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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. A 200ZR is a 300ZX with a RB20ET inline 6 (instead of a VG V6), 5 speed manual, and a small bonnet scoop. Mr C
  2. An RB30 shouln't be any more difficult to fit than an RB26. Heres a pic of a 240z with a RB30ET (from a VL commodore), which has the intake pipe on top of the engine and the bonnet shuts ok. This car was in Street Machine magazine a while back. I dont know who owns it, but this pic was taken at the z car workshop. Mr C
  3. That walking stick come standard with the boot lid or is it an optional extra?
  4. Plus 6 what? plus 13 what? you gonna cut out the metal under the flares?
  5. The Z432 had a twin cam head, dunno what sort of block it had though. I think it was a completely different engine.
  6. Yeah turbos are designed to rotate at rpms around 150,000rpm and more, depending on the size of the turbo. (smaller ones generally spin the faster than larger turbos). Anything is possible if you have the dollars to throw at it. Just impractical to modify a turbo to work as a supercharger, when you could just get a supercharger. and you wouldn't have to design and build gears to convert the rpm from an engine into the hundreds of thousands of rpm to drive the turbo. If you want a turbo get a turbo. If you want a supercharger: http://www.advancedengine.com/products_superc.html
  7. Here's the type of PCV filter you are looking for. http://www.240z.org/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=2078 http://www.240z.org/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1286 http://www.240z.org/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1209
  8. Mitsubishi Lancer owners are exactly the same. They think they have a fast car. They look faster than a Hyundai Excel, but have less power. They wanna take on my friend in his TT Supra all the time, but they aint worthy. If it aint rear wheel drive it aint worth driving.
  9. Wouldn't do much good. I saw a survey and about 70% of Americans couldn't find America on a map of the world.
  10. Set of FG fenders with flares at the bottom of page. Dont know how up to date the site is though. http://www.zspares.com.au/Photos/Parts/
  11. Nope, but I'd be interested to find out also.
  12. Godzilla v's Fairlady huh? I know what sounds better.
  13. How much is some rust? Cutting the whole roof off because of a little rust is a bit drastic. Would be cheaper to get the rust removed and new metal welded in. If you cut off the roof, your gonna have to strengthen the chassis, and that means welding anyway. You wouldn't want yor zed to snap in half.
  14. Luke, All cars in the trading post are displayed in the autotrader, so when you search on autotrader you are getting results from the trading post and a heap of other sources also. So no, it doesn't suck. Its just cumbersome to search all categories. Autotrader and trading post are both owned and pubished by the same company, so the have every right to "siphon" ads from the tradingpost.
  15. Or "Brain dead" maybe ROFL :stupid:
  16. Isn't everywhere close to the coast in the UK?
  17. zeds are pretty rare in oz,we only got about 3000 of them i think. It would probably be easier getting a LHD from the US and converitng it to RHD. All you'd really need would be a new dash. and maybe a steering rack if you cant flip it over. You could probably get the mechanical parts from a 2+2 or a wrecked 240 locally. Anybody done a steering conversion on a 240z? I'd be interested to hear how hard/easy it is. Also anybody know how much it cost to ship a car to australia from the US. There was a 1970 (might have been a 69) for sale in perth for $6500 but I heard it wasn't really worth it. look in www.autotrader.com.au theres a couple in there i think, but you have to check the small, medium section, hot and custom section, sports section etc... separetly cause you cant search them all at once (poor website design on thier part)
  18. Original engine 3 litre 260z ? yep probaly knows nothing about cars. Well you would have to have no taste to put a air dam like that on a beautiful car like a Zed (the bronze one I'm talking about). And 240z never came with sunroofs. that's a dealer (not factory, there is a differance) installed option, like mags and air conditioning. suppose the bonnet vents and front spoiler are "original" too. not for a 240z. original to some people means "well they were on the car when I bought it". Hey I've noticed a disturbing trend on e-bay. Instead of selling the whole car for say $3000, sellers have been selling their 240z's piece by piece. What do they make more money that way? Do a search, you could build your own zed from all the parts listed on there.
  19. Blue is the answer to your question L24 blocks were a mid blue colour. not too light, not too dark. maybe a little darker that the blue used in this website (depending on your brightness settings of course). Don't know if it had a name of where to get it though.
  20. Dear god, the first picture is scary, like a pretty girl with a mouth full of crooked teeth and braces. Got enough lights there Doehring? live in the black forrest do ya? ok may as well try for a 3rd joke, though i don think its as funny as the first,......on second thoughts, forget it.
  21. Check out the other thread for an explaination. http://www.240z.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3766
  22. There's a 350Z available for racer. Check it out http://stecki.m4driving.sm/cars/350z/index.html Whats racer? a free car racing simulator. (note simulator, note game, meaning it you try to take a sharp corner at 300kph you'll end up in the wall like in real life, unlike games like need for speed) also availalble for free. www.racer.nl there's also a bathurst race track for racer available from www.racer-xtreme.com so you can race it at bathurst (in resopnse to another thread) Mr C
  23. I've heard clear silicon is slightly acidic an shouldn't be used on cars? anyone else heard this. Windscreen fitters might know, as they always use the black sealant. I used heaps of silicon on my 240z ages ago, but dont own the car anymore. I agree its great for sticking on badges, and stopping leaks, but if its gonna eat into your car I wouldnt be using it in the future.
  24. Hey Steve. Lift up the carpet and take a few photos of the floor pannels. If you can show that it's not rusty in the usual Z places (floor pannels, under the battery tray etc), you might get some more interest. Would be really easy to convert to a 5 speed manual, if anyone was interested in doing that. Yeah, and post it in the for sale section Now if the car was in Australia.....
  25. Have you checked your points gap. If your points dont open and close to wont get a spark from the coil.
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