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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Yeah I probably would... And by doing so I would learn how it works and how to fix it, usually.. Actually I'wouldnt buy a rolex, I'd get a Japanese copy of a rolex, Just like my Japanese copies of Gibson Guitars (by Ibanez) and My Japanese copy of a porsche/e-type/ferrari (by Datsun) , which I have taken all apart with no formal mechanical training. But I'm good at that sort of thing, and have done it to other cars before. With the proper manual, you should be able to put them back together. You might need to get somone else to tune them though. Some times you just have to know when to leave it to the experts. Like I do with gearboxes. Good luck with it. Solex Carbs were a pretty common swap in Japan. They were fitted to 240Z rally cars, and the Z432R, Skyline GTR probably had them too, and lots of roadsters have them bolted on their U20's. Dont know for sure, but I'm guessing they were available through nissan motorsport.
  2. MDF or masonite. Glue some black vinyl over it. sweet.
  3. My Tip: Remember to disconnect the handbrake cables from the levers at each brake drum
  4. Check the specs on you head unit. It may have front and rear speaker outputs already. If not you can wire the left and right channels to the front and rear for a 50/50 front/rear split.
  5. If you are spinning both wheels when you are stomping on the pedal, then i'd say that it is working. I dont think that the lsd feature would work off the ground with a clutch pack type lsd. I dont know much aut them, but am under the impression they work like the pedal brake on a bmx bike. A series of plates squashed together, when one of the wheels starts slipping the friction between the plates makes them lock together. Turning one wheel when they are off the ground wouldnt generate the friction required, I would guess. Anyway I'm just guessing, so I'll let the people who actually know chirp up. You going up to Wanneroo race track on saturday for the WA Z Cars event?
  6. Using replacement parts of course. When i say restore I mean fix it up back to a nice, presentable, drivable, condition. I dont mean turn it into museam piece. I dont really care that it might have the wrong luggage straps, or series 2 seats, or the chalk marks may be wrong, etc. Though i'm sure Kats could advise Mr Harigae on the correct parts for such an early car.
  7. Hi Tommo, 1. How do you know that its a 4.375 ratio? 2. Maybe nissan racing dept made open and LSD 4.375 ratios. 3. Maybe the clutch packs have worn out. 4. What diff oil are you using in the diff? I dont know, but maybe the only way to be sure is to open it up.
  8. Data plate is still on the drivers side (now remember this it a right hand drive car) suspension tower. Its that grey square thing you can see. I dont think the Japanese versions had the one in the door frame. Aussie cars didnt. Think it was a US law requirement, just like the vin being on the dash for all to see.
  9. Thanks go to Kats for sharing. It was mentioned here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=137562#post137562
  10. No Datsuns involved (which is good), but still, alot of classic destruction which isn't nice to see. more info http://www.pbase.com/atrltd/bric2005
  11. Hi Kats, thats an amazing find I started a new thread about it, hope you dont mind. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=137561#post137561
  12. Posted by Our Friend Kats in a different thread, but I think a find like this deserves it's own tread. I dont think its too bad to restore. Looks straight, apart from the roof, and maybe some rust, but definatly reparable. Dont let this car die! Come on Mr Harigae restore the car.
  13. Yeah thats the do-hicky. Forgot the tech term for it. I thought they did, just wanted to be sure. Thanks Kenny.
  14. Quick question. The front pivot arm bolts go from rear to front (the nut being on the front side of the crossmember) correct?
  15. What the hell is a chevy '38 Coupe anyway? and who cares what a chevy man thinks. He can stick to antiquated pushrod driven relics from the 30's. I bet a 30's car doesn't look as good as a Z, and I bet he's spent a lot more than you would spend to restore a Z. Probably not much useable bits on a '38 car. I bet he has had to replace almost everything in order to get a nice drivable car. For your chevy friend, he probably doesnt think a japanese car is worth the metal its made from. Who cares about resale value. If you intend to resote a car and make some money from it, forget it. You always spend more that you can sell the car for. As for me. I'm restoring my Z because I love they way they look, and I intend on keeping it forever. I'm doing most of the work I myself because I can and I enjoy it, and when its done and someone comments "nice car", i'll get a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside, because I did it, instead of paying somone else to do it. If you cant shrug off the redneck, nuthin's as good as a American V8 ( we get it here in Austraila form the Ford/Holden bogans too.) comments then maybe a Z isn't for you. You'd probably be happier in an old corvette or a mustang.... ...Till someone in a 240z with an RB26DETT under the bonet blows your doors off.
  16. Glad things worked out for ya. Some of those ebay types can be a bit shifty.
  17. An R200 is a whole lot bigger and rounder than a R180. The R180 has a farily flat rear plate and the R200 is much rounder R200 Left R180 Right R200:
  18. Get a gun club sticker and put it on your window. Get a quality alarm, and use a club lock at the same time. The more work it is to steal your car, the less likely it is to get stolen. But if a thief really wants your car then theres not much you can do about it. I've read on a UK datsun site that in the UK that they even drive up next to the car with a flat top truck fitted with a crane, throw a strap under the car, hoist it up onto the truck and drive off with it. Aparently they send the datsun parts to Africa where datsuns are common, but parts are expensive? Doesnt really sound very likely to me.
  19. Pending.... bummer..... guess i'll have to wait....... Or is it the same video as the other link? That cortina video is funny Wonder what engine they had in it. Funny to see an old car "drifting" . Fish-tailing it used to be called when i was at school, and it was a sign of bad driving. Funny how its developed into a sport of its own.
  20. Think I'll give that a go, only crescent wrench I could find big enough was like AU$90. Or i'll take them down to a suspension place.
  21. A carton of beer would be Australian currency for this type of favour.
  22. Speaking of Herbie. Bullet was on the TV the other night, so I waited for the chase scene, which is pretty good, unless you pay any attention to it. They should have been driving the green VW beelte. It must have been pretty quick if both the black charger and the mustang had to over take it 3 or 4 times. Didn't spot any Z's though. I think the movie was made before the Z was released. There was a yellow porsche 356 in it though.
  23. Why are you selling? Are you sure you want to do that? P.S. Your location is wrong, unless you live in the middle of Dallas airport http://maps.google.com/maps?q=32+51+N+96+51+W&spn=0.040199,0.058464&t=k&hl=en
  24. 11.9megs, and you cant compress video files with zip compression. You'll end up with a 11.8meg zip file.
  25. I have the video from the first post. I can upload it, if Mike gives the ok, but i'm guessing copyright issues may exist.
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