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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Man... thats one hell of an intercooler!
  2. remove the side panels infront of the door under the dash, and make custom ones that you can put speakers in.
  3. I read somewhere that nissan put a V8 president engine in a z during the testing phase.
  4. You gotta be pretty dumb to fall for that one. You read me the three numbers and i'll tell you if you are correct? I'd be repling no, you read tell me the three numbers off you computer record, and i'll tell you if they match the card. Actually the phonecall wouln't even get that far. I'd get the persons name and number, then say I have to verify their identity, by hanging up and calling visa, or master card and asking to be put through to the fraud prevention department to talk to the person. Then if they dont exist, you tell them the name and the number they gave you and let them call the police and sort it out.
  5. God forbid that you'd come to a Z car website expecting to find some information about the power output of a Z car engine. Because this is a Z car forum for people to ask questions about Z cars. It's not like somebody was asking what the population of outer-mongolia was. If you can have threads about boobs, why not about z car dyno results. Why Have all this information here if people arent gonna read it? I didnt say anything about bragging rights. Maybe you inferred that because thats the type of person you are. This thread is not a competiton about who has the highest output. Is so that poeple can see what modification people have done to their engines and see a dyno result so the can make up their own minds as to what they want to do with their own engine. Good on ya to Dues eX, Ross260Z and Dan_Baldwin. Thans for the results. Keep them comming poeple.
  6. I wish I could, only Mike has the power to do that. Or people he's allowed to be moderators, which I'm not. I dont mind the clairfication on the US Dynos fudging their power outputs. Hopefull Z-Kids link will settle the matter once and for all and people can get back to posting their HP output. I just held my tounge, so to speak, while idiots posted stuff like "This information is available elsewhere", but never bothers to post links to it. If it was available, where are the links, and why are people always posting how much power can i get from my L(insert engine capacity designation here)? Why even have this website if you are gonna tell people to go somewhere else to get info on Z cars? Lets shut it all down an have a redirect page to zcar.com. Moron. Instead of telling people of F*#@-off and look somewhere else for the info, why not just post it here. And spot bitching about it. It's useless comments like that, that we just dont need. We all know that dyno results vary depending on enviromental factors. Reminds me of granpa Simpson prattling on about irrelevant stuff. "Like the time I took the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now to ride the ferry cost a nickel, but in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. 'Gimme 5 bees for a quarter,' you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh, yes.The important thing was, I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones..."
  7. These were made buy a guy for his 250GTO conversion and seem to be the base for all the other ones that are floating around on the net including the ones in this post on zcar.com. http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=1&i=489906&t=489906 Heres the site of the guy that made the original ones: http://www.newtier.com/graber/z-car/gauges.html
  8. Use the moustache bar from a 280z. 280zx or 300zx bars wont work, as they are for a different chassis to the S30. The R200 from a 300zx will bolt straight up to a 280z moustach bar. If you have the straight transverse link, you will have to swap that for a later one also. And before you ask "Whats a straight transverse link?" This is: you need a curved one like this: http://www.wazcars.com/gallery/2004%20Z%20Day/images/imageviewer.php?filename=DSC00242.JPG See how much bigger the R200 is compared with the R180. If your car has the straight link, then you may also need to change the front crossmember too, but i dont know about that. If there are none in your area, some one here will have one to sell you Just post an ad in the wanted section, or get one from eay.
  9. Years ago, i took my first z to a auto eletrician, they said the vr wasnt working. the came back with a shiny new transistor type one and replaced it. The old VR's are mechanical. I'm sure they'd have a book from the makers of replacement VR's manufacturers listing what cars the VR's would go in. You tell them what car you have and she should be able to look it up. If the dont know, go somewhere else.
  10. Maybe it was something to do with the market the cars were being sold to. I dont think any Australian 240z's had rear demisters. I've owned 2 1972 240z's, and neither of them had a demister. And I had a quick look at the Z day photos from the West Australian Z Register website, and none of the 240z's have them either, only the 260z have them.
  11. Hey, whats all that white stuff?
  12. I'd say that the head gasket let go first when you redlined the engine, letting the combustion force into the cooling system, overpressurising the cooling system, which found a weak point to blow open - the interior heater core. Thats my theory. If theres water in the oil, then its a good bet thats what happened. But I could be wrong. Also the temperature guage measures the temperature of the water in the engine. If theres no water in the engine, then the temperature guage wont work , or will give a inacurate low reading. Good luck with fixing it. Check that the head hasn't warped.
  13. The balck stuff comes off pretty easy with a paint scraper and and one of those heat gun - paint stripper - hairdryer on steroids things.
  14. So what brand are they? girling or ate? vented or solid disc? and what are they good for? They wont fit a 240z will they? but the'll fit on a roadster wont they? maybe put them on www.311s.org/phpBB2/ or you could send an email to the wa roadster guys. www.geocities.com/drcwa/contactsandlinks.html
  15. How about fenders and headlight buckets? Rear Spoiler (factory type). That about covers it. Everything else that you could get made has been said already. Ohh maybe CF ZG noses. You could corner the european market, sounds like the US market is pretty full.
  16. You should be able to get a refund if its not the correct part. Whats the specs of the pump? is it supposed to put out more than 3psi. If it isnt, it was misrepresented to you when you bought it. To get a refund yo gotta make some more noise about it. Sarting with the store manager. Then his boss, then his boss. Dont you guys has some sort of government consumer protection agency you can call up?
  17. Depends what you mean by early or late. I think there is a series 1 (early) bar where the diff is located further forward. Then theres the series 2 with a slight bend to move the diff back a little, to reduce the ange of the driveshafts. then theres the (series 3??) which is the R200 mustache bar. The R200 bar looks similar to an R180 bar mounted the other way around.
  18. How do you mean shakes? I had a car once that every time i drove slowly (like stoppina/ starting from traffic lights) it felt like the road was really bumpy, like the back end of the car wobbled. Turns out that one of the tyres was faulty. Had a lump in it. So start with the tyres, then jack the back up and have a look around. Nothing should be loose.
  19. Yeah Interested. Need more details though, like time and date. I got a couple of weeks off over christmas, and i wanna go hard on the datto, and get alot of stuff done that i cant do when i'm working. off topic: Went to go to ozdat, but some bastard has hacked it:
  20. I'd never seen one of those straight transverse link bars before. Only the curved ones that you have to use for the R200, and the relocated R180 of the latter 240z. It was a dead givaway as to what diff way in the car, also the r200's look alot rounder a the back, compared to the R180 which is flatter. So what did you do to the suspension?
  21. Goertz was German. He just lived in America.
  22. Oh Alfa, don't even go there. Goetrz designed the A550X? If you consider Designing a car, flying over once every month or two from the USA, spending a couple of days chatting with the design team that actually designed these cars and built the scale models, they flying back home to the USA, then yes he designed the car. I'm sure Alan will have more to say on the subject.
  23. Not in bluebirds maybe, but the R engine was in production in 1965 and was fitted to the Silvia.
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