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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. You forgot an option: Dont care.
  2. What happend to the bonet badge?
  3. With such little use for so long, is it possible that any of the internals have corroded? eg, could camshaft, bores or rings have rusted?
  4. As for the visible differences between the 240 and 260z (2 seaters): Externally the most notable difference is the rear. The 240z has tail lights that are brake/indicator/reverse lamps in the one unit each side, surrounded by a metal panel. The 260Z's lights are surrounded by a plastic panel, with the stop/indicators each surrounded by a chrome (may be chrome plated plastic) trim. The reverse lamp is noticably separated from the stop/indicator lamp. Otherwise they both look similar. The 260z has a lower front radiator crossmember as the 260 had a taller radiator. Badges: "datsun" on the 240z guards, 260Z on the 260. (series 1 and 2 240z differences are already posted above). Internally. The 260Z has a different dash board, center console, steering wheel, door trims. Look through the gallery, you'll soon be able to see the differences.
  5. No they just stop working. If you open them up, clean them out, oil them, put them back together you can get them working again. Worked for me.
  6. D'oh. Would have watched or taped it if i'd known.
  7. The Roy and HG had a show, and the 2 singers were called the Nissan Cedrics. They even put a CD out through teh ABC. Sandman (the guy that was on triple J that sounds like the guy that does the Superannuation adverts) wrote a song about the Datsun Homer Van. I remember finding it on a datsun site somewhere. Here it is http://www.datsunworld.com/av/Homervan.MP3 its pretty bad. for more datsun songs go there: http://www.datsunworld.com/datmusic.htm Saw the Cedric again today got a pic of the dash, but the glare off the window makes it hard to see.
  8. I think what alfa is getting at, is that, if you are using the stock 240z radiator, you may have problems keeping that engine cool. You might wanna hunt around for a RB26 intake manifold so you can reduce the length of tubing between the turbo and the intake side of the engine, which will reduce lag, and also the lenght of hot pipe the nicley cooled air has to travel through before going in the engine.
  9. Opposite Direction. I saw your car, and then noticed you were looking over at mine too. Reminds me of a thing that happended to my dad. He had a beige mitzi L300 van, and one day he got to a roundabout and at the 2 other entries to the roundabout, there were 2 other biege L300's. Z meeting is this sunday.
  10. You never heard of the Nissan Homer Van? They were sold in Australia. Shame Gavin Shame! Go straigt to www.ratdat.com and read the history pages.
  11. A freshly painted car can hide a multitude of sins.
  12. Yep sound right. I use that rust converter stuff on all the pannels i strip. Its just phosphoric acid. After its dried i hit it with the wire wheel attachment in my angle grinder.
  13. Probably a hand me down, like what Gavin was talking about in that movie. When Nissan released the Cedric foriegn markets in the 70's they renamed them as numbers like the fairlady, so the Cedric became the 240C, 260C and 280C. So the C stands for Cedric. Lucky for us they didnt call the Fairlady the 240F.
  14. Yeah, they are on upside down. This is the right way up http://viczcar.com/Photos/Meetings/Meeting2/images/DCP_0038.jpg
  15. http://www.classiczcars.com/modules.php?s=&op=modload&name=Top&file=index then select an item from the dropdown list. some stats: Top 10 viewed threads: 1 Boobs 32,138 Views 2 Best Blonde Joke Ever 28,550 Views 3 Club Hats are HERE! 10,276 Views 4 All right you lot, let's have you. 9,745 Views 5 MidwestZ?? 7,993 Views 6 Introduce yourself to the class? 7,473 Views 7 What features do you want back or added to the site? 6,431 Views 8 What kind of hat do you like? 6,293 Views 9 How much $$ have you spent on your Z ? 4,877 Views 10 Dashboard Restoration Services 4,529 Views Top 10 Replied Threads 1 Boobs 400 Replys 2 All right you lot, let's have you. 361 Replys 3 trivia 347 Replys 4 Republican or Democrats 239 Replys 5 Interior Ergonomics 218 Replys 6 MidwestZ?? 200 Replys 7 Introduce yourself to the class? 189 Replys 8 Lead footed B's. 147 Replys 9 Dashboard Restoration Services 142 Replys 10 Opinions on those Clear Headlight Covers... for an Z 137 Replys Top 10 Thread Starters 1 Mike 434 Threads 2 Zvoiture 285 Threads 3 texasz 184 Threads 4 2ManyZs 150 Threads 5 Alfadog 129 Threads 6 EricB 129 Threads 7 Bambikiller240 128 Threads 8 billramsey2002 127 Threads 9 ZmeFly 127 Threads 10 Ed 122 Threads Top 10 Posters 1 Bambikiller240 5,713 Posts 2 2ManyZs 4,386 Posts 3 Alfadog 3,264 Posts 4 Gav240z 2,295 Posts 5 Mike 2,181 Posts 6 billramsey2002 1,723 Posts 7 HS30-H 1,668 Posts 8 Ed 1,521 Posts 9 EScanlon 1,483 Posts 10 beandip 1,450 Posts Top 10 Most Voted Polls 1 How much $$ have you invested in your Z(s)? 555 Voters [Poll Result] 2 What model Z do you OR did you own? 310 Voters [Poll Result] 3 Highest Completed Education 285 Voters [Poll Result] 4 Relationary Status 213 Voters [Poll Result] 5 What club name do you like best? 204 Voters [Poll Result] 6 Where do you reside 190 Voters [Poll Result] 7 what's your favorite look for the Z? 186 Voters [Poll Result] 8 Current Ignition System 179 Voters [Poll Result] 9 How much did you spend for your Z originally? (USD) 177 Voters [Poll Result] 10 What year Zcar(s) do you own? 164 Voters [Poll Result]
  16. Sure, just undo the bolts behind the front bumper overriders, turn them the right way up, and put the bolt back on. Then theres that non standard side mirror, the holes from that will have to be filled. Other than that the car looks great. (p.s. Ok i know you really mean the flares. Why would you want to remove the Nice factory ZG flares? Just buy a z that doesn't have them. If they were fitted properly, ie. to allow wide wheels to used, the guards would have been cut out, which means an expensive time at the pannel beaters welding in new wheel arches.)
  17. Nooooooo, dont do it to a 240Z. Use a 260Z. Theres a guy in Perth putting a 1UZ on a 240C, but thats a different story. But if you must.... I've been asked this question before, so one day I measured my empty engine bay and jotted the measuremets down on the back of a piece of card. here they are
  18. I had a look at the history pages at ratdat.com, It looks like a 1962 31 model Cedric. http://www.ratdat.com/history/1959to1972/1959to1972_pic.html Hmmm, cant seem to embed linked images anymore. go here to see their photo http://www.ratdat.com/history/1959to1972/images/1962_31.jpg
  19. Spotted this old nissan in a uni carpark this morning. Had to snap a few pics and share
  20. Like Datto-Zed says, Yes there was a Z31 3 liter V6 Turbo model. It was sold in the Australian Market.
  21. Hey Tom, Saw you driving down morley drive on sunday, Think you saw me too, in the white R31 coupe.
  22. That would put most America car companies out of business, saab and citroen too.
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