My First car was a 1972 240z.
Got it in my last year of highschool, from a wreckers. Spent time stripping it to bare metal, welding up the rust, and repained it, fixed the interior and got it registered. All while I should have been studying.
Also had a Falcon xy wagon and then a '77 Celica (mustang style) liftback, while I was working on the 240z, and after it was finished. Insurance on the Z was a killer, so I didnt drive it much, and left it registered but un-insured, untill a few years later when I started driving it (insurace got cheaper as I got older), and took the Celica off the road and repainted it, and sold it. Sold the Z a few years later, had a string of other cars, VK Berlina, 808 coupe (bought for $15), VH Commodore, TX-3 4wd turbo, VH commodore wagon, honda accord.
Then the Z bug got me again, so I had to get another 240Z.
My first z: