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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Another Cedric for sale on ebay. Tidy looking, complete. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Nissan-Cedric-1963_W0QQitemZ4575272187QQcategoryZ101895QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem <img src="http://i13.ebayimg.com/01/i/04/eb/ce/58_1_b.JPG">
  2. Speaking of websites, though i'd post this here you you all got an email about it There was a website by a guy somewhere in kuwait (accordign to alfa, posted on skylines australia). He just copied pictures of C110 skylines and put them up. Anyway the place it was at, it isnt any more, and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, until now. http://sgt76.s5.com/ So you members of skylines australia (you know who you are) can post it there too. Theres also some more stuff by the same guy here (dont go to sgt77.s5.com it doesnt work, use the links below) http://sgt77.s5.com/movie/ http://sgt77.s5.com/vstsnt/alfadog/ http://sgt77.s5.com/catalog/ http://sgt77.s5.com/k773.JPG http://sgt77.s5.com/catalog/blue2/ http://sgt77.s5.com/green/4door/ http://sgt77.s5.com/room4/ http://sgt77.s5.com/new/ http://sgt77.s5.com/monthly/march04/index.htm http://sgt77.s5.com/kuwait/ http://sgt77.s5.com/cgi-bin/i/see/14b.JPG http://sgt77.s5.com/unused/ http://sgt76.s5.com/scrab/ http://sgt77.s5.com/visitor/kyteler/ http://sgt77.s5.com/movie/ http://sgt77.s5.com/strange/frame.htm http://sgt77.s5.com/new/1/1.htm
  3. Nope, this is Luke Skywalkers honda right here
  4. My iPod was free from Pepsi. Bargain! :classic:
  5. Car: Go for a Z not a ZX if you can find one. Unless you have a specific attachment to a ZX. $5K for a zx seems very expensive. Theres a Z on ozdat, its just had all the bodywork and paint done, just needs putting back together, and its around your price range. Sound system: Ipod into an amp and speakers. Then you can just unplug it and take it with you when you leave the car.
  6. A Silvia http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r17914634
  7. The side GTO vents woulnt fit on a stock Z. They are designed to be used wth the rest of the kit, which is a few inches wider than a stock z.
  8. Whats the car on the right?
  9. I guess nearly being killed last weekend by a driver that ran a red light and slammed into my car has adjusted my attitude towards things a little. So you guys can go on talking about how wrong this car is and that its should have bla bla bla, whatever, for hours and hour and hours. If that what does it for you. If you are so interested in the car fly to Japan and investigate it first hand. At least then it wouldnt just guess work based on a couple of photos No disrespect to Kats or Alan. Or to 26th Z. Enrique, I thought you were Canadian? Maybe Kats is asking this forum because its a Global forum. Last time I checked the internet was available to the whole world. Perhaps you are the one with you head up you asre. There are members here from all over the world. For you to assume that the questios were asked here purely just to get the opinions of people residing in the USA is just stupid. The most knowlegable Z member here is from the UK. So have fun discussing the what if's. I'm going to spend some time in the real world. Sayonara, I'm off the garage.
  10. Looks like something was stuck over the top of the chassis number, and has left some residue behind. Theres seems to be an ID tag on the driver side strut, you can see it (a grey shaped square) in the 1st photo on page 1. Maybe that holds alot of the answers. Also no one said this is a 1969 car. People are just assuming that it is, for whatever reason. Like all the people with low vin HS30 do because they read somewhere the figures for HLS30 cars and assumed that theirs must also be of the same vintage. I pesonally dont care what year the car was made, I dont care about the, "my cars earlier than yours" bull.... or what the welds look like. Heres an idea, lets get a micrometer and measure the thickness of the metal its made out of. Its a Z. the VIN is cool whatever vintage it is, and its not too far gone to be restored. Just a bit dented up. I'd just rather see it fixed than crushed, even if it ends up with an RB20DE with tripple webbers.
  11. Anbody tape it? Saw the post, but too late, to watch it.
  12. Reading through all the this didnt belong on this because bla bla bla... Not appeared on model x untill whatever date..... etc. When I look at the location of the people writing this, USA, Canada, I guess all your statments are based on knowledge of USA exports models. You guys didnt even get a 5 speed untill the 280Z. Remeber this is a JDM car. Also its a very old car, and who knows who has swapped what out over the years. If indeed it was a factory test mule then it makes sence that it would have all the later model mods, like auto. or late model tool boxes. Imagine the nissan guys sitting around saying, Hey lets change the tool boxes, the old ones are a bit dodgey. Ok lets design it, press up some metal, go to the test mule and weld it in and see how it looks.
  13. You can get repro door skins from rare spares for about $310 http://www.rarespares.net.au
  14. I believe so. I know Ben from Adelaide bought a new (vented) bonnet, and think it was around the $700 mark.
  15. An now to News Headlines: PO in hospital after new owner tracks him down and attacks him with lump of bondo embedded with bits of rusty metal. Just kidding.
