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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Datsun 200B SSS coupe http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=32063&item=4550420719&rd=1
  2. Alright, not lame stuff: Looks like an original 240z 'Datsun' side stripe, though I dont know what you would do with just one side. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=102336&item=4551124244&rd=1
  3. (This is lame, good stuff follows) Wanna reduce your engine horsepower by obstructing your exhaust flow? Want people to think you have the most underpowered turbo car in the country? Watch people with puzzled looks, as they try to work out why that 'turbo' whistle noise seems to come from the exhaust, instead of from the engine bay. Want the cops to give you a yellow sticker for drilling a hole in you exhaust pipe. Then this product is for you, lamer. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43808&item=4550796818&rd=1
  4. Dude you need your eyes checked. Its a S30 chassis, with a 350z dash, and some fibreglass that looks like a s2000 front bumper.
  5. Apart from the grade of oil you put in, what else was written on the bottle. Some types of gear oil (specifically, some types of synthetic diff oil) is not suited to synchro gearboxes, as its too slippery for the syncros (or in the case of lsds the clutches) to work correctly. I believe the synchros rely on friction to work correctly.
  6. Try greasing the door hinge tensioner that is designed to hold the door half open. Sounds like that might be the cause.
  7. Alfa's right. Its an XA. The XB hadnt been released yet (at the time of publication), and the XB had horizonal side markers, where as the XA had verticle ones. And for the record Aussie 240z's didnt have side markers.
  8. A Blast from the past. Australian advert from Sports Car World April 1973. Aunger louvre advert featuring a Ford Falcon and a Datsun 240z.
  9. 76807-E4600 or 76808-E4600 <img src="http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=8081&stc=1"> Sorry, not for sale
  10. well then, you need to put your computer back in the box and take it back to the store you bought it from.
  11. Your cars looking awesome alfa. Just needs to be dropped a few inches. Whos porsche?
  12. Probably posted this already in this thread but, I have a solid Z chrome emblem. can post pics if people want to see it. what do you mean by hollow cast exactly? seems pretty soild to me.
  13. another one http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=101895&item=4548772789&rd=1
  14. Wont the advance curve will be for the larger (2.8) engine? Wont you need to get the distributer regraphed?
  15. Mybe you need the new TPS coversheet? (office space joke). but seriously, what is WOT? (Wde Open Throttle perhaps?) and what is TPS?
  16. Not true. I've always been under the impression that all cars, even pre ADR cars (cars made before the 70's) had to meet 2 requirements. 1. mustn't be to loud. 2. mustn't put out lots of smoke. and i think the laws have changed so that you have to keep all the emmissions stuff from the engine, nomatter what the year of the car. But i could be completely wrong.
  17. Black & Silver (and maybe blue also).
  18. I've been in a z31. A girl I was at uni with had one. Never seen the dash of a z31 till then. Couldn't believe how incredibly ugly the dash was. Guess I blocked it out of my mind.
  19. Steve has put his up on his site for people to use free of charge. You can also buy ones printed on UV resistant PVC, which are often on ebay.
  20. Heres what they look like in a car. <img src="http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=8015" width="600px">
  21. In Japan. First you need someone who reads Japanese, then go here: http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/%7Erestored/index.html Heres one I translated earlier: http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.h6.dion.ne.jp%2F%257Erestored%2Findex.html&lp=ja_en
  22. Steve Graber did those for his 250GTO replica. I guess the Ferrari had white faced gauges. I started work on a metric scale conversion, but never finished it off. Got a bit busy... Still have the psd file somewhere though. Old vintage cars used to have white faced gauges, then they switched to black. Now some new cars have white gauges again. Its just a styling trend I guess. You dont want them too bright, as it will make it more difficult to see down the road at night time, as your eyes will adjust to the ambient (brighter) brightness. (And its Gauge not Guage)
  23. It looks like a capri from behind. Probably used the capri bumper. crapi ! Well spotted Gav, but might it also be a 300zx dash?
  24. 240z with the roof cut off, capri tail lights, V8 etc,etc, on ebay for stupid amounts of money. Spending 50G's on a car doesnt mean the car is worth anywhere near what was spent on it. (Warning, z purists may be offended) http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=102220&item=4548229442&rd=1 tell him he's dreaming
  25. Carbon fibre overfenders anyone? http://restored.hp.infoseek.co.jp/newpage28.htm http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~restored/newpage12.htm
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