that the 4 door c110 was made second, and that both the 2 and 4 door are exactly the same lenght / wheelbase.
  6. This one looks like a good one to start with: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Datsun-260z-bronze-coupe-7-76-one-owner-reg-til-10-06_W0QQitemZ4607915960QQcategoryZ102220QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Come on Gav, you should know better than to make such casual comments.:classic: Just because you never seen one doesnt mean we never got them. Dont know about the wagon, but the sedans were sold new here, badged as Datsun Bluebirds. I've even seen one driving down the road, and more than a few on ebayin the past, including these 2 on ebay right now. This ones a real one owner grandma car (2 owner if you count the guy it was left to, but you know what I mean): http://cgi.ebay.com.au/CLASSIC-DATSUN-BLUEBIRD-CAR_W0QQitemZ4608383069QQcategoryZ101895QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Starting bid $1500. and this one http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Vintage-1966-Datsun-Bluebird-411_W0QQitemZ4608658392QQcategoryZ102220QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Buy it now price of $450.
  8. They didnt have front ones either. Neither did the Australian delivered 240z. didnt get them untill the 260z
  9. That was your cue to say, "Dont bother, I'll take it somewhere else. Nice not doing business with you."
  10. Buy it for the body. put a L28 in it. or a V8, or a Jeep engine....... I wonder why they pulled the engine in the first place?
  11. Well, I emailed RS-Watanabe and they told me this guy was. They then forwarded my email on to him, and he replied, asking what type and size wheels I was interested in. RS-Watanabe Australian Distributor: Miki Yokohata http://users.tpg.com.au/tpot/
  12. Yeah its a pretty good price. Got a quote back for the wheels that are on SR240Z. Just over AU$2000. Was considering the ebay wheels for my R31 GTS, but the front wheels offset is just too big, according to the Watanabe web site. The might fit, but I'm not taking the risk. They will fit properly on a S13/14 Silvia, but thats about all. Saw these on ebay USA http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ae86-BlackRacing-wheels-not-watanabe-panasports-S13-S14_W0QQitemZ8031244900QQcategoryZ43954QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Not watanabes is says, but they look pretty damn close to me.
  13. Just keep demanding that they fix it. It's the other guys insurance that will have to pay. Do you have insurance? they should be on your side helping you out. Haha, back to the future with you. :classic:
  14. Mineral turps get silicone off, It makes it go soggy and crumbly (if thats a word)) the you can scrape it off with your fingernails, and not damage the stainless trim.
  15. Bugger. Time for a gull wing door conversion eh?
  16. Similar story happend over here. Somone had a unlicenced kingswood shell (might have been a monaro, I dont recall exactly) in their front yard. Dont think it had a motor even. Needed a complete restoration. So somone decided to do a complete restoration, new paint, V8 engine, interior, etc. Problem was they stole the shell from the guys front yard and used the chassis to restore. The cops got suspisious when the restored car was presented for inspection at the licencing center. Dont remember why exactly, I dont think the article said. Maybe the chassis number was covered over. Anyway the cops did some detective work and found that it was the stolen shell, so the newly restored car was returned to the rightfull owner. Not bad eh? Leave a junker in your front yard, get a fully restored car back a year later.
  17. Do wats need special nuts. I remember reading something about it?
  18. You can download the watanabe catalogue from their website. It lists the rims sizes and offsets. What was listed above was for aluminium mags. Heres whats available in the size you have. Aluminiumn A: 14x7.5 it lists them as -3 and +1.5 R: 14x9 : -25 or Magniesium A 14x7.0 +3 and +8 R 14x9 -19
  19. Yeah that first one aint the best looking z spoiler you can get. If you arent using the 280z bumpers, shouldnt you be getting the earlier one though? the 70-74 one?
  20. I have a 4 door. The company could send me a set, and i'll tell them how well they fit, the could call it a market reseach exersise and write it off as for a tax rebate. Of course I get to keep the flares
  21. That offset is way off, wont fit a z at all without wide spacers/adaptors, which I hear are illegal anyway. 0 to -19 is a better offset for a Z, depending on the rim width. -19 if you want to fill out some ZG flares 16 in type R watanabes are available in : inch : offset 8.0 : 0 8.5 : -6 9.0 : -13 9.5 : -19 Is that a good price? I havent heard back from the Australian watanabe distributer yet. What size are your wats Alfa? How much were they?
  22. Can you just move it into the back yard? They they can compalin at all.
  23. That first spoiler is ugly, and that prpbably why they stopped making it. The BRE rear one in nicer, the ZG rear spoiler is probably the one that people want in CF too, along with CF ZG flares. The ZG spoiler is prettymuch identicaly to the BRE one, except it has 2 ridges on the window side of the spoiler. Dont have a pic handy, but i'm sure someone else will post a pic for you.
  24. I'm told they will extend the guard about 50mm (approx 2 inches)
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