Hi Steve, and everybody else that posted their Vin numbers. Since I'm a web programmer, and webmaster of the wazcars.com website, and also a Z enthusiast and owner, I decided to set up a Australian and New Zealand S30 Z register. I have done this mostly to get stats of the kind that are available for HLS cars, but for HS cars, and to determine the number of cars left in OZ and NZ. I know Steve has done alot of the ground work, collecting alot of HS30 information, but its not much good to people if no one has access to it. The interface is still in it's infancy, and I hope to develop better was to display the collected data fairly soon, but for now there is just a list, like the one at zhome.org. It's only for cars in Australia and New Zealand at the moment, I may add other countries if i get asked to. Please try to enter as much data as you can. Individual car data will be displayed on the site once I have checked the data for obvious errors. View the registerd cars for an idea of what will be displayed and what wont be displayed on the website. There is also a register of cars that are dead. (their information is still valid as a statistic). There are a few private import S30 and S31 cars in Australia (US HLS30 and Fairlady Z) so they have been included in the register. I can generate statistics omitting the foriegn market cars. Steve, contact me admin at wazcars.com and i'll see about giving you access to the database. Please register your cars so that we can see how many Z cars are left. http://www.wazcars.com/index.php?action=anziregister