Well, guys. I was in an accident late sunday afternoon in my R31 Skyline GTS-X. A navy guy in a navy commodore went straight through a red light and into the front of me, side-swiping the front of my car with the commodore wagon. He also hit the car next to me, but my car absorbed most of the impact, and most of the damage. I sort of shunted the commodore out of the path of the car next to me. Lights had just turned green, and I moved off, so did the car next to me, and wham, the commodore shortens the front of my car by about a foot. 9 times out of 10 I look around to make sure that its ok to go, even though I have a green light, but it was late in the afternoon and he came right out of the sun which was low in the sky, at 5pm. He just wasnt paying attention, then when he noticed the lights were red, and that there were cars infront of him he swerved to the right to try and avoid me. Lucky for me he did, otherwise he may have hit me straight on the side on my drivers door. And at the speed he was going, I dont think i'd be around anymore if that had happened. Bought a lotto ticket today. Anyway the car looks like it might be a write off. If it is, I'll be looking around for a 240K to replace it, and banking the difference $$.