Couldnt be bothered reading all the crap since my last post, but i might just say, that if the 240Z was designed specifically for the US market, it wouldnt it have been really ugly, as big as a whale and have a gas guzzlin' good ol' boy V8 (yeeee ha). Seriously. The S30 series was developed with the world maket in mind. IE. Domestic and Internatioal requirements were taken into account when creating the car. To develop a car specifically for just one market would have been foolhardy. What if the car wasnt a success in that market, you'd have lost all that money developing a car you couldnt sell. I think that to believe the car was designed just for the USA, or just for Japan is silly. It was designed for BOTH. If you want to argue...., umm, discuss it any further, do it in the post that is about that topic, not in a post thats about someone wanting to sell his car. Where's a moderator when you need one? Think a WWF style cage match is in order. .