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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Ahh, I was misled by a frenchman then. Maybe that was he "pet name" for his z car. And now for something completely different. Whats you pet name for your z car if you have one? Mines known as "The Zed" as in "Going out to the garage to work on The Zed". The Silvia is "The Little Car". Name inherited from the previous owner. Unless I think of something better. I Used to call it "the white car", but now I have 2 white cars, so that reverted back, and the other white car is "The Skyline".
  2. Anybody know what happened? Looks to me like the black 350 got sideways and clipped the wall. For some reason the 260z understeered into the wall. Maybe he was on the brakes to avoid the Black 350z. Then it looked like he got punched in the rear by the silver 350. I shouldnt laugh, but I cant help myself. Hope no one was injured.
  3. Couldnt be bothered reading all the crap since my last post, but i might just say, that if the 240Z was designed specifically for the US market, it wouldnt it have been really ugly, as big as a whale and have a gas guzzlin' good ol' boy V8 (yeeee ha). Seriously. The S30 series was developed with the world maket in mind. IE. Domestic and Internatioal requirements were taken into account when creating the car. To develop a car specifically for just one market would have been foolhardy. What if the car wasnt a success in that market, you'd have lost all that money developing a car you couldnt sell. I think that to believe the car was designed just for the USA, or just for Japan is silly. It was designed for BOTH. If you want to argue...., umm, discuss it any further, do it in the post that is about that topic, not in a post thats about someone wanting to sell his car. Where's a moderator when you need one? Think a WWF style cage match is in order. .
  4. That would be Nixcars His photo gallery: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=3241 Heres his member page so you can send him a message: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/member.php?userid=3241
  5. What was this thread suposed to be about again?
  6. Some schoolin' for you Gav. Thats what you'd say if you liked or wanted it. Think you meant to say "That body kit leaves alot to be desired" Meaning its somewhat lacking. are they 280zx bumpers? As for the others $5G's for those wrecks, Tell him he's dreaming.
  7. Yeah and I hear the french say Zen. But what Zedrally said.
  8. Man this is really the season for selling Zeds on ebay! Heres another. A V6 260Z with a bodykit that runs straight gas. currently at $700 http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=45571&item=4533901995&rd=1 <img src="http://i15.ebayimg.com/02/i/03/95/19/2c_1_b.JPG">
  9. OMG, check this one out. Dial Up warning. The included images are HUGE! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=45571&item=4533485427&rd=1
  10. If you work out the power to weight ratio of both cars theres not much in it. The shorter stroke of the L24 allows it to rev easier, giving it a more sporty feel. 280Z had power steering? If you tool out all the mod cons like that and air cond, you could get the weight down. The 240z and the 280z are essentially the same car. The chassis is a little different, like longer chasis rails, but still an S30 chassis.
  11. Hey. Heres another Z. This one looks nice. Pricey though. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=45571&item=4532356760&rd=1 What's with all the Zeds on ebay?
  12. I think all the garbage that passes for fast food these days has more to do with that. Than and bad parenting. I have an old Force feedback logitech for my PC. Its really good. Then they changed them to have a small electric motor to provide the feedback, which makes a weird noise when you turn the wheel. My old one has some sort of electromagnetic dohickie to frovide the feedback. But either way. playing driving games without one is lame.
  13. yep what Gav said. Theres a guy in WA thats been trying to sell a 2+2 for $14K. It's been for sale for atleast a year. no takers.
  14. Have you got Motor Manual April 1973? I got it in a job lot of mags, but page 33/34 was missing. It has an article on the Skyline GT-R. I wouldnt mind reading it.
  15. Once again, there are no 1969 rhd z cars in Australia. Car number 400 would most likely be a feb/mar/april 1971 complianced car.
  16. Hmmm. You have a 240K with a 240Z gearbox, and I have a 240Z with a 240K gearbox. (I also have a 260Z gearbox which i'll probably put in the 240Z once i know if the ratios are ok).
  17. In Melbourne, it's an auto. 1972. Looks nice and straight though. Check out those green carpets!. and its got a sunroof . And that steering wheel really doesnt suit the car at all. :sick: Starting at $3500, with a reserve. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2030&item=4531553175&rd=1
  18. Just a saying, is all. Wasn't trying to imply anything. Though you did sell your 240Z and bought a 240K. Got a scan of a 240K GT article for you Alfa from Sports Car World april '73, if you dont already have it.
  19. Whoa, too much information there Tex. Let me dumb it down for you Alfa. TiVo is like a video recorder, but its actually a computer that recordes the tv shows digitally, and you can what them back later. Its also completey irellevant to Australians. You'd be better off building a cheap computer with a DVB-T card so you can watch and record free to air tv in HDTV quality. MythTV is an opensource (free) TV system that runs on linux. I built a HTPC (Home Theatre PC) and run mine on windows (for now). I just hit the record button when i want to "Tape" something. I can also watch DVD's on it, stuff I downloaded, play CD's or MP3's, or use it as a computer. Now if only I had a projector....
  20. Umm, Snap in look like this: <img src="http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/data/500/2965DSC0144.jpg"> bolt-on have bolts connecting the halfshafts to the flange and look like this. <img src="http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/data/500/2196R200_01-med.jpg"> <img src="http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/data/500/1760Diff-1_May_04-med.jpg"> R180 LSD's were available from nissan (nismo?) as racing options from very early on. That about where my knowledge of diffs ends, so this is a guess: Not sure if it's as simple as changing the halfshafts flanges. Surely the internals of the diff are different?
  21. Thats Steve's car. He has a Roadster too. The Smilie plates are on that now.
  22. Sell the bloody thing and get a datsun roadster if you must have a convertable. Where's your brand loyalty?
  23. Exactly, which is why do dont need people hassling you when all you did was come here for help. Theres alot of negativity here. Maybe if people have nothing constructive to add, they should refrain from posting.
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