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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. They've gt to be musical air horns. couldn't really be anything else. Theres 5 trumpets under the bonet, so thats 5 different musical notes, and the air pump is mounted on the firewall next to the battery.
  2. p.s.s. "I will tell you that most of these car are worthless or total rust buckets" He'd better watch what he's saying, them's fighting words.....
  3. Bah, B-B-Bah Bah. Musical air horns.
  4. Way off on weight Gav. Texasz said 45lbs, which is about 20kg. Thanks anyway.
  5. Thats a bit "All Your Base" for me. I agree. Flashing lights are good. I have an utlra-bright blue LED in my skyline. All your Z are belong to us!
  6. Door panel differences, none as far as I know. We're talking outer skin here right?
  7. Couldn't tell me how much the crank weighs, could you? Been trying to find an approximate weight of a crank(LD28) so I can estimate shipping costs to Australia from overseas.
  8. What! dont you know a skyline when your looking at one! Couldn't tell me how much the crank weighs, since your engine is dissasembled could you? Been trying to find an approximate weight of a crank(LD28) so I can estimate shipping costs to Australia from overseas.
  9. The best part of security is not letting the theives know what sort of counter measures you have installed.
  10. How much does a LD28 Crank weigh? And approximate dimensions? Trying to work out a shipping cost. Searched the forums and couldn't find an answer.
  11. Might help to put your chassis and engine numbers on here.
  12. Well if you read what i said in the first line, it must have not been in the same shipment. Duh. Serial numbers and compliance plates have nothing to do with each other. The serial number is copied off the car and stamed on the compliance plate, when the car gets here. (compliacne paltes are manufactured in australia) It might have been 5 cars behind th other in the factory, but for whatever reason, it wasn't on the same boat. Maybe it was held back at the factory due to quality controll Maybe they only shipped cars over 8 months at a time. I dont know. This would explain why the aussie compliance plates are 8 months apart. no one is saying that the cars were built 8 months apart. If there was a ship that had to turn back form europe and dump the cars in Australia, to would make sense that there would be alot more 240Z's around with 74 compliance plates, but this 1 car is the only eveidence I have seen.
  13. Maybe it missed the boat in Japan for some reason, and didnt arrive in Austrailia till '74. Compliance plates were fitted when the cars arrived in Australia, and dated as such. not when they were made in Japan.
  14. Yeah i thinks it just a case of fliping the bumper upside down. Though I do have photos from UK magazine articles, back in the day, of a 240z with the rego RPO 716K that has (had) larger squarer indicators mounted under the bumper. Its in the brookland books compliation of magazine atricles entitled Datsun 240Z 1970-1973. Articles are from Motor - December 1971, and Motor Sport - March 1972. All other UK 240z's i have seen have indicators on top. ( and 1973 Aussie 240Z's have the them as well as the lower in-valance lights, and no side indicators in the fenders).
  15. If its a car for sale on ebay, you should post it in the cars on ebay section, nomatter who owns it. Didnt you read the website user manual? Thats strike one.
  16. The pictures are from a UK classic car magazine. In the article, they taped over all the badges, and drove it around London asking people to guess which company made the car.
  17. Photos as promised Heres a Euro model 240Z. Notice the absence of the usual indicators (turn signals), instead they have the bumper mounted indicators, presumably because of design regulations in the UK/euro market. And theres a euro spoiler. (probably an reproduction one).
  18. Licence plate in Australia (well WA at least) have to be handed back to the licenceing department if the registration for the vehicle they are on expires. As for the euro spoiler, Somenone over here in WA had a 260Z 2+2 that had a factory one fitted (the valance had the captive nuts welded in, so it wasnt after market). Had an L28 with a P90 head too. Car was sold, dont know what happened to it, it was a non runner. I have some decent photos of cars with these spoilers, I'll dig them out....
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