  16. Dealing with insurance is always a pain. He was appologetic, admited it was his fault, wasnt paying attention. Now i dont have a car to get to work in, and have to catch lifts, and my insurance company is making me get a quote for repairing the damage to my car before they send out a claims assessor, which seems backwards to me. Also pannel beaters wont to come out and look at the car, as they all think its a write off anyway, and want to charge me to look at it anyway. I dont know why my insurace compay is being so difficult. They will get all the money back from the other guys insurance company (Australian Government - It was a Navy car driven by a Navy officer, on Duty at the time), It was his fault, he admitted it. Insurance companies suck.
  17. Hmmmm, Evil genius at work. Either that or they have intenet access at graylands now (joke) Ok I'll play along T = 2/3<1/2mv2>=? As we know PV=nRT --------- (1) (why did we use this equation for prove above?) As we know. n=N/NA (why we don’t put the P=F/A and volume formula) Put in above equation (1) PV= N/NA RT---------(2) Where R/NA= k (k is Boltzman constant) Equation 2 becomes PV=NkT Or P=NkT/V------------(3) (why we found “P”) As we know. P=2/3*N/NA<1/2mv2>-------------(4) (Why we use this equation we can also use this formula) Comparing 3 and 4. (why we compared) NkT/V=2/3*N/NA<1/2mv2>. We get. kT=2/3<1/2mv2> or T=2/3k<1/2mv2> T=constant<K.E> T Directly Proportional to <K.E> also Defining gravitational potential energy The change in gravitational potential energy of the object-earth system is just another name for the negative value of the work done on an object by the earth. Total energy for object moving under gravity Definition of gravitational potential energy allows us to write down a conservation law for the total energy D (K+Ug)=0 => E=Ug+K=constant ½ mv2+mgh = constant Crucial that U only depends on height! Demo A ball rolls down an inclined slope. After reaching the bottom of the incline, its inertia keeps it moving. It then rolls up an inclined slope. The inclination angles of the two slopes differ. There is negligible friction. Observed Result The maximum heights achieved on the two slopes are the same. Reason: Conservation of energy. Conservative forces Potential energies can only be defined for conservative forces Those forces which do work on a object in moving it from one position to another in such a way that the work done is path independent. eg. gravity, electric forces, spring forces Not friction, air resistance Pendulum demo Energy (K+U) should be constant If pendulum released with zero speed will return to same point (height) with zero speed (ignoring air drag, friction etc) Stopped-pendulum demo Another example: springs … Force F=-kx (Hooke’s law) (x extension) W=-1/2kx2 (last time) Therefore, can define elastic (spring) potential energy U= 1/2kx2 (Horizontal) Spring spring frictionless table x 1/2kx2+1/2mv2=constant Motion ? Imagine displacing mass from equilibrium to x=a – what happens ? 1/2ka2=1/2kx2+1/2mv2 or 1/2mv2= 1/2ka2-1/2kx2 what range does x lie in ? when is v greatest ? describe motion … Graph x u(x)=1/2kx2 a oscillates! motion confined to region below dotted line -a Question What is meaning of the dashed horizontal line in the graph? Hint: What is conserved? Choose a particluar location x between -a and +a. Draw a vertical line through the x value. What is the meaning of the intercept of that line with the graph? What is the meaning of the distance from the intercept to the dashed line? The graph can be used to get the speed v of the mass, at any location x. How can this be done?
  18. When driving convertables, watch out for yellow tarps blowing around.
  19. Are they not held in with circlips like the other u joints, and, what ed said ^^^^^
  20. Well, guys. I was in an accident late sunday afternoon in my R31 Skyline GTS-X. A navy guy in a navy commodore went straight through a red light and into the front of me, side-swiping the front of my car with the commodore wagon. He also hit the car next to me, but my car absorbed most of the impact, and most of the damage. I sort of shunted the commodore out of the path of the car next to me. Lights had just turned green, and I moved off, so did the car next to me, and wham, the commodore shortens the front of my car by about a foot. 9 times out of 10 I look around to make sure that its ok to go, even though I have a green light, but it was late in the afternoon and he came right out of the sun which was low in the sky, at 5pm. He just wasnt paying attention, then when he noticed the lights were red, and that there were cars infront of him he swerved to the right to try and avoid me. Lucky for me he did, otherwise he may have hit me straight on the side on my drivers door. And at the speed he was going, I dont think i'd be around anymore if that had happened. Bought a lotto ticket today. Anyway the car looks like it might be a write off. If it is, I'll be looking around for a 240K to replace it, and banking the difference $$.
  21. I bought a good bonnet for $250. No rust at all, a very minor dent. I though that was a pretty fair price. I also bought a whole 260z 2+2 for $500 for all the other usable bits. (fenders, gearbox, engine parts, R200, etc.)
  22. I'd be interested to know the chassis numbers.
  23. Thats a shame dude. A rotary in a Z. I dont get it myself, but your car looks awesome. Made me decide to paint my Z black too.
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